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Posted by on Sep 5, 2015 in Blog, Sports Betting | 4 comments

ESPN’s New Online Scoreboards Suck!


Screenshot 2015-09-05 at 10.19.28 AM

ESPN’s worthless garbage scoreboard for college football.


Have you seen ESPN’s new online scoreboards?

Well, don’t bother.  Because they suck!


For nearly two decades, those of us who have action betting on ball games have come to rely on ESPN’s penchant for excellence, including a vast menu of games, with plenty of statistics and quick live updates.  No matter what the sport was, at one time ESPN pretty much lived up to its reputation as the worldwide leader in sports coverage.

But the latest version of ESPN’s scoreboards is hideous!  Oh, let me count the ways.

First, there’s the requirement that we must now scroll at least twice as much to obtain the exact same information.  That’s s shitload of finger rolling.  I might as well learn how to play the electric guitar.  After all the hand dexterity that’s required, my fingers are going to end up with callouses.

Before this season, ESPN scoreboards were neatly boxed and user-friendly.  Viewers could easily click on links to obtain more detailed information about specific games of interest.  Now, it’s a clusterfuck of work required and massive confusion.  Like trying to find vacuum cleaner bags at a Walmart.

The old page layout listed four box scores on one page.  Now, there are only two.  Why the change in design?  Probably because ESPN wants us to scroll our asses off so we’ll read the countless advertisements plastered all up and down and all over the website like it’s Times Square on New Year’s Eve.  I realize that ads are required and money makes the world go around.  But if ESPN thinks viewers and especially dedicated sports gamblers (who are by far the heaviest users of this information) are going to spend our Saturdays and Sundays scrolling down and reading countless ads 14 hours a day, then I’ve got a wall on the Mexican border with Donald Trump’s name on it for sale.  Cheap.

I cannot reiterate enough how frustrating this new design is for sports gamblers and/or those who like to follow at least a dozen games at once.  This is especially true for college football and college basketball, which might have 20 games all being played at the same time.  Betting halftime requires speed and quick access to information.  If you’re scrolling, you’re losing money.  You’re missing out on narrow margins.  An extra minute or two having to poke around hunting for a score or statistical data can cost me a nickel or a dime vig increase or even a half-point line move, or more.  That’s unforgivable!  All because the layout sucks!  If it wasn’t broke before (and it wasn’t), don’t fix it!  Like Windows 8.

Listen ESPN.  We prefer to have four games on our screen at once (sometimes six games, depending on your layout), and then have the option of clicking the “LIVE” feature for detailed updates and live information.  We can still do that with ESPN’s news design all right, but we only get half as many games.  Half!  In place of what used to be at least two to four extra games are now stat leaders in each major category.  Sorry ESPN, nobody gives a flying fuck who the receiving yardage leader is in the middle of the second quarter in the Ball State-Toledo game!  That’s the shit now that’s posted in place of extra games.  Nobody cares about the leading wide receiver in the Ball State-Toledo game, not even the player’s mother.  Because she’s probably lost inside a Walmart somewhere, hunting for vacuum cleaner bags.

We don’t want this!   We want more fucking scores without having to work our asses off hunting for information!

CLICK HERE to see the new ESPN scoreboard design.

Fortunately, I’ve found a far better alternative.  So, I’m divorcing ESPN after 20 years, which has become an old nagging battle-ax.  CBS Sports offers a far cleaner, and less clutter-filled site with a layout that was similar to the way ESPN used to post their scores.  At CBS Sports, twice as many games fit onto the typical screen.  We even get the “LAST PLAY” information right below the box score (without clicking), so everything is pretty much right there on the screen, without the need for much scrolling.  And if you really want to know who the fuck is the leading wide receiver in the middle of the second quarter of the Ball State-Toledo game, that information is available.  You just have to click on the “GAMECAST” feature.  Obviously, far more people care about the scores or more games with live updates, than the mumbo-jumbo meaningless stats that pollute ESPN’s website.

I’ve found a new home to accompany my television viewing and sports gambling on weekends when there are multiple games happening.  I encourage others to check out CBS Sports and blow off the new ESPN scoreboard.

It’s terrible.

That’s my “review” of ESPN’s new website and scoreboard and how awful it is.

CLICK HERE to visit the CBS Sports college football scoreboard.

Added Bonus:  I just noticed that CBS Sports also posts the game lines and totals on match-ups that haven’t started yet (unlike ESPN, which only posts the teams’ W-L records).  Here’s a site that knows what most viewers want.

Screenshot 2015-09-05 at 10.20.48 AM

CBS Sports far superior, cleaner design scoreboard for college football


  1. I suppose it depends what you’re looking for, really. If you want to look at a lot of scores at once but also have some idea of the game flow, what’s going on, etc… then ESPN’s new view is really good for that, as it shows the position of the ball, what’s going on with the current drive, a summary of the current top stats, etc.

    For just pure scores, I agree that CBS’ view is superior. If I’m betting and scanning, I’ll be using CBS. If I’m just looking at the overall college football scene to see what might pique my interest in terms of finding a game to watch while the Hokies aren’t playing, I’ll be scanning ESPN.

  2. Yeah, IMHO most of the sites that have updated their live scores features have made the service worse rather than better. I never liked ESPN’s site, but in days gone by I’ve used Yahoo! and, but neither are worthwhile any more. I’ve used CBSSports, which isn’t bad, and sometimes use Foxsports, which is pretty similar. Like you, I’m busy on game day and screen real estate is precious.

    Google now has one which I think would meet your needs. It’s compact and clean. Find it by searching for terms such as “ncaa football scores updates” and then click to expand the scores box that appears at the top of the page. SI’s isn’t bad either. It’s worth checking out.

    Why not use the LVA sports line information courtesy of Sports Options for tracking scores?

    It’s up-to-date, in rotation order, compact, and built for sports bettors.

  3. Nolan,

    downloading Adblockplus (free, safe, used by millions) takes less than 1 minute, and forever-after your pages will load faster and your desired screen space will increase, due to ads no longer being displayed. One of the best days of my “life on the internet” was day 1 of using adblockplus.


  4. The ESPN College Football scoreboard list only one game last night-Utah/Florida.. There were other games on that CBS and other sites listed..The Site is horrible.


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