Nolan Dalla

President Obama Cheated On Me



Mr. President — you cheated on me.

I no longer trust you.


Once upon a time, we the American people tearfully accepted your proposal.  We agreed to wed you.  We were thrilled when that big day came when you finally walked us down the aisle called Pennsylvania Avenue.  Then, four years after being together, we renewed those marriage vows, by electing you again.

That’s faith.  That’s trust.  That’s hope.

So, what did you do?

Well, you cheated, Sir.  You were unfaithful.  Over and over again.  You kept promising and kept failing to deliver.  Finally, you even quit making promises.  You just walked away.  You quit on us.

Don’t deny it, Mr. President.  There’s been a long string of mistresses — with cute names like family vacations, golf clubs, ill-timed political fundraisers, and just about anything else which provided a convenient excuse from coming back home to the White House, doing your daily chores, occasionally putting in a little overtime, and behaving like a faithful partner.

You abdicated your position of leadership in this family, Sir.  With that tramp called a pitching wedge.

Sir, when you were elected the first time in 2008 and a second time in 2012, on those occasions you agreed to be faithful to the American people, who you often so eloquently embrace with affection.  But a tender touch every now and then doesn’t pay the bills.  It doesn’t fix the leaky roof.

Worst of all, you pretended to be someone else before we were married.  You said you were a progressive, a sweet serenade after the annoying twang of that last husband.  You claimed yours would be a transformational presidency, which in your case meant governing from the Left.  But instead, you governed not from the center, but more often from the Right.  That’s betrayal.

So, where are the Wall Street housecleaning and prosecutions you promised?  Where’s the banking reform?  Where’s the gauntlet to stop for-profit prisons?  Where’s a sensible gun policy?  Where’s your allegiance to civil liberties, now steamrolled by an out-of-control intelligence bureaucracy?  Where’s the end of American’s fighting everyone else’s battles?  Where’s your leadership on drug reform?  Where’s your voice on Internet freedom?  Where did you disappear to in the tough fight for things we progressives hoped you would lead us on?

Oh, that’s right.  The 12th hole tee-box.

Finally, it took Americans’ heads being cut off in that awful mess called the Middle East to get you back to the mainland from the wonderland of Martha’s Vineyard.  Too bad you weren’t around the Oval Office when the Israel-Palestine conflict exploded again.  You heard about that, right?  Listen, I don’t blame you for wanting to shed that albatross called Israel.  But at least take Benjamin Netanyahu’s phone call, okay?  Tell him to hang on until you hit your approach shot.  He’ll wait.

There’s more bad stuff you might have missed.  Too bad you were away much of the time when Iraq basically morphed into another Vietnam.  Too bad you were at another one of your hack fundraisers while American foreign policy continues to drift aimlessly in Afghanistan.  Hell, even Syria now makes Lebanon look like Monte Carlo.

When we needed you to lead on immigration reform, you made excuses.  Nothing can get done since it’s an election year, you said.  Well, maybe that’s true.  But you wouldn’t even try.  How about this.  Make an attempt.  You do know you can work the phones while watching the basketball game, right?  Just keep the volume turned down.

Yet oddly enough, every time there’s a situation where you really have no business poking your nose in, you seem to find your inner voice of courage.  You’ve openly expressed opinions and made statements on everything from the Zimmerman case, to the Ferguson shooting and riots, to the Ray Rice domestic abuse scandal.  I guess if it makes SportsCenter, that manages to get your attention.  Let’s hope Ray Rice nukes North Korea.  Then, when questions get asked at the press conference, you’ll be able to knock it out of the park.

A few nights ago, you finally addressed the nation, and that’s a good thing.  It’s time we talked, even though you did all the talking and all we could do was listen.

Upon reflection, all I saw was you talking into a teleprompter again.  It was clear every scripted word had been written by someone else.  That’s nothing new when it comes to the presidency or course.  But at least in the past when we’ve witnessed our Presidents make bold declarations and issue new proclamations in domestic or foreign policy, the sound of the executive bell being struck calling the nation into action rings in tune with authenticity.  Instead, what I saw earlier was a President who doesn’t seem to really think about issues very much anymore, doesn’t engage as many people as when he was campaigning, and lacks a directional compass and even the motivation to get out of bed in the morning.  It’s almost like you’ve become the Queen or something.  At least she’s not out golfing all the time.

“We don’t have a policy,” you admitted last week when asked about the pending threat of the Islamic State to national security.  While I admire frank honestly, the knowledge that you aren’t engaged in the critical affairs of this nation anymore does beyond troubling.  It’s downright insulting.

Mr. President, it’s time we had a very different kind of talk.  We’ve tried counseling — HERE and HERE and HERE

The affection is gone.  The trust has vanished.

I want a divorce.

TAG: President Obama’s failures
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