Are Video Surveillance Cameras a Good Thing?
Video surveillance cameras are a very controversial topic, especially here in Las Vegas/Nevada which has a long history as the bastion of individual freedoms and desperately tries to preserve its frontier mentality.
If you asked me only a few years ago about surveillance cameras I’d have been opposed. But my civil libertarian credentials have been tarnished by reality, advancing technologies, and a general sense at frustration that some changes maybe be necessary.
Indeed, it may be time to reconsider idealism vs. reality. Certainly, these high-tech tools can be effective in fighting crime, solving cases, and making our streets safer.
I’m leaning strongly towards revising my position on video surveillance as a law enforcement tool. From what I’ve seen in the UK, it helps a lot into solving crimes. Check out the CCTV videos and how effective they have been. Given the threats here, I don’t know why we can’t make similar use of this technology. Moreover, dangerous driving is such a problem here in Las Vegas that I’m for draconian measures to combat excessive speed and recklessness.
I realize there are challenges (in court) to issuing fines and the post-violation judicial process. But in theory, I’ve moved into the approval camp.
Agree or disagree?
[Note: I really do want to keep an open mind here — I can be persuaded by a strong argument]
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