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Posted by on Jan 17, 2022 in Blog, Las Vegas, What's Left | 0 comments

This Day is More Important Than You Think



We have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to honor MLK and carry forth his crusade (yes, a crusade) for equality by supporting the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act.

I didn’t plan on writing about Dr. Martin Luther King and the so-called “holiday” today.

But after scrolling through social media and seeing so many empty platitudes, particularly from conservative Republicans and evangelical Protestants (some are unintentionally hysterical in their irony) I believe this grotesque hypocrisy must be exposed. The bastardization of history needs to be challenged, And, I’ll lend just one little voice to the chorus of truth on King and what he means today.

When MLK was gunned down at a Memphis motel back in 1968, his approval rating in America was 31 percent. Let that sink in. In fact, 63 percent of the country viewed him negatively. After he was murdered, an astonishing 31 percent believed he “brought it upon himself.” (Gallop Poll–1968)

Let’s be very clear. The bigots, the white supremacists, the lynchers, the millions of Southerners who terrorized the fuck out of Black citizens for trying to register to vote, or showing up for public school, and spat in the faces of non-violent protestors at lunch counters were WHITE CHRISTIANS. 100 motherfucking percent of them. Throughout the civil rights era, WHITE CHRISTIANS and WHITE CHRISTIAN CHURCHES were deafly silent about equality. I’d say they didn’t do shit, but that’s not exactly true, is it? On the contrary, WHITE CHRISTIANS became a battalion of bigots.

Let’s also be clear, they were CONSERVATIVES. 100 percent of them. There were zero liberals or leftists spitting in the faces of these brave civil rights marchers. Republicans today love to point out that many were Democrats at the time, which is true. The Democratic Party had two very powerful wings in the early 60s. But as the Democratic Party gradually purged the racists more than 50 years ago, ALL OF THEM (and their descendants) found open arms in today’s Republican Party and populist far-Right extremism.  America’s conservative time line goes something like this: George Wallace … Strom Thurmond … Jerry Falwell … Jefferson Beauregard Sessions … Tom “let them pick” Cotton.  And now here we are.

Indeed, the same CHRISTIAN CONSERVATIVES who produced centuries of horror for tens of millions of fellow human beings now attempt to soften their spears and mask their subversion of democracy by outwardly praising MLK, while quietly whispering, “the uppity nigger was a Communist.”

Well, let me answer that with two words; FUCK YOU.

Conservatives have a once-in-a-generation opportunity to honor MLK and carry forth his crusade (yes, a crusade) for equality by supporting the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2021 (H.R. 4).  You think they’re on board? Fuck no. Sadly, but to NO ONE’S surprise — the overwhelming number of Republicans and conservatives and Christians OPPOSE it, LIE about it, then have the fucking audacity to tweet out about Dr. Martin Luther King’s “legacy.”

Can you believe these people?

Ask yourself — what side of history do you want to be on?

Footnote: Oh, and YES, this disgraceful chapter of our own history *must* be taught in schools. Let’s also remember who opposes the teaching of Critical Race Theory.


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