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Posted by on Jun 21, 2021 in Blog, Politics, Sports Betting | 1 comment

Tear Down the Corrupt NCAA



The Supreme Court decision in a unanimous vote is great news for equality and fairness in college athletics.



The filthy NCAA finally got bitch slapped in a major SCOTUS decision that was announced today.

The high court rebuked the NCAA and basically ruled that this cabal of corruption known as skullfucking “student-athletes” in a multi-billion dollar money heist is done. No more.

All those dirty conference presidents and administrators, the overpaid head coaches with zero loyalties, and do-nothing bowl committees raking in millions for 3 days of “work” will now have to share the spoils of their giant scam. The worst enablers of all, the alumni associations, will now have to find new ways to lie, cheat, and steal to win ballgames. Even the conservative SCOTUS justices agreed the current system amounts to mass exploitation.

The kids who do most of the work, sweat their asses off, take all the risks, and have been exploited for more than a century while fatfucks enrich themselves in a system of indentured servitude is over. The plantation is closed down, fuckers. Now, watch a slew of lawsuits to be filed on behalf of the athletes to rightfully earn a paycheck and protect their likenesses in marketing. This SCOTUS decision has major consequences that will reverberate throughout college athletics, budgets, and in competition. The monopoly of megaconferences is about to see major cracks in the system. It’s going to be a free-for-all. And that’s great news.

Tear it all down. Start over again. Share the massive profits. Reward those who do the work and take all the risks.

Fuck you, NCAA. You got caught. Your dirty game is over.

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Note:  While the SCOTUS decision doesn’t actually indicate students will now get paid, I predict future decisions will lead to that reality.  The Supreme Court decision in a unanimous vote is great news and an important first step for equality and fairness in college athletics. 

1 Comment

  1. Hoo-ray!

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