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Posted by on Sep 29, 2022 in Personal, Travel, Video 1 | 1 comment

My Stadium Seat at the 1970 Dallas-Detroit Playoff Game



The Best Worst Seat in the House

Today, I went back and located the seat where I sat when I attended my first professional football game in December 1970.

The Detroit Lions played the Dallas Cowboys at the Cotton Bowl.  The Cowboys won an epic defensive struggle 5-0.  That really was the final score of the game, as the only scoring included a field goal and a safety.

Here’s a look back at some of the highlights of that game (and they were few — see the shortest highlight reel ever):



Nearly 52 years later, I visited the famed Cotton Bowl stadium today and located my seat.  It’s a funny story, since I was only 8 years old at the time, and ended up sitting in the worst seat in the house. But I got to see an NFL playoff game!

Here’s the video and story (3 mins):


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