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Posted by on Jan 19, 2014 in Blog, Rants and Raves, Sports Betting | 121 comments

Thug = Nigger (The Notorious Richard Sherman Interview)




What was most intriguing perhaps was the word that kept popping up in the comments over and over again.  That word was “thug.”

I wonder, what does “thug” mean?


Earlier tonight, a player for the NFL’s Seattle Seahawks was cornered by one of those inane sideline reporters just seconds after making an outstanding defensive play, which enabled his team to go to the Super Bowl.

In the heat of that thrilling moment — undoubtedly the highlight of the young player’s career — he made a number of “in-your-face” comments directed at an opposing football player and boldly announced to everyone watching, “I’m the best corner(back) in the game.”

No doubt, this was a jaw-dropping television moment, that caught the interviewer off guard.  The player was on an emotional high; then suddenly, a microphone was stuck in his face and he was asked about his feelings.  That doesn’t happen to defensive backs very often.  Quarterbacks?  Yes.  Head Coaches?  Yes.  Cornerbacks?  No.

Moreover, who knows what choice words were said on the field during the heat of competition just moments before the interview that triggered his fury?  Apparently, the bad blood between the two players started months ago.  We clearly witnessed something happen, just moments beforehand.  Did you happen to catch that?  The opposing player (San Francisco 49ers wide receiver Michael Crabtree), in what appeared to be a terrible display of sportsmanship, essentially bitch slapped the defensive player who was then interviewed just a short time later.  Supposedly, everyone expected him to be gracious under these highly emotional circumstances.

I was struck, but not entirely surprised by the fallout, which included predictable outrage directed against this player named Richard Sherman.  Comments at Twitter and Facebook were both immediate and scathing.  Sherman was instantly the villain.

What was most intriguing perhaps was the word that kept popping up in the comments over and over again.  That word was “thug.”

What does “thug” mean?

Does Sherman go and beat up people on the street?  Does he have a criminal record?

Well, no.  And, no.  In fact, Sherman grew up in one of the toughest areas of the country, Compton — which is basically a zip code away from South Central Los Angeles.  Does that make him a thug?  I seriously doubt it, since he rose far above where most youngsters from that area end up in life.  He not only played for Stanford University, but he also graduated.  He’s now pursuing a Master’s Degree in communications during the off-season.  Oh, the irony.

So, I presume this word “thug” was chosen for one reason and one reason only — because Sherman happens to be black.

Go ahead.  Tell me.  Am I wrong?

Would we call an excitable white player a “thug?”  Do we call the imbeciles on the television show Jersey Shore “thugs?’  No, we don’t.  This seems to be a derogatory word that applies only to minorities, and specifically blacks.

I know what some of you are thinking.  I’m making this about race again.  Manufacturing a controversy.  That’s so tiresome, isn’t it?

Well, it is tiresome.  And it wouldn’t be an issue so frequently except for the fact there’s something to this subterfuge mentality.  Especially those of us from more privileged backgrounds who look at people from the inner city and conveniently issue snap judgments.  Lazy.  Thugs.  You know the lingo.

Should Sherman have acted differently and said something else at that instant?  Should he have been more gracious in victory?  I suppose so.  But this isn’t a vanilla world.  It’s Neapolitan.  There’s only one Peyton Manning.  There’s only one Russell Wilson.  Just as there was only one Ray Lewis, and one Deion Sanders.  Different people express themselves in different ways, especially in the heat of the moment.  Thank goodness for that.

So, let’s just call out this “thug” word for what it really is — a nicer more acceptable way to say “nigger.”

Oh, and one more thing.  Don’t bitch and moan about today’s athletes being thugs, because the athletes of yesteryear were just as bad.  Michael Jordan is a total jerk.  Mickey Mantle, who I’ve met a few times, was a prick.  And Willie Mays, who I met twice, was a total asshole.  Should we go all the way back to Ty Cobb?  So don’t start with the shit about Sherman being part of a modern-day problem among athletes.  Emotion and bravado and have been part of the game since the ball was invented.

Here’s the interview with Richard Sherman.  You can judge for yourselves.



  1. Look up the acronym “TNB” and familiarize yourself with it. You are a rube for bringing up a topic in which your white guilt suppresses your brain functions. Thank you for letting us know that you think poor sportsmanship is okay in “the heat of the moment”.

    At least you got to use the n-word, right?

    • Well said a white guy with a complex trying to defend, a classless ego driven clown I would say” thug ” but that of course means I am a racist ( I love how the race card is used whenever it means defending the impossible)

    • Do black people actually hate white people so much that they sit around imagining that we hate them so much that we sit around thinking up “code words” to insult them? Believe me, we have much better things to do.

    • Not all niggers are thugs and not all thugs are niggers but there is a pretty scary overlap.

      • I don’t care if R.S. graduated from Stanford or any other so-called ‘elite’ school/college. He has no class and behaved like the despicable piece of poop he’ll always be! Even though R.S. & the Seahawks roasted the Bronco’s butts in the S.B., I’ll never have anywhere nearly as much respect (if any at all) for him as I do for Peyton Manning, who is a gentleman and a scholar.

        • mel shut up, i can tell you’re a racist. you give our race a bad name you bitch

        • Mel, I’m sure Mr. Sherman doesn’t care if you never respect him. He’s on his way to the bank with his paycheck that you do not sign.

          • Yea and the blackass mutherfucker don’t give two shits for anybody but his nigger self. I bet big money he has a white woman or several white whores. Why that’s the first thing a kneegrow does the minute he gets a big payday, hence the term nigger rich.

        • Hey there, Supreme or is it Subpreme? How much do you get paid for being a racist? Who looks for puny white guys to play NFL football? Nuff said.

    • I get so tired of people making this shit a big deal people have been using thug to describe any loud mouth for years It is not raceist at all i have called many WHITE people thug!!!!!!!! And these Idiot writers always have to Bring Mickey Mantle in it I think they are RACEST towards him……..

    • Would like to know why they used this short version of why he was talking like that.. This is his interview which clearly shows him get his head smacked by a sore loser when he was offering his hand of “Good Sportsmanship!!

  2. You said it not us. Congrats on getting in touch with your white guilt though. Pussy.

    • Oooh, racist…. wow. That’s a big word sir. Motherfucker? Do you french kiss your pets with that mouth?

      I’ll bet both of your moms are proud.

      Sorry, you feel bad that you are white though. I wish we could give you to the niggers.

      • I am sure you are loving the only attention you will get tonight. Congrats again for saying nigger. You sir are a true pioneer in journalism.

      • LVPokerPro,
        You may play poker for a living, but you are far from a professional. Was there a minority you did not attempt to defame with this inane comment. All your statement proved is that you are a “foul mouthed, racist, homophobe.” Those were not insults, they were statements of fact. When your arguments fall to name calling and unfounded insults you know you have lost the debate.

    • aint no white guilt here biatch a thug is a thug is thug
      im pure white boy

  3. Another disingenuous white man perpetuating the myth of the magical negro.

    At least you have no black friends to tell you that saying nigger is a bad thing.

