Nolan Dalla

Mad Men 2024



Some sewer-dwelling conservative Republicans on social media believe the mentally-challenged children of politicians are fair game for mock and ridicule.

Okay, then mock and ridicule THIS GUY.

He’s the spawn of a well-known political figure who is nuttier than the missing marbles in a fruitcake. He claims his brain has been invaded by worms. He admitted on video to once taking a dead bear cub and dumping it in NYC’s Central Park, staging a crime scene, and then hiding that bizarre fact when it was reported by media. He’s a kooky anti-vaxer who’s been spewing dizzying conspiracy theories for years, endangering the lives of everyone gullible enough to listen and follow the anti-science.

Here’s more lunacy:

— Wi-Fi causes cancer and “leaky brain,” Kennedy told slug-thug podcaster Joe Rogan last month.

— Antidepressants are to blame for school shootings, he mused during an appearance with fellow screw-loose nut bag, Elon Musk on an X interview.

— Chemicals in the water supply could turn children transgender, he babbled to Right-wing podcaster Jordan Peterson, echoing a false assertion made by serial scumbag Alex Jones.

— AIDS may not be caused by HIV, he has suggested multiple times.

Is there such a thing as a straightjacket for the mouth? RFK, Jr. isn’t just batshit crazy. He *IS* batshit.

Well today, RFK, Jr. is expected to ENDORSE DONALD TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT. How fitting. Is anyone surprised? Yesterday, Trump even floated the idea and told an interviewer that he’d be open to having RFK, Jr. in his Administration. Doing what? Falconing? Digging for worms? Burying bear cubs?

TRUMP and RFK.Jr. are perfect for each other. A kettle of crazy. Angry birds of a feather. The ultimate political philandry. A Man-Men match made in hell-heaven.

Congratulations Republicans! You’ve picked up all the worm-brained, cub-dumping, Q-Anon, anti-vax, conspiracy-spewing quacks. Yes indeed — DONALD TRUMP IS YOUR CANDIDATE!


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