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Posted by on Jun 12, 2013 in Blog, Music and Concert Reviews, Rants and Raves | 769 comments

If You’re Under 25, Your Music is Fucking Garbage



You show me a machine or a computer program that can match the stellar majesty of Lauritz Melchior singing “Nessun Dorma,” and I’ll acknowledge it as music.  Until then, it’s fucking garbage.


If you’re under 25 years old — or an immature 30-plus — I’m about to set your ass straight.

So, listen up.

Your music is fucking garbage.

There, I said it.

Mindless crap.  Eardrum-bursting, dagger-in-the-eyes, ass-bagging, blow your fucking brains out — unadulterated dog shit.  That pretty much sums up the type of music that’s popular with today’s young people.

Listen, you stupid sons of bitches.  I’m talking at you.  I’m your elder.  My opinion demands respect.

Your music hasn’t got life.  It’s fucking dead.  Your music is void of humanity.  It’s as fake as a porn queen’s orgasm.  There’s no soul.  It’s tripe.  It’s a carp in the sea of music.  The stuff you listen to was created by fucking machines.

Today’s “artists” — there’s an oxymoron — don’t even need to know how to play musical instruments or sing.  In other words, no fucking talent whatsoever is needed to succeed today in music.  You heard me.  No.  Talent.  Whatsoever.

And, I’m fucking sick of it because the current generation is taking the gold we gave you and dragging it into a sewer.

Listen up, you little pricks.  I’m not stuck in some kind of classic rock time warp.  Fact is, I expose myself to many different kinds of music.  I give all music a chance.  Even the techno-trash littering the modern music scene is something I’ve tried to digest, which I found to be like choking down a plate of raw oysters laced with salmonella.

It would be nice to enjoy fresh musical acts.  I want to hear new songs.  I like some young people, especially when they get my order right.  But real music is written and performed by humans, not a fucking computer program linked up to a laser show.

Fact:  The more fancy gadgets and distractions you need, the most your music just flat out sucks.

Music should convey some sense of humanity — who we are, and what we feel.  I know that’s a hard concept to digest since your idea of a relationship is picking up a new Twitter follower.  Where’s the love and romance in the mind-numbing rubbish that’s played at most nightclubs?  Is there any conveyance pain and loss?  Or pride and joy?  How about playing a catchy tune that’s just fun to sing along with?

Is that too much to fucking ask?

I don’t expect to like everything that’s new.  As an amateur observer of the human condition, I freely acknowledge that successive generations are obliged to a continuation of the species which sometimes entails pushing boundaries and violating the preferences of their elders.  History shows the more radically different one generation is from one to the next, the greater degree of innovations are sparked from such permutations.  Music is just one by-product of inevitable cultural and technological shifts, sometimes mislabeled as advances.

Yes, yes, yes!  New music should piss off plenty of parents and leathery jokers like me.  At least I’ll accept “cultural evolution” as being inevitable, and necessary.

If you don’t believe this, take a look at the past century.  Nearly a hundred years ago, traditional musicians hated a new sound called jazz.  Later, jazz loyalists despised rock n’ roll and even the early sound of Motown.  After that, the rockers hated disco music.  Then, just about everyone hated New Wave and the 1980’s.  Next came rap music which irritated everyone over the age of 30.  Now, it’s hip hop and something called dubstep, which is essentially music made by computers and sound-making software.  This garbage makes rap sound like fucking Amadeus.

There’s a reason this “music” is used as a weapon on suspected terrorists, forcing them to wear earphones and being bombarded with such abuse for hours.  I’m not making this up.  This is the brain-frying shit they put on the headphones and strap to the ears of prisoners who are handcuffed behind their backs and sit naked in jail cells while they are forced to endure this madness.  I’d rather blow my fucking brains out, and if I ever did managed to get out, I’d be running off to join the nearest terrorist cell in order to extract my revenge.

Have a listen this rubbish (CLICK BELOW) if you can stand it for more than a few seconds:



I know what you’re thinking.  You want to go after my music.  You want to blast away at me.  Go ahead, fuckers.  See if you can top what I like at the conclusion of this article.  You’re drawing so fucking dead you should even be in my game.

So, what constitutes real music?  Here’s a list of things I believe to be essential.


(1)  Real music is created by humans, not by a machine or a computer.

(2)  Real music has structure and consistency.

(3)  Real music elicits real emotions — of love, loss, anger, fear, happiness, hope, inspiration, or anything related to the gambit of being human.