    Uvderstand you are pretty much irrelevant now but, nigger?// Really?/

  4. I recon u are a white guy, good article, but dude this isnt new to black people we been hip to the word thug being substituted for the NWord, I dont even type the Nword out just to prove the fact that not all black people use it, cause one of the main reasons white say they should be able to use it is because black people use it, but my grandparents would disagree, even if all did use it have respect an self control, instead of wanting to be in on everything that is not in your culture. Peace, but yeah I guess your article is necessary no matter how obvious an late it is.

    • NOLAN REPLIES: One thing that should be obvious from my many posts. I really don’t care what people think. If they like what I write, fine. Come back for more. Of they don’t, then fucking leave. If someone gets offended for whatever reason, then this is probably the wrong site for them.

      Your comments are welcome and appreciated.

      — ND

      • I personally feel that Nolan Dalla is a stupid thug nigger. You people get online and hide behind screen names to ridicule and perpetuate prejudice and ignorance. Black people are better. You all are fearful of the strength and power that we posses. We have been free for a short period of time and despite you devils’ effort we are still achieving and making progress. You all will be our slaves by the end of this shit. Watch.

      • Your coarse, base language says everything anybody needs to know about you, gutter-dweller.

      • Well said, and surely appropriate as well as applicable. Surely not all Blacks are idiots or stupid, but there surely does seem to be a huge percentage of them who are and apparently they haven’t got sufficient discernment to keep quiet about it so that the world doesn’t have to be presented with all the more more indisputable proof thereof.

    • ** and when u are accused of white guilt just brush it off, no offense but I dont believe in white guilt, till I see some John Browns and Thomas Wentworth Higginson of 2014 I refuse to even acknowledge white guilt, the system dont lie. And how about some applause for Erin Andrews for not using the white woman tears(which are super effective)

      • Of course you don’t believe in it… You are not white.

        Typical nigger response.

        • Yes yes fuck you paleface because is us Mexicans you all need to be worried about. We fuck slutty white bitches

          • And we made you our slaves… what is your point? Is that your ultimate goal? To get a white girl? We give you the filthy ones we don’t want, usually the disease infested ones who are mudsharking. You are welcome.

        • Question for you, what would you call Johnny Manziel who got away with signing and selling memorabilia, was only suspended one half of a game but played the second scored his first touchdown and he started to flash money signs showing he got away with it. You would probably call him a punk. But you call Sherman a thug or worse because he showed confidence and said he was the best in his position(which he is, if you look at his statistics). Eric you said typical “Nigger” response, I don’t take this word as an insult at all because I know this word will never die so I take away the weight of the word also at the end of the day if you believe your not one that’s all that matters.(Fyi I’m 18) Here’s Larry Bird another great Trash talker who declared he new he was going to win 3-point shooting contest a week before the event & more.

    • im good with sherman being called a thug. the truth hurts

    • That would also make you naive, stupid, retarded, malfunction of society and a plethora of other negatives. Unfortunately, the world needs idiots like yourself to exploit. Thanks in advance for your contributions.

  5. Clearly the TwitScape is confused by Sherman’s dark skin pigmentation, and they’re mistaking him for an (Asian) Indian, and a member of the Thuggee cult, from which that word originates. I suspect they misread his body art.

    To be fair, Sherman *was* unsportsmanlike. After beating Crabtree on the final meaningful play of the game, he tipped the ball to a teammate who intercepted for the touchback. Then Sherman went up to Crabtree, patted him on the ass, then got in his face and offered to shake his hand. This is after considerable trash talk between the two of them before the game, and I believe it’s fair to assume that this act was not intended to be conciliatory. Then Crabtree pushed Sherman’s helmet away from him, Sherman made the universal sign for “choke”, and the refs through a flag, rightfully, in my judgement, on Sherman, and not on Crabtree.

    Sherman acted like an asshole, and I would have no problems with someone pointing that out. I can’t recall, though, the last time a white athlete was called a thug, so I can’t help but wonder if there’s not some, uh, subtext, as you suggest for the people who have done so. The folks who have commented here thus far with their enlightened missives have done nothing to disabuse me of this notion.

    On the other hand, you don’t need to use that word, Nolan. You’re too good at expressing yourself to need that word in your vocabulary to make yourself understood. There’s just no good reason.

    • NOLAN REPLIES: No word is off limits here. None whatsoever. One of the core beliefs of what I do. Getting as much in the open as possible. That’s what this is about. Some might not like this, but then this type of discussion isn’t suited to everyone tastes. Free will to take it or leave it. No censorship of thought.

      — ND

      • Poor grammar and an inept use of English are clearly also welcome. Congratulations!

        • Grammar-nazi r my favorite people

    • Apparently, the Crabtree vs. Sherman matter began last August at some charity event when Crabtree poor-mouthed Sherman. So, not a new thing.

      Lately, I’ve heard only one other person of note being called a thug — President Barack Obama — so Richard Sherman is in good company.

      Still not sure how to define “thug” but I did notice that, even in Sherman’s excitement after just making the winning play, they didn’t have to bleep him…no motherfuckers, no assholes, no cocksuckers…pretty sure a thug would have used those words and more.

    • Your point is taken and it is likely true that a significant percentage of the uses of thug have at least some racial undertone, but to claim that white athletes do not get called “thug” is not really accurate. Last year Richie Incognito was called a thug by nearly every news outlet covering sports, and far more harshly than I have seen it as to far applied to Sherman. I will admit that the term does get applied to black athletes more often than white athletes… but don’t go so far as to claim that it is exclusively applied to black athletes. Hyperbole takes some of the force away from your claim.

  6. I like your articles but why use the “that” word? Have you ever lived in Compton? Do you know Richard Sherman personally?

    Please do your due diligence with AA standards at major universities. You would be surprised how many undeserved degrees there are floating around in the sports world.

    • Schools like Stanford may offer scholarships to gifted athletes like Richard Sherman if you aren’t academically qualified, but they don’t let you come back for a Master’s degree when you are finished with your athletic scholarship unless you’ve earned it. That said, Sherman did get good grades in high school and if not Stanford, would certainly have been accepted into any number of 4 year state universities. He’s not stupid.

      • Yeah, you obviously have no clue how a Master’s program works from a school you have already graduated from. Thanks for playing though. That said, show us his transcripts from high school or his class load as an undergrad… then maybe someone other than yourself will believe what you typed.

        • Richard Sherman graduated second in his class from Manuel Dominguez High School, a school of 2600 students. He graduated from Stanford with a 3.9 GPA. He is one of the smartest players in the NFL, and his extremely high intelligence is obvious from any number of interviews he’s done. Search for “Richard Sherman – Student of the Game”, an excellent segment he did discussing cornerback play for NFL TV.

          All of which you’d know if you’d spent two minutes with Google, but you didn’t, because you are not as intelligent as Richard Sherman.

