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Posted by on Aug 1, 2023 in Blog | 1 comment

This Book Deserves Ridicule


“It’s time to openly ridicule the ignorance promoted by the Bible. Mass delusion does not deserve respect.”

A Serious Question:

Is there a more contradictory, confusing, narcissistic, delusional, poorly-constructed, horrifically-written, dangerous and evil book of so-called “human values” and presumptive “divine guidance” than this trashy historical novel utterly filled with hate, subjugation, revenge, misogyny, and violence?

Spoiler Alert: The “hero” suffers a horrible death, but one not nearly as awful as the final chapter that befalls the entire world.

I totally get that many people were stupid as sponges during the Dark Ages, when Christianity ruled the world as a divine dictatorship. But in the modern enlightened age, anyone still quoting The Holy Bible verses deserves to have the horrific source of their faith to be challenged….and questioned….and dare I say — ridiculed.

1 Comment

  1. Hear hear!

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