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Posted by on May 11, 2024 in Blog | 0 comments

The Tom Brady Roast




I just finished watching the Tom Brady roast on Netflix. It’s packed with celebrities, comedians, and athletes. Surprisingly, it’s also generated a bit of controversy. Perhaps this shouldn’t be surprising at all given the times we live in.

A long and detailed review could be written. But instead, I’ll just park this thought right here and now.

If you don’t like the comedy, then turn the channel. It’s a fucking “roast,” people. A ROAST. Look it up. It’s supposed to misfire and be cringeworthy. Humor at a live roast is built on making people uncomfortable. It’s geared to trigger honest and immediate reactions.

In a world dominated by preprogrammed, market-tested, play-it-safe. watered-down, boring-ass, brand-building bullshitters, I like a bit of recklessness. I find risk and recklessness to be refreshing, especially when it’s happening live in front of the whole world.

Oh, and no one should give a fuck if some humorless assholes were offended by the jokes. No, nothing in comedy is off limits. If you get offended by roasts and by improv-style comedy, then watch something else. Better yet, disappear. Even better yet, go fuck yourselves.

It’s a roast. A ROAST. It’s a FUCKING ROAST!

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