          • Cut it with that Stanford grad crap. He scored a 24 on his wonderlic which means he is technically as smart as the average secretary (not trying to knock secretaries). He is not an idiot but stop pretending he is brilliant. Don’t forget that schools have different rules for athletes, and “communications” is a code word for “free pass”.

  7. I’ll bet you $37,000 that Peyton Manning throws two touchdowns Richard Sherman’s way.

  8. Hey Nolan. Hope all is well.

    I think the real lesson is the folly of demonizing “offensive” words. Once you shame people from saying the n-word publicly they’ll find another word to mean the same thing.

  9. “So, I presume this word “thug” was chosen for one reason and one reason only — because Sherman happens to be black.”

    I can’t speak for racist internet trolls, who will surely yell loudly enough on their own. I would call anyone, no matter their race, a thug if they were willing to use the “n word” on live national television, as he did in response to Erin Andrews’ question. But I think that negates the whole purpose of this post. I do hope the NFL levies a fine for THAT thuggish behavior.

    • Not sure what interview you saw, but Richard Sherman definitely didn’t drop the N word in that interview.


    SONG 1.

    What we need is LOVE.

    “Love – the size of the Super Bowl!”

    We are NOT SUPPOSED to he hating each other PEOPLE.

    We are on space ship called earth.. TOGETHER – Are we insane? NUKES? Really?

    “Insane” needs to go back to being locked in padded rooms!

    BLOWING UP EARTH 1000 times over is not the best game plan for PEACE…


    “They televise what the people crave…” or condition people to tackle each other. FOR BIG PAY.


    Money REALLY IS the root of all evil.

    Less is more.

    • Then song 4.


      * What a great album!

  11. Hi Nolan, I like your articles but would like to ask, have you done an in-depth public records search on Mr. Sherman?

    Geographically, Compton is about 4 miles removed from South Central and is a beast all of it’s own but not anywhere near the toughest areas in the country. Pre-1964, Compton was an All-American all-white enclave boasting a whorde of manufacturing plants and industry that all but eroded abruptly after the Supreme Court ruled Shelly vs Kraemer unconstitutional. Remember, this was where Kevin Costner was born and raised.

    Blacks came in and destroyed what had been a fairly quiet blue collar town. 1964 was when it quickly went to shit.

  12. If a black person is a “Thug,” and a white person is an “asshole.” What term should we apply to Asians who act like thuggish assholes? – I think sometimes people don’t understand what racism is and how it works (the systematic oppression of another race).

    • Nobody gives a shit about Asians other than they overbreed like Mexicans, Central and South Americans and American blacks. Having more offspring than you can care for isn’t an admirable trait.

      • Im going to rob your punk ass when i see you like a thug.

        • don’t make me come over there and fuck you in your punk ass – again. remember what happened last time – all your crying and begging for me to stay all night got me in trouble the next morning – with your daughter.

    • All races have thugs.. It’s a human being THING.

      Bullies! Bull Shit Talkers!

      ALL RACES (majority) WANT PEACE – They have the power to keep it too! Read your history!

      The POWER IS TO THE PEOPLE – If they UNITE against every last corrupt thug bully on earth.. Lock them in a cell together and let them eat each other..


      This is not rocket science people – not hard – but YOU DO NEED TO MAKE SURE YOUR VOICE IS HEARD.. and you might even have to get involved at a much higher level..

      Or not.

      Free will is a bitch!


      God Bless those waking up.. Prayers and hugs to the people fighting the good fight.

      • What ever will be will – ahhhh B?

        It’s our collective choice but the thugs and corrupt vote more than once.

        God Bless Good People Who are late to wake up.

        Crazy times!

      • I’m with you it”s time

  13. Not a surprise that a “poker player(lol)” does not understand unsportsman-like conduct.

    Carry on though with your talk about niggers and their need to be glorified.

  14. For someone who is perusing his Masters in Communication, he sure doesn’t communicate very well. Especially, when you’re taught in communications (of which he earned a 4.0) that you should display the utmost character. He didn’t. He spoke more like a THUG. But I dont really care. That thug can sure play football. Shame that eventually he will most likely be arrested for something and end up like Michael Vick.

    • Speaking of communications, what language are you attempting to use here? It resembles English.

  15. I thought this proved a great point and when i read it to some of the people at my party it shut them up real quick so thank you

    • People are waking up to all the bull shit – I love it!


      (They killed John Lennon) *Not some random insane dork..

  16. To imply the word “thug” suddenly relates to race seems a far stretch indeed. Especially since thugs were a product of the 60s in California and the term was used when referring to Asian gangs and members. Later, white and Hispanic bullies in high school were referred to as “thugs” and that term stuck. The Brady Bunch neighbor was white and often labeled a “thug.” Drug dealers were “thugs” in college. Today, especially in conservative circles, it relates to any bully, no matter the race. It’s essentially generic regarding race. At least until today, while race-baiting is at an all-time high and “entitlement” allows baitiors to pluck any word used in any form or context, so long as it’s used towards or to describe a black person, and immediately stuff in the “racist” category for future reference. I was shocked to discover how many everyday words have been adopted over the past six years by both the media and politicians to justify prejudice. In the word’s of MLK’s daughter, “Excuses for failure are just that. Those that profit publicly, politically, or financially from playing the race exploit race to remain relevant, popular, and rich.”

    • ^^ rock star reply!

  17. This really brings back memories of my grandmother telling me stories of the days she ran her husband’s liquor store in the 1950’s: “We’d have a few Negroes come in from time to time. Always drove up in a fancy car.”
    What struck me was how blasé and matter-of-factly she said that word to me. She might as well had used the word “salesmen”. Truly a glimpse of a bygone era.

  18. haha! this is awesome Nolan…spot on

  19. As an African American, I just want to say that Martin Luther King would not be proud of Sherman’s comments tonight. Talking smack on the field is one thing, but to get on camera and spit hateful things is another. I am sick of many of my own who bring up race all of the time. They are the ones making an issue of it, not anyone else. I’m sorry that so many African Americans cannot get over what was done to our ancestors, but until many of them do, we cannot not move forward as a population of people who does not see color any more.

    • Yea your not black idiot

    • Sherman didn’t “get on camera” …the camera was shoved in his face as he was running off the field after a nasty confrontation with an adversary. Marshawn Lynch know’s how to avoid those probable incidents with media types who “NEED” to get hot, juicy sound bytes so to get airtime and keep their jobs. Players need to develop a strategy to get themselves time to protect themselves from these microphones from everywhere. ” I’ll get back to you!” Should be the repeated refrain heard after these heated encounters.

  20. Sherman is a thug. Don’t get mad at people for stating a fact. Yes, I also call white athletes thugs. Richie incognito, Bill Lambier, half of the NHL. Thug doesn’t stick to one race. If the shoe fits… Sherman acted like an arrogant shit talking thug. Not racist just honest.

  21. Seems as though you were too quick to respond like you accuse others. Incognito of the Dolphins was labeled a “thug” all over the news/internet and no one is whiter than he is.

