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Posted by on Jul 21, 2024 in Blog | 0 comments

10 Immediate Thoughts on President Biden’s Withdrawl




After a very bad month, this is a very good day.

Here’s a short list of thoughts off the top of my head, for now.

1. President Biden made the right decision. It’s the right decision for the country, the party, and ultimately for Biden.

2. Even in his diminished capacity and some risks going forward, President Biden should be capable of completing his term through January, 2025.

3. Vice President Harris becomes the instant and obvious Democratic front-runner, especially with Biden’s endorsement contained in today’s official statement of withdrawl.

4. The Democratic National Convention must be an open process. It must not be a coronation. We should force VP Harris to win the nomination with her own talents and efforts, not hand it to her simply as a political inheritance. Pressure testing is good. A more challenging process (now) will make her stronger and better as a candidate in the national election (later), should she become the nominee.

5. I hope other qualified Democrats will enter the race. An ideal number of serious candidates would be 3 or 4. I also hope the competition will be respectful of one another. Democrats can’t be tearing each other down at this point. The singular focus must be on defeating Trump, reducing the dangers of MAGA, keeping control of the Senate, and winning the House.

6. This is the time for the DNC to take full command and announce some agreeable nomination process. Ultimately, it’s up to the party, collectively speaking, to pick the ticket and all delegates should be empowered freely with a vote at the convention to make the best selection. Forget about holding rushed primaries at this point. However, a couple of debates (if needed) would be ideal leading up to the Democratic National Convention in August.

7. The Biden campaign should free up all money and pledge it to the Democratic nominee. Period. End of story.

8. I don’t want to see Nancy Pelosi, Jim Clyburn, Hillary Clinton, or even Barack Obama puling the levers and making decisions. This time should be a complete reboot and total restart with new faces and energy. I realize this point is impractical and unlikely. However, the last thing Democrats should be wanting to see during this revamped nomination process is previous generations of leaders like Pelosi, Clyburn, etc. seeming like the real power brokers. Do not make this mistake!

9. This is very good news for Democrats. This is bad news for Republicans, who have concentrated most of their attacks and slime tactics on Biden. However, it’s far from a game-changer. I expect the odds on Trump winning will drop somewhat, though he’s still a solid favorite until a Democratic nominee is determined. Also, this is great news for down-ballot Democrats, who now won’t be dragged down by the top of a limp ticket.

10. Finally, President Biden should have handled this differently, or certainly better. I won’t dwell on the appalling mistake he made running for re-election in the first place. However, announcing his withdrawl from the race with a letter doesn’t make an impact on history nor advance the cause of preserving democracy. President Biden should have taken his moment in a nationally televised address, and like LBJ, Nixon, et. al. made a clear statement talking directly to the American people. This was a missed opportunity.

Still, we’re getting a new deal. We’re not drawing dead anymore. We’re live. Good news.

This is a good day.

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