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Posted by on Dec 18, 2021 in Blog, Politics, What's Left | 0 comments

When Conservatives Ran the World



Once there was a time when the world was a very different place.  Conservatives ran everything.  Traditional values were the norm.

During this time….

— Taxes were low
— Nobody was on welfare
— Unions didn’t exist
— There were no government regulations
— Nobody questioned nationalism
— All citizens were patriotic
— Flag burning was illegal
— Laws were based on holy scriptures
— Everyone went to church and prayed constantly
— Blasphemy was punishable by death
— Education curriculum was strictly controlled by parents and the clergy
— Abortion was strictly forbidden
— Drinking, gambling, and some forms of sex were considered sinful
— There was no such thing as a liberal media and investigative journalism didn’t exist
— Women and children were treated as property
— Interracial marriage was illegal and race-mixing was scandalous
— Animals were openly tortured, often for mass entertainment
— Gays stayed locked in the closet
— Science and medicine conformed strictly to the teachings of the holy church and whims of a king or queen
— Liberals and leftists and radicals were classified as dangerous and were imprisoned, tortured, and sometimes burned at the stake

Remember this time in history when conservatives ran everything in the world? Remember when traditional values were the norm?

It was called THE DARK AGES.

Fact: Every advance in science, medicine, music, literature, philosophy, art, culture, gender rights, racial equality, and workers’ rights was spearheaded by someone considered RADICAL.

Fact: Every advance in science, medicine, music, literature, philosophy, art, culture, gender rights, racial equality, and workers’ rights was opposed by CONSERVATIVES.

Think about it. Those who forget history are doomed to repeat it.

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