    To slap “thug” onto racism is highly dangerous and shows a lack of actual understanding of the situation on your part. By presenting this argument, you are in fact doing exactly what you are claiming others did.

    Also, to think because someone graduated from an institution (and is continuing further education) automatically means they are a “good Person” or not above character or decency seems incredibly narrow-minded and just as insulting as the racism you claim here.

    Lastly, to give Sherman a pass because it was “heat of the moment” and some idiot stuck a mic in front of him, I would suggest you go back and look at the literally thousands of moments of mics being stuck in players’s faces immediately after a victory and tell me how many are angry or nasty or in any way NOT talking about a TEAM win that just happened but rather something anywhere near what Sherman did.

    Go ahead, we’ll wait…………………..

  22. Thanks for shining a light on this subject. I am sort of surprised at how many people have gotten upset that they might be called out for being racist.

  23. Obviously as others have stated your white guilt prevents you from calling a spade a spade. The guy was totally classless. Why in the world would you make excuses for his behavior? Actually people like yourself are the problem for the degeneration of behavior and it’s acceptability. It’s classless, stop making excuses for it. You’re PC mindset, along with all your compatriots is sickening

  24. This posting was entirely wrong except for the fact that thug is a euphemism for “nigger.” Yes, Sherman is a “thug,” and no there is ZERO similarity to athletes of yesterday. I don’t care if Mickey Mantle, or Willie Mays was rude to you as you lined up for an autograph in the ball room at the Ramada in NoWhere’sVille, Flyover, USA.

    Richard Sherman is a punk; an ignorant, selfish, unsportsmanlike, ungentlemanly, gutter-dwelling THUG!

    Standford? A.) There is ZERO chance he would have gotten in if he didn’t play football. Zero. I know guys who played football at Stanford (and yes, even black players – since you are weirdly obsessed with race), and my acquaintances at least all speak the King’s English rather well, and are intelligent. B.) Sherman was a COMMUNICATIONS major. Enough said. Now, I’ve the good fortune to read some of what Sherman wrote in college – borderline illiterate. I’ve heard Sherman speak in addition to that furnace blast of bile, ignorance and classlessness, and though he is not of the Jameis (sic) Winston variety (the Florida State QB who’s post-game interview was nothing but grunts, and unintelligible words embarrassing the University where he is supposedly enrolled…shocker – another Communications major), he is certainly not the second coming of William F. Buckley, Jr.

    Richard Sherman made a good play to seal the Seahawks victory. INSTEAD of being a man, instead of being a civilized human being, and instead of celebrating with teammates, Sherman ran over to SF’s Michael Crabtree to yell in his face, and rub it in. Classless, unsportsmanlike, and pure thuggishness. Then he makes a choking sign to the fans. Again, utter classlessness, unsportsmanlike, and pure, vile thuggery. And then the interview where he made it all about himself, and exhibited “anger,” and not elation. You see, the athletes of today are almost all thugs – no longer after a touchdown do you see men, real men, on the sidelines happy about their accomplishments and when the TV camera is on them, a quick smile and wave, “Hi, Mom!” No, today’s athletes, thugs, will grimace, and flash a gangsta snarl with no concept of civilized behavior, or grace, or team, or sportsmanship.

    In the end the toughest, most ruthless, and best linebackers in the game were guys like Ray Nitshke, Dick Butkis, and Mike Singletary – sportsman all, gentleman all, and everyone epitomized what a football player should be. Today (or recently) the NFL is filled with thugs like Ray Lewis who was an accessary to murder, and his on and off the field “act” was pure, unadulterated thuggery. I admired the hell out of Singletary, and when I met him I was awed but his gentlemanly grace and demeanor. I never admired Lewis, I couldn’t, he is a thug, and he needed a nightstick permanently inserted into his skull, and led away in handcuffs. He was an accessory to murder! And the utterly unsportsmanlike, selfish, and barbaric way he would act on and off the field made him “Head Thug” of the NFL.

    If you look like a thug (I despise these fake dreads that all this scumbags are wearing with every fiber in my body…and yes, Mr. Leftist Racialist, I despise Clay Matthews and other long hairs). To repeat, if you look like a thug, act like a thug, walk, talk, and conduct yourself like a thug, then you are a thug no matter your rap sheet, nor where you got your Communications degree from.

    In the good old days, players from a similar circumstance as Sherman, would take him in the back, shave his head, rip those earrings out of his inflated head, and knock a few teeth out so he plays, talks, walks, and conducts himself like a gentleman, a sportsman, and a respectable football player.

    Case closed.

    • If I was a young athlete I would be tickled silly and full of gratitude at:

      –Having fame and the adulation of so many sports fans
      –Making millions of dollars each year doing it
      –The lifetime satisfaction of helping win a divisional championship

      Does Sherman have any idea how many young kids would kill for this opportunity?

      All he had to do was keep his cool for 30 seconds on the field and just quietly destroy some inanimate object in a fit of private anger later…

    • Richard Sherman is extremely intelligent, and speaks the King’s English perfectly when he wants to. He did a segment with NFL TV which was the most lucid discussion of cornerback play I’ve ever seen. But in case you haven’t noticed, the King’s English is not the lingua franca of the NFL playing field.

      Richard Sherman has no history of violence, or bullying, or anything worse than talking trash. He has dreads? So? He has tattoos? How many NFL players don’t? He has earrings? If you have a problem with that, just die already, you left the world behind fifty years ago.

      Yes, non-black players get called thugs too. That is when they behave like vicious violent criminals. The definition of “thug”. Richard Sherman is simply an uppity young black man… and you can’t call him a nigger anymore, so you call him a thug. Just like Nolan said.

      • I’ve heard him speak, and I am thoroughly unimpressed. Does he sound more intelligent that the average filth that turned South Central LA into a 3rd World? Yes. Could he have gotten into Stanford without football? No way in the world. Graduated second in his class at Dominquez Hills, in Compton? The average 8th grader from a Catholic School in suburbia could accomplish a similar feat.

        Now, on the field, and yes, I played in college, the conversation & banter would never be confused with the Oxford Debating Society, however, a man, a civilized man, will speak with his coaches and the media with courtesy, proper English, and respect. Especially, a female reporter! Sherman does not possess the proper civilized upbringing to know what is appropriate, and what is not. As mentioned before, I read something that Sherman wrote while a COMMUNICATIONS major at Stanford, and it’s truly semiliterate.

        Finally, I loathe, and I mean I am thoroughly and completely disgusted by the “look-at-me” gangsta culture of today’s sports. It is repulsive, and every time I see someone like Sherman polluting my TV I harken to the good old days when someone with a billy club could beat him into acting, and speaking like a gentleman.

        The “heat of the moment” is excusable if he swore, or was at a loss for words. The heat of the moment after winning a game to send you into the Super Bowl means elation, unbridled happiness, euphoria, and even tears….that is for civilized men of sports. For the uncivilized, like Sherman, it means screaming like a barbaric, savage animal in murderous rage about yourself, and only yourself.

