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Posted by on Nov 17, 2023 in Blog | 1 comment

Admit It: The Las Vegas Grand Prix is a Disaster



The inaugural LAS VEGAS GRAND PRIX is turning into a complete cluster fuck!

You know, just as many of us predicted.


— 95 percent of the locals hate it.

— Casino bookings are half what was expected.

— Restaurants are empty.

— Headliner shows are being cancelled.

— Merchants in the area are cut off from customers.

— Regular (non-F1) tourists are staying away.

— Traffic has been a nightmare for months.

— Rideshare drivers are boycotting the entire south Strip.

— It rained on opening night.

— Organizers say it’s too cold.  Bwaaaahhh.

— Drivers are complaining.

— F1 goes out of its way and expense to block any possibility of casual viewing which might turn on new fans to racing.

— Now, manhole covers are exploding in the middle of the track!


Okay, now what?

Just admit it. This was a TERRIBLE idea.

Please–cancel the contract.

Ten years of this madness? Fuck that! Cut the losses. We want OUR city back.


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1 Comment

  1. They should change the name to CF1 for Cluster F** One. Next year they can call it CF2, the year after CF3 and so on. It will not get better each year. How could it? Months of road closures to prepare and 2 more months of closures for tear down. All of that for 3 or 4 days of racing? Are these people kidding? Maybe the casino execs will wake up and realize they’re jeopardizing future profits because employees will stop showing up for work every time the CF Clowns come up to town.

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