(4)  Real music requires talent.

(5)  Real music requires instruments and/or voices.

(6)  Real music should be cross generational.

(7)  Real music shouldn’t need gadgets or special effects to be enjoyed.

Here and now, I’ll leave you with a video clip of real music (CLICK BELOW).  When one of those fucking machines creates a sound that can somehow match this magical majesty, then give me a call.  Until then, don’t label what you listen to as “music.”  It’s not music.  It’s garbage.


Writer’s Note:  I wrote this over-the-top satirical outrage back in 2013, not expecting it to become the third-highest rated post on my website, with more than 100,000 page views.  Had I know that trolling could generate such high traffic, I probably would have utilized the tactic more often.  That said, I’ve come to modify my position somewhat on modern music.  There’s an astonishing array of excellent high-tech, computer-generated sound that’s as profoundly creative as anything ever written and recorded.  I continue to express some bewilderment at what masquerades as “popular music” today.  Much of it is garbage.  However, I wish to amend my previous remarks and withdraw the blanket condemnation of anything enjoyed by listeners under the age of 25.  Now, please continue to post the often hilariously hateful comments below.  Regards.


  1. Love you Nolan! You are so right on as usual – but you forgot to add it’s getting worse not better. Don’t even get started on Rap and the hood rats that put that stuff out. I just saw a major Country performer integrate Rap into a “Country” song. Kill me now. Thank god for iTunes, Spotify et. al. for the vaults of great music.

    • Digging the thinly veiled racism there Linda!

      • i don’t see any certain race mentioned in her post..hood rats come in all colors as does rap music.i don’t listen to white or black rappers cause rap is’s not music..this all started in the mid 90’s when rap and hip hop became the norm’.

        • Like all genres, there is good and bad rap. Dismissing all of it is like being a 1950’s literature professor that dismisses all “beat” poetry without bothering to examine it’s content.

          Every generation finds their own ways of expressing themselves. I have friends that think only classic rock has merit, some of them have no use for anything released after 1976. I happen to think they’re missing out on a lot of good works.

          • NO, imbecile filth, there isn’t good and bad rap – rap is ALL shit (NOT music). ALL SHIT, conceived by shit for shit and nothing but shit.

          • Ditto-
            And those 1976 friends are the ones living in denial because there is a whole world outside of those”classic” rock borders!

          • shut the fuck up bill jones

          • Rap is a form of poetry. It serves to bring up emotions and tackle concepts just as well, if not better than any other form of music due to its spoken nature. It can be aggressive or laid back depending on the tone of the rapper and it is not reserved for “Hood rats”.

          • Rhyming lines don’t qualify rap as “poetry,” any more than tv ads are insights into the human soul.

            Even the best written songs don’t enter the realm of poetry. Songs have lyrics, which are not the same thing.

            As far as that goes, rap stretches the definition of “lyrics” as well. I’m not sure what it is, but lyrical it ain’t.

          • I agree, many rap songs are bullshit, due to it’s emptiness, but where I come from there are rap songs (not all rap, just a few songs) that speak about love, about hope and loss, It may not be my favorite kind of music, but I may recognize that those lyrics where…. better that many modern songs, because I really felt the message of the song.

            Just as a little comment, when I listened “Nessun Dorma” for the first time I cryed, even if I was not able to understand the words the music was simply beautiful.

          • bill jones you drink donkey milk my dude

          • There was exactly ONE rap record that was brilliant the rest is garbage ..fact.

          • Agreed, although there is a whole slew of horrible rap and most of the excrescence is played on the radio, although I currently have no clue as to what they are playing on the radio these days, it’s been over a decade since I have listened to it.

            In certain aspects I agree with Nolan, but…the so called gold your generation has dug up out of the souls of the dead and dying musicians of their day, has been hashed and re-hashed countless numbers of times. The only direction to go is, well what I would consider shit. But some new music has it’s merits. Simply not even giving new material a chance, well I might call you dead inside Nolan.