        This is not a black and white issue, this is a man vs criminal issue (Sherman guaranteed to get arrested in his career). The NFL, especially with the preponderance of black players, should absolutely look, walk, talk, and act like Gale Sayers, Deacon Jones, Mike Singletary, Ronnie Lott, etc. – exceptional, tough, ghetto-raised athletes who know how to act like a man, speak like a man, play like a man, and look like a man.

        There is seriously ZERO debating this fact. Sherman is 100% everything that is wrong with the NFL, sports, and America’s black youth. Period. I wish nothing but the very worse on this vermin both on the field and off.

  25. So you are willing to grant Sherman the benefit of the doubt for things that could have been said on the field moments before, but you’re unwilling to believe that the word “thug” means anything but the “n-word”? There’s no double standard with that logic, is there?

    The word “thug”, as defined by Merriam-Webster is “a violent criminal”. If you’re drawing the parallel between that definition and the black community, that’s on you, pal. But let’s face it, Sherman was belligerent and intimidating in the interview and a true “professional” should know how to control themselves, be it during the game or when a mic is presented to them.

    • whats crazy to me is that football is a thuggish sport ..we watch thuggish behavior all day in this great american past time and then want to get upset when the behavior that is on display throughout the entire game that we watch is carried over into how someone verbally communicates.. Its bound to happen if we want to label these athletes professionals or not. Just like boxing, MMA or wrestling.. These man must sometime transform their mind to be more savage like.. even if they are so-called educated in the mind you can be transformed by your thuggish surroundings.. Do I feel this young man could of expressed himself better.. sure I do… Am I hateful at his response .. no I’m not.. I seen a video with a player who after the game punched this very same player being interviewed in the face hard unexpectedly. Now that to me is beyond acceptable.. What this player did may not be tasteful to much viewers but its nothing to where everyone watching should become racist and hateful for this man or for each other as we post comments and communicate about what took place in a interview.. It takes a lot of prayer and understanding for us as a people to get along.. I pray for whites who try to do the right thing cause I know its not easy if you try to be a good person .. , but have a history of family that where racist and evil.. And I pray for blacks who many have a history and family that was mistreated and still feel the pain to this date.. Me personally Im thankful for my life as a black man that GOD has made…When I focus on God it helps me to not dwell on race and hate.. Jealousy is of the devil and hate as well.. Its a day to day battle to love.. Lets keep fighting the good fight ..Sometime in my life as a black man I have said to a fellow black my my nigga… I never used the word nigger in my life in conversations with my friends.. I believe the word nigger means a ignorant person or someone who lacks education.. and so believe it or not we all are ignorant to something and lacking education in some way or form which in terms makes us all niggers… anyhow.. thats some other stuff… but just to stay on what I was saying.. nigga is a different word than nigger. cause I seen someone in a earlier post confused by conversation and knowledge is power and wisdom is applied knowledge.. Lets use wisdom in our lives people…

  26. Nolan,

    You made me think about this one a bit but I don’t think thug=nigger. For some, sure. But I think the term got implanted in the social consciousness via Tupac ala Thug Life.

    What got me thinking was that you’re right in saying that we don’t use the term much in referring to white people who display similar behavior. However, I’m still not sure that means thug=nigger.

    As you well know, words, especially in English, carry vivid images. When you say, “mafia” or “mob” images of Sopranos-like characters pop in your head. Is that racist? Or is it because certain words have come to characterize a very, very specific imagery?

    Is “thug” mostly used when describing bullying, outlawish type behavior because people are racist or is it because the people who popularized the term defined it as such and were describing black people?

    I know, I know, he’s not a criminal so how can I say outlaw? Does one need to be an official member of the mafia to be called a mobster if he runs around in track suits, speaks with a certain tough-guy dialect, and tries to intimidate people? My point is that you don’t need to be a criminal to act like a criminal.

    And I watched the game too and unlike you, I saw the un-sportsman like conduct Sherman displayed. The networks caught it too and even before the interview slow motioned his choking taunt towards Crabtree. Oh, and the officials caught it because they threw a flag.

    So was his behavior dickish? Was it douchey? Yeah, it was all of those things. He acted like an asshole. Does it matter if we call him a thug? Are you trying to imply that if Sherman was white we wouldn’t have found some other derogatory term to refer to him or his behavior?

    To be perfectly honest, I applaud the guy’s intensity and enthusiasm for the game. You know he plays from the heart. But his inability to put a filter on his behavior and the fact that he hasn’t learned how to conduct himself professionally on the field don’t do him any favors in the public opinion department.

    Thug Life

  27. I don’t know if you saw what caused the bitch slap in the first place. The true lack of Sherman’s sportsmanship was his walking by the 49er player (I believe it was Crabtree) and placing his hands around his own neck in the universal sports representation of a “CHOKE” and jumping up in his face. What would you call a white player that did that? or most whites that are not rappers? So, Yes, Thug may be a word that identifies with the black culture, that doesn’t racist. It is a self proclaimed identifier of the black rapper sub-culture that identifies someone that acts in a crude, rude or disrespectful manner, in the same vein as gangsta. Sherman’s actions after the aborted interview, in the follow-on interviews, when “the heat of the moment” defense could not be used continued to show why he was considered a thug. If everyone used gangsta, instead of thug, would you say that was also a nice way to say nigger? I wouldn’t. Though the way he did the ‘choke’ symbol after the play WAS a gangsta/thug move, it was not a ‘nigger’ly one.

  28. “So, I presume this word “thug” was chosen for one reason and one reason only — because Sherman happens to be black.

    “Go ahead. Tell me. Am I wrong?”

    I think you are wrong. His behavior was criticized using many words. Stereotyping those that used the word “thug” with the word you choose does not seem to me to be the most useful manner of criticizing their criticism.

    I am not excited about his choice of words in his rant, nor am I impressed with yours. I am impressed with you and I would likely be impressed with Richard Sherman as well. Sometimes folks don’t think things through in the heat of a moment.

  29. Thug Nigger ~ Nolan reaching for attention w/ this ignorant statement. The word thug has zero color reference to it. In fact all across Europe the word thug was commonly used when labeling soccer hooligans w/ the majority of them being white. Sure Tupac popularized the word and self identified himself along w/ Bone Thugs in early 90s rap culture for the US. If the word Thug was used to explain Sherman’s tacky post game rant, it had more to do w/ his statements then his color. Make excuses for him all you want ex (rarely gets interviewed, got slapped) but the fact of the matter is he did not apply any of what degree he may have earned at Stanford during that moment. IF a white person would have said that maybe Redneck would have been used more than thug but I searched through your blogs and have not seen you call Redneck racist. For the record I am a huge Sherman supporter, I just cannot stand people like you who use hate and promote it for your own gain and headlines.

