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Posted by on Jul 29, 2023 in Blog | 3 comments

NFL Sunday Ticket on YouTube TV? Help!



I’ll try to keep this as simple as possible. I’ve subscribed to the “NFL Sunday Ticket” package through Direct TV satellite dish for 20 consecutive years. This coming season, the NFL package is moving to YouTube TV (whatever in the hell that means). A quick price check at their site shows the Red Zone option costs $449 for the season, which is about $30 a week. That’s excessive, but I’ll probably end up paying for it, or something similar because I’m an addict and an idiot.

Here’s what I want to know. Speculation is fine if anyone else has creative ideas.


  • What does YouTube TV mean? Do I have to scroll over to that platform link on my smart TV and then rely on a home router to get a signal? Holy smokes! I have YouTube on my smart TV already, but the stream lags at times, and the picture is lousy (it’s certainly not HDTV). That would suck.


  • The current Direct TV package was easy to navigate with a remote control. If I want(ed) to switch games, I simply hit the “back” button or pressed the channel for the game (typically 701-720). So, how will the YouTube switch work? Do I have to wait for the signal to load each time I want to check out a different game, which takes lots of time and is ballbusting annoying?


  • It’s criminal what the NFL is doing. Savage shitbags. I suppose the Amazon Thursday night games are broadcast on a different platform (Amazon TV?) and are not included in the YouTube TV package. Is this correct? I have Amazon Prime but I still haven’t figured out how to get those games (and have blown blood vessels trying to figure it out).


  • What about the national-televised games on the major network feed (CBS, NBC, FOX)? Do I have to navigate from YouTube TV and click on the regular TV service (which was the case with Direct TV)? If so, that’s a major pain in the ass because it would require disengaging from YouTube TV, then clicking over to the regular TV channel feed. Fuck that.


  • I’ve used pirate sticks in the past. One of my sticks intercepts the feeds and relays local TV broadcasts (such as tuning in to the CBS affiliate in Denver if I want to watch the Broncos game). The trouble with sticks is, they frequently drop the signal or get blocked. These are more trouble than they are worth if you are trying to watch multiple games. However, I am open to ideas on this. Help!


I’m pissed off about all of this. Muttering profanity and uncontrollably shaking, pissed. Rising prices. Reduction in service. Harder to navigate. Confusing. Little or no information on the website that isn’t geared to getting customers digging deeper to sign up for an expensive football-watching package. Goddamned bastards haven’t even done a game yet and I’m already ranting.

Comments and advice are welcome.


  1. Your questions are spot-on. Sucks that it even moved from DIRECTV. The fact that I could watch 8 early games on ONE SCREEN, though small, let me navigate quickly from one game to another when I wanted. Now I find out I can only watch 4 games on one screen, and I don’t even get to pick the 4 games “I” want to watch. Total BS. Tech is going backward. Should be an amazing experience but it won’t be.

  2. I agree wholeheartedly with every word but you can drop the question marks. Everything you’ve listed is the dreadful reality we now live in. I too have been Sunday ticket loyal from the beginning and I too (addict/idiot) have paid for this garbage version. Very sad!!

  3. Have you gained any insight? All your points are correct and you tube Sunday ticket is lousy. Lagging, bad pic and switching between takes minutes

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