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Posted by on Jul 15, 2024 in Blog | 1 comment

Divine Intervention?



Social media is polluted with all kinds of gibberish right now in the aftermath of the shooting.

Donald Trump is being hailed a divine leader by millions of followers. Many elected Republicans are also embracing the God theory. Some say the failed assassination attempt proves he’s protected by higher power. Many Republicans, MAGA-maniacs, and evangelicals believe God intervened and altered the trajectory of a deadly bullet, which missed the former president’s head by millimeters. Trump’s guardian angel made the save! It was a miracle! (* see footnote below)

Divine intervention? A miracle? Really?

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Posted by on Apr 24, 2024 in Blog | 0 comments

My Thoughts on Evangelical Street Preachers




While driving home from the Las Vegas Strip yesterday, I stopped at the busy intersection of Flamingo and Decatur. A street preacher was hoisting a large sign with Bible verses written on it while he was screaming holy scripture into a bullhorn.

The traffic light took a while, so I pulled out my phone and recorded a minute of his “sermon” before the light turned green.

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