  30. A quick semi-off-topic question for Nolan: How much do you think this has skewed the line towards Denver? It seems to me that this controversy has done nothing but add significant value to Seattle side. This probably also helps the under in that it will bring even more dull money to the lines. Dull money always seems to like the over…

    • “How much do you think this has skewed the line towards Denver?” I’m not Nolan, but I’ll answer the question: Zero. Sherman’s antics have moved the line exactly zero points. Nobody who is betting right now gives a shit about this. Effectively all the money that came in Sunday night was sharp money.

  31. I am a pretty staunch social conservative, and I agree wholeheartedly that we are ignoring the prevalence with which we use the term “thug” to describe young, black men. Did we spew the vitriol over actress Reese Witherspoon’s way when she hurled obscenities and drunkenly tried to prevent the DUI arrest of her husband Jim Toth? Did you think about what a “thug” Reese Witherspoon was? She’s nothing but a thug. A 5-star Bama commit was pasted all over the boards as a thug this week when he did the same thing over a friend who was being arrested for noise violations.

    How about a buddy at the bar that got too loud and got in a fight that spilled out into the parking lot? Was he a thug, or was he a white guy who had too much to drink and was therefore acting like an “#$%hole? LSU’s Jordan Jefferson – thug.

    No one likes hearing that something they say or write could have a racist motivation behind it. I’m also not ignorant to the times that folks use “thug” to describe white, Hispanic, or Asian players in criminal trouble. I just thought I would share something that has been made terribly obvious simply over a player’s understandably aggressive speech, and agree with the author, despite his use of shocking language to propose it. I myself won’t be using that word anymore when it doesn’t apply to a pattern of criminal behavior.

  32. You are wrong. Richard Sherman isn’t even the most notorious thug reference in the NFL this season. That distinction belongs to Richie Incognito.

    • Sherm, Thank you. The term Thug to describe a WHITE Richie Incognito is all over the place including the Washington Post. This author is trying to use race to get attention w/out doing any actual journalism or research.

  33. NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER!!!!! Dumb blue gummin slave nigger who belongs on a plantation!

  34. How dare anyone bring up martin Luther king when bringing up richard sherman? Sherman IS a complete nigger and does not say anything about racism. You just wouldn’t have seen any white person spewing off at the mouth like he did. MLK was an intelligent man, something sherman is not. So please, don’t compare.

  35. So “thug” equals “nigger.” That’s pretty much correct. And, if I wouldn’t be put up against the wall and shot for saying what I really believe, i.e. that Sherman behaved like a nigger, I would just say nigger. People say “thug” because they are not allowed to say “nigger.”

    Which brings up a point… what does “nigger” mean? To me it means a ghetto thug. Not all black people are niggers, and certainly none of the black people I hang out with are niggers. And one certainly does not need to be black to be a nigger… here in San Francisco we got niggers of all races and creeds.

    The point which you may well never get through your layers upon layers of well-instilled white liberal guilt, is that Sherman’s outburst was shocking because it was so RARE. People – even football players in the heat of the moment – just don’t act like that. And Erin Andrews response was perfect – she looked at him and just went, “Really, nigga?”

    And as long as we’re talking about racism here, what does it say about YOU that you’re willing to give him a free pass here? You let it go. Why. Well, that’s obvious… because he’s BLACK and cannot be expected to act civilized. That’s it, isn’t it? So you tell me who the real racist is here.

    • Erin Andrews, asked about Sherman’s behavior afterwards, said “That was so awesome. And I loved it.” In other words, no, the look she gave him did not mean “really, nigga?”

      “Athletes don’t do that. They’re usually composed,” she said. “They usually take a minute and that’s why we grab them right after games because we hope they lose their minds like that, we hope they show pure joy. We hope he does the same thing at the Super Bowl. We don’t want a watered-down version of him.”

  36. Hello again Nolan,
    I asked my daughter (step) who happens to be biracial. She agreed that Thug is not a euphemism for Nigger. It is a word that has a meaning in and of itself. Yes it is a rap sub-culture or ‘ghetto’ term, but it does not have to be seen as more than it is. The two words may be equal in your mind, but unless you were writing the post, not with the intent to inform, but instead to incite, it is an article best left unpublished. Stirring the pot, especially just to call it black, is not always good.

  37. I get the feeling that you do not watch football, and do not understand black hip hop culture.
    If you did watch football you’d understand the guy this thug was screaming about is regarded as one of the best players in the nfl.

    Dude makes a play. One big play, and goes crazy.

    Crabtree has been in three NFC title games in a row and one Super Bowl during the last three years.

    Heat of the moment? No. Little man syndrome exploded on camera? Yes.

  38. As his teammates stated “its just Richard being Richard “when will we stop making comparisons of how someone is too act when there is a significant moment in their life,you people that are saying he acted like a thug/nigger you’re wrong, he acted like who he really is Richard Sherman,because haf Crabtree caught that pass the story would be different ,so at the end of the day one will be playing in the Super Bowl and the other can sit at home thinking how could he or what could he have done differently . Richard Sherman was the hero that ended the 49ers season .

  39. Richard’s probably smarter than 90% of the folks commenting on this blog. He doesn’t swear or talk in rap slang. He was a straight A student in high school and graduated 2nd in his class.

    If any of the folks on this blog, who are so quick to judge, want to find out the truth about Sherman they may want to read the online article by Jon Wilner. Google: Jon Wilner + Richard Sherman

    Here’s a few excerpts from that article:

    “The chip that makes him a great player also made him a great student,” said David Shaw, who coached Sherman at Stanford and remains a close friend and mentor.”

    “Sherman’s parents were no less influential. His father, Kevin, rose daily at 4 a.m. to drive a garbage truck — and still does today. His mother, Beverly, works with disabled kids in the inner city and preached the value of education. She was happy to dole out a few dollars when her children — Branton and Richard have a younger sister, Kristyna — came home from school with A’s.”

    “Sherman did just that, year after year after year. He took Advanced Placement classes, attended leadership seminars and was an extra-credit machine. If he finished his assignments before the bell rang, he’d help classmates finish theirs.”

    “It didn’t seem like Richard even lived in the inner city,” said Donerson, the Dominguez coach. “He read a lot. His vocabulary was totally different. He didn’t talk slang, and the other kids teased him about it.”

    Relax folks, I know he’s a big black guy who likes to yell at times…but he’s harmless…and if you’re nice to him he might even help you with your homework!

    • That “chip” that makes him a good player also made him
      act just like a thug. Now we can’t use the word thug
      just because he decides it means nigger? Well now, does
      not that make him seem a bit thuggish?

      Crabtree pushed Sherman and his big mouth out of “his
      (Crabtree’s) face” and you call that “Bitch Slapped”?
      I can’t think of a word that defines you for such a
      stupid comment. Oh yeah, that would be the S-word.

  40. Poor Sherman was undeserving of the racial slurs and death threats he has gotten but this is America so the vitriol and race-hatred should be expected.

    At first I was utterly confused as to why white America responded to Sherman’s post-game comments with such animosity and hostility because I was actually caught up in the excitement of the game myself and my adrenaline was pumping…after I checked my Twitter to do the obligatory bragging and taunting I was bombarded with a barrage of racial taunts and insults directed at Sherman.

