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Posted by on Sep 10, 2024 in Blog | 0 comments

Kamala Harris, We Are Proud of You





One thing that might otherwise get lost in the post-debate discussion was just how much pressure was on Vice President Kamala Harris.

Tonight, the weight of the world was on her shoulders. Not only did Harris meet the expectations of millions of Americans who care deeply about democracy at home and abroad….and not only did she overcome the fears of some that she couldn’t stand up to the bad guys of the world….and not only was she smarter, more vibrant, and deliverer of an optimistic outlook for America’s future—she somehow managed to exceed our highest hopes.

Meanwhile, her opponent showed us what a rambling wreck of a pathetic little man he really is. Campaigning constantly on fear. Obsessed with the past. Wallowing in tiresome pettiness. His one and only talent — the masterful resuscitation of lies and grotesque exaggeration.

Harris was visibly nervous in the first few moments of the debate. And, how could she not be? With the eyes of the world upon her and thrust into the unlikely role as a vanguard for all this nation aspires to live up to, Harris became stronger with every Trump detour from truth and jaw-dropping blunder. By the end of verbal sparring, Harris had baited her opponent like a dead worm on a hook. Trump ended up as the catch of the day. Orange roughy.

Trump wasn’t nervous, of course. He’s never nervous about anything. Utterly divorced from all reality, and spewing no less than three dozen verifiable lies (including some real whoppers), he was entirely comfortable with himself onstage. Then again, sociopaths usually are confident in themselves — overly and fatally so.

Afterward, the little man filled with so many delusions and surrounded by gutless sycophants told reporters that *his* post-debate polls taken immediately thereafter showed that “80 to 85 percent of viewers” thought he won.

Really. He said that. He believes that. He also repeated his bullshit claims about winning the 2020 election. Again. He’s living in an alternative universe from reality.

Later, Harris attended a campaign rally and reminded voters once again just how important these next 54 days ahead of us will be. She immediately went back to work, at 11:05 at night.

I am so proud of what I saw on this memorable evening and so enthusiastic about voting for Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.

Tonight, preparation met opportunity — and it paid off.


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