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Posted by on Aug 18, 2024 in Blog | 0 comments

Laughing at Our Own Demise: Why Do Reporters Think Trump is Funny?



I have a SERIOUS QUESTION for television reporters who cover national politics.

When you’re covering the chaotic wreckage and the deranged cruelty of everything attached to Donald Trump, my question to you is this….



Okay then, we must have a very different sense of humor.

All the television networks and most reporters do this.

The typical scenario goes like this: The clip of yet another Trump display of imbecilic behavior is broadcast. It’s usually a rambling speech someplace which contains yet another idiotic display of unfathomable ignorance and jaw-dropping narcissism. Then, after the sound bite is shown, the talking heads back in the television studio all cackle and laugh. Ho, ho, ho, hah, hah, hah….”there goes Trump again, being Trump!” Hah, hah, hah, ho, ho, ho. “Isn’t he a riot?” Watch the short video clip from this morning (41 seconds) to see exactly what I’m talking about. This shit happens ALL THE TIME. Almost daily.

What’s going on here?

My thought is this; let’s just call it the troubling conflation of politics and entertainment. Trump gets treated—not like other national political leaders who are EXPECTED to live up to customary standards of decorum and behavior—but rather is given absurd liberties and latitude on all kinds of crazy. Indeed, every other candidate MUST meet conventional criterion of behavior, but no–not Trump. Never Trump. He’s become the media’s endless reality television star that keeps on giving, triggering smiles and laugher, even on networks not known to be friendly to Trump and among REPORTERS WHO SHOULD KNOW BETTER — truth, accuracy, civility, and the future of the country be damned.

Yes, laughter has NORMALIZED the crazy and made the disease habitual–when we should be appalled and scared shitless that this treasonous felon might end up as president again. Any sane American should be asking ourselves the most perplexing question of all…..HOW THE FUCK IS THIS NUTCASE THE REPUBLICAN NOMINEE FOR PRESIDENT?

Political humor certainly has its rightful place in pop culture. Saturday Night Live, The Daily Show on Comedy Central, Bill Maher, and countless standup comedians have used Trump as a sure-fire punch line, deservedly so. But serious national news programs and panel discussions with “experts” aren’t improv comedy clubs with a two-drink minimum. Here’s a suggestion: Your job is to cover politics and tell the truth, not prop up your feet on the stage and howl with laughter along with crowd. DO YOUR FUCKING JOBS!

My questions won’t be answered, of course. Perhaps, now it’s too late to go back to normalcy, whatever that means. But preposterous double-standards of expectation and the way Trump’s CONSTANT irreverent behavior get covered have been red meat for the beast for a decade and will likely be corrosive rocket fuel for more of the same in future campaigns, thus damning us all. Legitimate candidate debate and responsible governance has plunged into a dangerous death spiral.

There’s NOTHING funny about that.


ADDENDUM: Just to be clear, I think the media gets way too much criticism, given their role in society juxtaposed with their critical importance. We DO need professional and responsible media. It’s important to trust news sources and respect institutions who have contributed to society in many positive ways. Hence, I don’t go after media often because we do need them, mainly as the eyes and ears of the public, the counterweight to abuses of power. However, this has been a PROBLEM for a long time. There’s no reason for it. Being AMUSED by idiocy on this stage with so much riding on the next election is highly IRRESPONSIBLE.

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