    In my confusion and lust to discover the reasoning behind the hatred I went to YouTube to see if at missed something in the post-game interview, I was thinking that Sherman possibly fondled the reporter or made an obscene gesture but I found nothing of the sort.

    …..however I did see a tall, big, dreadlocked, dark-skinned muscular Black male who was presumably ANGRY yelling about his Prowess in unapologetic fashion into a microphone held by a blonde white female….that’s when the lightbulb came on.

    They called him a “thug”, a monkey, a ni99er and a million other slurs because the image of a presumably angry Black man yelling about his dominance and superiority was viewed as threatening and frightening and insecure people responded swiftly.

    Now Riley Cooper can threaten to beat up every nigger at a Kenny Chesney concert and not once be called a thug or have his life threatened but that’s just the world that we live in, hate comes easier for some people than it does others.


  41. You sure are bringing the racists and assholes out in droves today, huh Nolan?

  42. I think your way off on your premise Nolan. In the weeks prior to the NFC Championship game I heard 49ers Quarterback Colin Kaepernick referred to as a “thug” on several occasions. I even used the same terminology when asked by a non football fan about the guy following the game.

    Last I looked he was a white dude. I make no distinction, a thug is a thug, white or black!

    • Look again bud, Kapernick is a mixed dude…half white and half black, with tats…. he is considered black, just like our President is considered black, even though he is mixed too.

  43. Nolan,

    Thug comes, of course, from the Thugee Cult, a group of murderers and robbers in India.

    I wish I came upon your post before mine but, of course it’s a stand in for the N-Word but, nonetheless, once Thug entered the English language it became a stand-in for n-word for the British (since that’s what they thought all Indians were) and it’s ramped up usage in the US has coincided with the Right-Wing’s internet hatred towards Obama, Eric Holder and their Chicago-style “Thugs”.

  44. OK folks….don’t get your panties in an upfoar here.

    1. This blogger is using the word “nigger” to emphasize that white america or people hating on Sherman and calling him a thug is like using the word nigger, not the word nigga with an A….which in the black community is for another brutha, not brother, to say to one another as a TERM OF ENDEARMENT….don’t get it twisted here.

    2. Being a white guy that is CULTURED…meaning I grew up in the urban environment, the housing projects, and have been around the black culture all my life, have a biracial kid, and also played on teams that were predominately black players…. I GET IT….or what we use to say “I am down wit it” and can relate…..I even get what Sherman meant. When was the last time you heard Social Media call a white dude a THUG for talking trash or even fighting? Freakin’ never people, never have you heard in sports a white guy being called a thug.

    The closest maybe was Bill Laimbeer, from the Detorit Pistons in the 80’s….when the whole team with him, Rodman, etc…..they were called BAD BOYS….not thugs.

    3. Now, here is the deal folks, a lot of you commenting on here that are WHITE don’t get it that “trash talking”, although prevalent in the black sports community from a young age playing on the playground, in the streets, or where ever, is a way to get into your opponents head, like psychological warfare per say.

    Now, when this trash talking, which was probably done best by the likes of Muhammad Ali in Boxing back in his day, or Gary Payton “The Glove” from his days playing for the Sonics, Heat, etc… or now in 2013-2014, you get a kid named Sherman who has perfected the trash talking to a cerebral assassin level is getting labeled a THUG for what?

    Just because a black dude trash talks in sports, doesn’t make the guy a THUG.

    Remember PRIME TIME folks? …watch some of the altercations he had with Andre Rison, the whole fighting and slapping helmets like they were in a hockey fight, remember that one? Well, what do you think caused that….some good ol’ mother luvin trash talk….things get heated.

    For you psychology guys…..FREUD said “Men are full of two things….SEX and AGGRESSION.

    So, if we ain’t trying to get some, then mean are aggressive by nature, especially on a NFL football field and yes, look at NHL with pro hockey, those guys are all about aggression, speed, and yes, fighting…it’s part of the culture of hockey.

    Trash talking, especially in the NBA and NFL, it’s part of the culture.

    Look at old defensive guys Dick Buckas, Lyle Alzado, Mean Joe Greene, from back in the day to crazy guys like L.T. and Ray Lewis…you think they were THUGS…..they are animals compared to Sherman.

    They would eat a Sherman for breakfast and twice on Sunday.

    I never heard the media refer to any of the above guys as THUGS….they were bad ass, kick ass, hard hitting pro football players who would yell, spit, kick, and act like caged lunatics and they talked and walked the same way….they put the fear of god in you.

    And all Sherman is doing is trash talking on the field and in social media? COME ON MAN !!!!!

    At the end of the day, Sherman is right. White america needs to accept the game as it is today and let guys talk shit to one another, without calling the black player a thug.

    You don’t see white players who talk shit getting called thugs, do you? Remember that folks before you want to criticize this blogger for pointing out the obvious truth that when you say THUG, it does equate to a black man that you are a trouble making, law breaking, person, but it goes deeper that what you are really saying is, your a nigger.

    So, at the end of the day, we all have to be careful how we choose our words these days, it is what it is and white america doesn’t experience racism in the same manner and folks aren’t calling us honky or cracker every day either.

  45. I find it amazing how many people are saying how Richard Sherman should or should’ve acted on the field after the game during the interview ,how about if your ass was good enough you wouldn’t have to watch him on TV so shut your hating ass mouths and prepare to watch him in the Super Bowl lol

  46. It appears, for the most part, that media and fans have concluded Sherman spoke passionately at a significant moment. It’s also been established that “thug” does not equal the “n” word. The simple-minded categorize humans and break them down to race, gender, preference, etc. The rest of us just see an impassioned football player.

  47. Nolan Dalla, you disgust me. you are whats wrong with america. i pray for your children, god forbid any unfortunate person was cursed with a father like you. you are a politically correct misinformed jerk. also, the clasless guys from the old days didnt appear this way on national news

  48. Ironic given that Sherman called Crabtree “that n***** Crabtree” in the famous rant. If you go back and watch at 0:15 you’ll see how skillfully Fox Sports muted out the nasty word.

    Sherman’s smart to know that the public isn’t onto the irony.

  49. Wow. Pretty ignorant argument from [I’m assuming] a left wing elitist academic who’s white guilt over social inequalities just had to be heard in the highly intellectual form of a blog.

    Aside from you trying to make this a race issue so you can get more views for this write-up, why don’t you boil it down to simple right vs wrong or appropriate vs innapropriate.

    I’m a pretty big sports fan and was quasi familiar with Richard Sherman, but not completely. Imagine how many viewers were being introduced to him for the first time and that’s the type of impression he wanted to give viewers?

    Considering his education, he should certainly understand why some people were rubbed the wrong way by his aggressive comments and throat slashing mimics. I totally get it. He’s a competitive athlete coming off an incredible high and to his credit is one of the best if not the best at his position, but his words and demeanor towards Erin Andrews were not classy and for someone with such a high level of education made him look unprofessional and ignorant. I also get that some people want that more honest answer approach — to each their own.

