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Posted by on Nov 6, 2024 in Blog | 2 comments

Good Night and Good Luck



I see no point in going on an angry tirade right now.

Perhaps that’s due to a combination of election fatigue and the cynicism of our worst-fears now come true.

However, one thing I will pledge here and now is — unlike the other side four years ago — we won’t be flinging baseless falsehoods about “voter fraud” or storming the United States Capitol in a riot trying to subvert the democratic process and overthrow the government.

The people have spoken.

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Posted by on Nov 5, 2024 in Blog | 0 comments

Election Day — 2024 (Ten Thoughts)




Note: This post contains a summary of my thoughts on the 2024 election. Most content pertains to news and events leading up to the the first polls closing, which happens at 7 pm EST. This post (and thread) will hopefully be more analytical in nature. I’m no longer interested in partisan advocacy, as those arguments are useless at this point. 

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Posted by on Oct 31, 2024 in Blog | 0 comments

Trump is the Same Guy Who…. (Part 2)


The same guy who BANKRUPTED an entire professional football league, and LOST MILLIONS OF DOLLARS owning New York’s football franchise, destroying the USFL and taking down an entire league, now promises us that he’s got the “concept of a plan” to help working-class Americans.


Honestly. How the fuck do you LOSE millions and go bankrupt OWNING a New York professional football team, playing in the biggest market in the country, at the most-popular sport in America? That takes a SPECIAL kind of anti-talent.

Try and catch the hysterically-revealing ESPN 30 For 30 episode (with Trump interviewed–he storms out on camera in the final scene) on the laughable history of the failed flopped called the USFL and learn how this fraud was so utterly incompetent, he not only went bankrupt owning casinos (how the fuck do you LOSE money owning a casino!) but also failed miserably in the biggest market, in the most popular sport in American history?

Bwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The same loser who foams at the mouth spewing the disproven bullshit of Laffer economics ….. the same guy who gifted massive tax cuts for billionaires and giant corporations at the expense of the struggling middle class ….. the same retreaded deadbeat disciple of trickle-down economics that, history proves, NEVER trickles down to the REAL AMERICA ——– has NO ECONOMIC PLAN (other than blaming immigrants and slinging attacks on transgender people).

History doesn’t lie: The fact is, after 7 straight years of record-economic growth under President Obama, in Jan. 2017 Trump INHERITED the keys to a roaring Ferrari and then drove the American economic vehicle into a mud ditch, flipping the working-class upside down and underwater. By the time his incompetent record of carnage was over (the most jobs lost of any President since HERBERT FUCKING HOOVER), millions of American manufacturing jobs were lost, factories were shut down, our nation was $8 trillion more in debt ($8 TRILLION!), and yet NOTHING like an infrastructure bill or national healthcare plan had been passed benefiting working-class Americans. Unemployment exploded to nearly 10 percent, the highest mark in 40 years. The stock market crashed. Now today, under a Democratic administration, it’s DOUBLE when Trump left office.

Now, he claims he has a plan to reduce inflation and lower prices, which (strangely) NO ONE has ever seen. Must be in the same file with his old tax records. This fuck couldn’t make money running a craps table with busted bank loans and loaded dice. What makes anyone think this fraud will “fix the economy?”

Bwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The same guy who is on video seen paling around with kiddie-screwer teeny-fucker Jeff Epstein and even called EPSTEIN a “TERRIFIC GUY”…. the same guy who knew of his crimes because he said EPSTEIN (quote) “ENJOYS YOUNGER WOMEN” ….. the same guy who was himself convicted of rape in court, lost on appeal, and currently faces $83 million in punitive damages (which the deadbeat hasn’t paid yet) ….. the same guy who bragged on tape about “GRABBING THEM BY THE PUSSY” ….. the same slug who boasted about running underage beauty pageants and being able to invade female dressing rooms ….. the same sick pervert who repeatedly said in his own words that he would love to DATE HIS OWN DAUGHTER (his daughter!)….. the same scumbag who has dissed and insulted successful independent women for his entire despicable life while often attacking their looks …. the same misogynist who ripped away women’s reproductive rights and violated medical privacy for millions of AMERICAN WOMEN —— now claims he’s (try not to laugh) ——- “pro-women.”

Bwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The same guy who was called “Hitler” by Kamala Harris ….. errrr ….. oh wait, fact check: Kamala Harris NEVER made that comparison. Hmm, who was it? Who actually compared TRUMP TO HITLER?
Ding! Ding! Ding! I have the answer!


Ladies and gentlemen, meet J.D. Vance, who publicly called Trump an “idiot” and said he was “reprehensible” and even compared him to Adolf Hitler. Gasp!

Hey, J.D. (or whatever, you’re name is now after changing it three times)…….you’re finally right about something!

Fact: J.D. Vance previously referred to TRUMP as “HITLER.” It’s all there. It’s part of the record. It’s his words.
And now, Trump is pissed by the Hitler comparison? You’re own guy was honest once in his life and told the truth!

Bwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The same crybaby who spent the past FOUR YEARS constantly spewing preposterous lies about LOSING the 2020 election ….. the guy who lost the last election by SEVEN MILLION VOTES ….. the same guy who LOST every lawsuit failing to provide any shred of evidence of fraud (meanwhile, while fundraising millions in donations of off his dirt dumb cult of suckers) ….. the same guy who’s own flunkies ADMITTED IN COURT under oath that Trump “lost the election” and yet continued spreading falsehoods and swatting the wasp’s nest of hate for money ——— is already seeding the base with outright falsehoods and spreading lies about “voter fraud” and the 2024 presidential election being “rigged.”

Bwwwwwwaaaaaaaaaaaa !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Fact: The 2020 election workers all over the country who selflessly worked many hours, mostly for low pay and despite all the threats during COVID, should be recognized as *true* American patriots. Instead, Trump and MAGA has castigated hundreds of thousands of decent, honorable, honest, hard-working Americans. Shame!

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Posted by on Oct 30, 2024 in Blog | 1 comment

If the Garbage Fits, Wear It




So, let me get this straight:

After Trump hurls hundreds –if not thousands– of vile insults aimed at America’s cities, immigrants, minorities, and even wounded veterans and war heroes (John McCain), and while calling his critics “vermin” and “enemies within,” and AFTER STAYING SILENT FOR THE PAST DECADE with every Trump VIOLATION OF DECENCY…….

….now all the sudden MAGA morons are upset with Biden because he referred to them as “garbage.”


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