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Posted by on Aug 22, 2024 in Blog | 2 comments

Democratic National Convention — Night Three (In Review)





The third night of the 2024 Democratic National Convention was undoubtedly the weakest. Perhaps this was inevitable, which was in stark contrast to two terrific previous nights which were impossible to match in terms of passion and excitement.

Still, DNC organizers (and several speakers) badly fumbled an opportunity. Momentum was lost on Wednesday evening, though it likely will return tonight when Kamala Harris accepts the nomination.

My main takeaway is that Night Three was saved by Gov. Tim Walz, who knocked it out of the park during his acceptance speech as the vice presidential nominee. Everything else, including speeches by former President Bill Clinton and cultural maven Oprah Winfrey were instantly forgettable.

The problem was — Walz finally came onstage far too late in the night. Once again, the DNC organizers packed the stage with a parade of state appetizers, including some names and faces that had no business crowing out the headliner of the night. By the time of the political “main course” arrived, it was 11:30 in the East, which is 10:30 Central time. That meant Walz would be speaking at close to midnight and 11 pm, respectively in half the country. This was a preposterous display of time mismanagement. Since the three most critical states (PA, MI, WI) are all located in EST and CST time zones, putting Walz on at past bedtime for people in the heartland was monumentally stupid.

It’s unfathomable that the DNC is going so well, yet no one seems to own a wristwatch. Is anyone aware that independents and swing voters probably aren’t staying up until midnight to watch speeches by politicians most people have never heard of? Political payoffs are idiotic at this stage of the election — this campaign is about WINNING. Do whatever it takes to win. Allowing an endless stream of unknown elected officials and divisive has-beens to squeeze out of primetime the *second* most important speech of the convention is an appalling mistake that could cost Democrats a few votes here and that there they otherwise would have attracted by Tim Walz’s wonderfully emotional and energetic speech.

My friend Paul Harris said it best. I encourage readers to click on the link here and read his reaction:



Imagine being so evil….so utterly lacking in empathy, humanity, and joy that a public figure would openly ridicule a special-needs teenager on social media. [READ FULL STORY HERE]


Last night at the Democratic National Convention, Gus Walz (son of the Vice Presidential nominee, Gov. Tim Walz) was so proud of his father and overcome with emotion that he cried tears of joy. Inexplicably, many Trumpers -including this asshat- thought that genuine display of family love and affection was worthy of mockery.

And, they have the audacity to call themselves the party of “family values?”

Fact: The objective of MAGA *is* cruelty.

These people are fucking SICK.

So, no — I won’t be cutting Trumpers any slack. No, I won’t allow them “time to catch up,” as some have pleaded. No, I won’t be forgiving them of their ignorance and blindness. This kind of shit needs to be CALLED OUT. Not ignored. We need to expose MAGA for what it truly is, and who these people are. When they show you who they are–believe them.


  1. Thanks for sharing your views on the DNC. Have enjoyed them.
    I totally agree with your thoughts on the time management. Been tough to get up in the morning.

    Tonight things seem to be going quicker as it 9:25pm and Roy Cooper is just finishing up. Looking forward to candidate Harris’s acceptance speech.

    Overall, thus far, have been full of positive messaging and uplifting. I have not felt this positive and engaged for a long time.
    Enjoy the show.


      Thanks for the nice comments, Daniel. Your posts are always welcome, even when not in agreement.
      It seems someone at the DNC bought a wristwatch, and timed tonight’s run of speeches much better.
      Let’s see if there’s a poll “bump” effect in the next few days.

      — ND

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