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Posted by on Oct 3, 2023 in Blog | 0 comments

Food for Artistic Thought



One thing I’l like to see much more of is the integration of art into daily life. Art should not just be something inside a museum. Art should be an expression of who were are and reflect what we experience. Wider audiences, of all backgrounds, should be exposed each day to artists and their art.

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Posted by on Aug 23, 2023 in Blog | 1 comment

Call Me “Mr. President!”


A few years ago, I thought seriously about running for a seat on the Las Vegas City Council. I wasn’t sure I’d like all the work and responsibilities (let alone be able to control my emotions). So instead, I first decided to run for an open seat on the H.O.A. board in The Lakes. This H.O.A. has 2,205 homes, so it’s basically a small city. I surmised this would be a good “test run.” I also hoped to learn lots of things. Well, I certainly have learned a lot of things.


Lesson #1: I’m really not very good at this sort of thing.

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