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Masters of Hate — The Conservative Disinformation Campaign

Posted by on Oct 22, 2012 in Blog, Essays, Politics | 9 comments

Stupid Tea Baggers


Conservatives love to hate President Obama.

They’re willing to resort to any means necessary to defeat the incumbent President.

They will lie.  They will cheat.  They will steal.  And, then when that’s not enough to produce a voting majority, they’ll lie even more.

Consider the wacko disinformation campaign that’s been blasted from one inbox to another over the Internet ever since the name “Barack Obama” surfaced as a serious Presidential candidate, some five years ago.  Since then, we’ve witnessed a toxic assembly line of lies almost always consisting of fabricated junk meant to create confusion and hatred for the President — about his intentions, about his character, even about his patriotism and nationality.  I suspect that most of you reading today’s column have received these same emails occasionally, which are essentially nothing more than political garbage.

Invariably, they are easily debunked as completely false.  Most of the time, a ten-second Google search reveals most of this stuff is quite simply made up.  Yet, just as it’s difficult to scrub the ring out of a toilet bowl, the filthy concoction of lies continues to get passed from one scared little person to another, circling around in the right wing’s sewer pipes, pumped from one fanatic to the next.

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NFL Plays — Week 7

Posted by on Oct 21, 2012 in Blog, Sports Betting | 0 comments




35 WINS – 28 LOSSES – 1 PUSHES —– (+ 6.95 units / 1 unit = $100)




Coming off a 6-5 week, which could have been a much better day…..but a missed 37-yard FG with few seconds left in the first half of the Arizona game cost us an 8.4 unit swing on the OVER…..We lost another 11.25 unit swing on the Lions/Eagles game OVER 9.5 in the first quarter — four illegal motion penalties in Eagles territory gave us a 6-0 first quarter lead, rather than a 10-0 lead, which would have been a monster day if just a play or two had gone our way.  Steamed we didn’t go 7-4 or perhaps 8-3.  But this is still a season in the black, so far — which is encouraging. 

On to Week 7 — Making ten bets and wagering $4,145.

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Mitt Romney’s Binder Problem

Posted by on Oct 20, 2012 in Blog, Politics | 3 comments

mitt romney's binders


We’re having a field day with this.  It’s a Liberal’s laugh-a-thon.  A three-ring binder circus.

Mitt Romney’s “Women in binders” comment is quite possibly the most memorable tagline of the 2012 Presidential Election.  It’s right up there with golden gems of the past.  Recall — “Extremism in defense of liberty is no vice….” “You’re no Jack Kennedy,” and “Are you better off now than you were four years ago?”

Apparently, Mitt Romney’s management style pretty much comes down to two things — balance sheets and binders.  If it’s profitable, go for it.  If it’s unprofitable, eliminate it.  But there’s a lot more to what I will term “Bindergate.”

Here’s a closer look at the files:

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My Great Privilege — Meeting a World War II Veteran

Posted by on Oct 19, 2012 in Blog, Travel, What's Left | 0 comments

American Veteran Photo


In few more years, they’ll be gone.

Every one of them.

The millions who marched on foot across a continent and who sailed the high seas some 70 years ago are slowly but surely leaving us.  They pass away at the rate of thousands per year, which will gradually come to a few hundred, and then to a trickle.  In another decade or so, they will be no more.

They are what has been called “the Greatest Generation.”

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