    He may not be a thug, but his actions were similar to those of one. Instead of making this about race, how about we just hold people accountable for their actions? I know that takes away all of your fun academic semantics and sociological theories, but sometimes it’s just that easy & simple.

    You know who the biggest thug is right now on the news? It’s Justin Bieber. The whitest of white in your neopolitan world. Go ahead, call me a racist.

  50. White athletes have never been called thugs before.

    Bill Laimbeer

  51. Sherman should be benched for the entire Super Bowl….What a self absorbed cocky “Afro Entangled American” jerk. I hope he doesn’t become another O.J. and let his primate ways get the best of him. Such bitter and hateful statements coming
    from someone that had has been given so much!

  52. great article screw all the pussy hearted hipsters

  53. I once had faith in humanity; then I read the comments section in response to your article.

    If people are genuinely like this, humanity’s totally fucked.

    Have a nice day.

    • Totally.


    THUG LIFE 101:

    As the kidnappers pulled into a quiet, upscale golf course community, they thought they were about to abduct an assistant district attorney who sent a high-ranking gang member to prison for life, authorities said.

    But they had the wrong address and when the prosecutor’s father answered the door, they took him instead.

    For five days, authorities said the kidnappers held 63-year-old Frank Janssen captive in an Atlanta apartment, tormenting his family by sending text messages threatening to cut him into pieces if police were called or their demands weren’t met. They even sent a photo of him tied up in a chair.

    On Tuesday, an indictment charged nine people in Janssen’s abduction, including 49-year-old Bloods member Kelvin Melton, who authorities said was calling the shots by cellphone from his North Carolina prison cell. Janssen’s daughter, Wake Forest assistant district attorney Colleen Janssen, prosecuted Melton in 2012 for his role in the shooting of his ex-girlfriend’s new boyfriend.

    Court records show Melton has a long record of felony convictions in New York, the first being a 1979 robbery committed when he was 14. He pleaded guilty to manslaughter and robbery in 1998 and served more than 13 years in New York prisons before being released in August 2011.

    His conviction in North Carolina sent him to prison for life. Authorities said he wanted revenge.

    At first, Melton wanted the kidnappers to travel to Louisiana to abduct a family member of his court-appointed attorney from his 2012 trial. He arranged in March for each member of that kidnapping team to receive about $10,000, according to the indictment, but at some point, for reasons not explained in court documents, they called it off.

    Back to the JUNGLE or PLANET of the APES! This is DEFINITELY some NEW 3rd WORLD ORDER BULL$HYT:



    … if you think for one second that PROGRESSIVE POLITICS works then I suggest that you visit one of the following PREDOMINATELY BLACK, BLIGHTED CRACK INFESTED $HYTHOLE U.S. CITIES or TOWNS – but don’t geaux ALONE and don’t geaux UNARMED:

    1) DETROIT
    2) DENVER
    4) ATLANTA
    5) ST. LOUIS
    7) NEWARK
    8) MEMPHIS
    12) MONROE
    13) HOUSTON
    14) DALLAS
    15) PHILLY
    18) OAKLAND
    19) WATTS
    22) Charleston
    26) JACKSON
    27) MIAMI
    30) FLINT

    FACT: “To be FORWARNED is to be FOREARMED!”


    The NAAWP is not in any way associated with the INFAMOUS KLU KLUX KLAN and we don’t believe in RANDON ACTS of VIOLENCE, nor do we PROMOTE RACIAL HATRED! BLACKS, HISPANICS, ASIANS and MUSLIMS are WELCOME to JOIN the NAAWP – We have an OPEN DOOR POLICY to all RACES, GENDERS and CULTURES!

    FACT: Our MEMBERS came from all WALKS of LIFE and but we converge in our LOVE for AMERICA and in our PROUD WHITE HERITIGE!


  55. Reading these comments really justify the points made in this article. 99% of these response comments have been purely racist and just ignorant. You people need to educate yourselves with what the word thug means. Here let me help you it means a violent criminal. Sherman did nothing illegal and he is getting all of this racism when there’s this guy for the 49ers who has like 6 pending crimes and no one is saying anything about that

  56. “Did you happen to catch that? The opposing player (San Francisco 49ers wide receiver Michael Crabtree), in what appeared to be a terrible display of sportsmanship, essentially bitch slapped the defensive player who was then interviewed just a short time later.”

    Way to tell it like it was. I did catch that, in fact. Be honest with yourself. After the play, Sherman slapped Crabtree on the butt and, in a fake display of sportsmanship, tauntingly stuck his hand out to Crabtree. In the “heat of the moment,” most players in Crabtree’s position would push/shove the other player. Yes, Crabtree’s behavior indeed “appeared to be a terrible display of sportsmanship,” but it was only in response to Sherman’s own terrible sportsmanship. Sherman was most likely trying to provoke a response like that from Crabtree. And you know it.

    I’m assuming you’re a Seahawks fan, but even if you aren’t, imagine Sherman playing against your favorite team and the same sequence of events happened at the end of the game. Would you still defend him like that? Honestly, please, be honest with yourself. Your bias destroys your credibility.

    The reason why Sherman has no class or character (at least not on the field) is because of that kind of behavior. A good sportsman—a respectful opponent—wouldn’t get in the face of an opposing player after a play like that. He would celebrate with his teammates and then walk off the field

    I’m not defending Crabtree here. Crabtree is cocky too and doesn’t have the best character. But at least he doesn’t flaunt the way Sherman does or talk as much trash as Sherman does (yes, he still talks trash, but not as much). And moreover, he doesn’t intentionally try to provoke other players like Sherman does. But would I support Crabtree’s bad behavior? No. So what makes it okay to defend Sherman’s worse behavior?

    And about the word “thug,” it is not a euphemism, censor, or replacement word for “nigger,” as other people have already mentioned. “Thug” does not refer solely to black people. It can in fact be used to describe Hispanics, Asians, and even whites. Calling Sherman a “thug” is not meant to be racist (last time I checked, about half or more of the NFL population is black, and most of them aren’t called “thug” or “nigger”). Rather, it’s a (non-racial) epithet used to describe his low class and character as a player. If a white player displayed the same behavior as Sherman, people could still call him a “thug” and no one would say it’s racist.

  57. His actions just made him look like an out of control idiot.

    Wether he’s an educated man or not he acted sounded and seemed uneducated and out of control in that moment.

    People can only rationalize based on experience, and for many that was their only experience of Sherman.

    It is human nature to snap judge. It’s why we jump back from a corn snake just as quickly as we would for a coral snake.

    To survive is to make the best judgement we can with what information we are given.

  58. Im racist.. and Richard Sherman is a Nigger lol.


  1. The Scary Smart Of Richard Sherman « CBS Chicago - […] much of the backlash toward Sherman racially motivated? Of course, and it would be naïve and destructive to pretend…

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