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Posted by on Mar 12, 2023 in Blog, Essays, Movie Reviews | 1 comment

Everything Everywhere All at Once About the 95th Annual Oscars




I’ve watched the annual Academy Awards telecast every year since 1974, which–give or take a possible gap or two,–is 49 in a row and counting. But this was the first Oscars I can remember being utterly disinterested. The movies released in the past year didn’t appeal to me. The nominees were mostly B-listers and unknowns. And quite honestly, the Academy Awards have become so dreadful in recent years. they’re practically unwatchable, except for the train wrecks. Speaking of which: Just when we thought the most cringe-worthy low point had been dredged a few years ago when the wrong winner was announced for Best Picture, during last year’s event the recipient for Best Actor assaulted a popular comedian on live television in front of a worldwide audience.

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Posted by on Nov 9, 2022 in Blog, Movie Reviews | 2 comments

Carlito Can’t Count



I just got to get this off my chest because it’s been bothering the hell out of me for a long time.

In the final scene of Carlito’s Way, Al Pacino is dying on the Amtrak platform and slips Penelope Ann Miller $70,000 in cash from the vault to raise the unborn baby. But in my estimation, this wad looks like maybe $20,000, at most. Seventy grand would be like two bricks stacked on top of each other. There’s no way this wad is anywhere close to $70 grand.

Relieved. Whew — now, I feel much better.

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