          • it doesnt matter what music people listen to music is about how it makes you feel not who or what is singing it bill jones is a piece of shit for being a little prick and i agree i hate rap of all kinds but it doesnt matter what age or generation you come from you cant call everyones music trash except your own because if you were born in my this generation then you would most likely love the music we have noq

          • now

        • The 90’s when all rap music was about drugs and violence like rock&roll. Oh wait oh shit I didn’t just diss rock did I? No but that’s the same thing people want to say about rap while head banging to rock. 90’s was a long time ago and it’s changed a lot since then.
          If you ask me country music is the worst and is full of people with little talent, it’s filled with people that don’t write there own songs and lots that lie about doing so. Many of them aren’t even country and couldn’t get noticed doing other music so they adopted a southern voice and someone to write songs for them.
          But that’s just my opinion and which is all any one can say about music but I’m smart enough to know it unlike you. Get your head out of your ass realize you’re not the music dictator.

          • What about CocoRosie’s song Werewolf? It incorporates rap and opera. And so does Libera me from Hell, a song from the Anime Gurren Lagann.

            I agree there’s a lot of terrible music, but the song structure of the two songs I just mentioned are more sophisticated than Country Music. Personally, I prefer Blue Grass to the kind of Country Music that played on the radio even before it became garbage pop.

          • Has this guy even really listened to the stuff thats coming out today thats not main stream? i could list some fantastic artists,
            the black keys,
            tame impala,
            connan mockasin,
            mac demarco,
            yellow days
            theres so fucking many. to say that all music today is shit, is just plain ignorant

          • Country is full of people bursting with talent but completly wasting it on the same motifs since it’s invention. Lost the girl, lost the dog, someone’s cheating, getting drunk, I’m an asshole, or a sappy love song. I would equate in a roundabout fashion to Linkin Park, they were always complaining about something. Quit yer bitchin’ country music and come up with a new god damn subject to talk about in your music.

          • Re:someone writing songs for them (bye I don’t like the “new” or old country .. some
            Older country music is ok … but for your comment about “someone else writing the songs for them” what about “sampling?” That’s the biggest rip off used by rap “artists” what a joke ! They just use an old song .. yes I said an older song rock or not and add stupid rhymes like fuck that bitch etc? That’s intelligent music to anyone ? The so called lyrics are “so deep?” it’s a joke … then taking an older blues,rock,country,soul,disco, what have you … they all are just rip offs .. how can you even comment about people or only country (the new crap) having others write the lyrics?) that’s a joke right ? So many Rap songs are “samples” at first they were sued for using copyrighted songs? What’s your take on that ? Wait a moment ! Never mind you’re mindless … I don’t want your take .. lol I love this article it’s funny ?

          • you’re listening to the wrong country. you are talking about nashville corporately produced country. the cma’s and the cmt’s of the shit musical landscape they want to sell as country to the masses. you know it well. trucks and girls and beer repeated again and again for the uneducated casual music fans to regurgitate. well, i have news for you. there is great american country music out there. its hiding in bloomington, indiana, lexington, kentucky, bradenton, florida, and even nashville, tennessee. if you want to find it try the local bars. we are still here, still trying to take the next step. find us.

        • I heartily agree!

        • Thanks for the equality concerning hood rats, Robert!

      • Ridiculous comment — disliking rap doesn’t mean you’re racist. Ray Charles had a comment about rap: “I can talk, too.” By your definition, Ray Charles was racist as well.

        For the record, I love jazz, blues, gospel, and Motown soul, but most rap I’ve heard is not terribly musical or imaginative. So as a general rule I dislike it. Does that make me selectively racist?

          • I don,t see anything racist at all. I heartily agree!

          • This just sounds like someone who doesn’t listen to the full range of newer music, and like so many aging folks, does not want the world to keep turning without them someday.

        • Fuck all of y’all for hating on anyone’s music taste! Who the hell are you to call a genre “real music” or not? I could beat on a fucking sauce pan in my kitchen and it could touch someone’s soul!? Is that not real music? Music is LITERALLY anything pleasingly harmonious to oneself. Take your poorly conceived opinions and discreetly shove them far up your ass where they belong. Have a nice day while you’re at it ?

          • Couldn’t have said it better!!!!!

          • That just means you are a moron. You fail in being able to tell the difference between great music and total garbage.

          • Definition of music: “vocal or instrumental sounds (or both) combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and expression of emotion.” You may think bowel movements are harmonious to “oneself”, but they do not qualify as music. Once upon a time a person that may have been touched by the sound(s) of his grandmother preparing a meal in the kitchen would take it as inspiration to write a song longing after his childhood and missing the warmth he felt when he was a kid at his grandparents’ house, and use actual musical instruments to compose sounds that are alike those. Which requires, you know, genuine artistry, good old fashioned hard work and dedication to pull off. Today, I expect that same person to mimic those sounds on kitchen paraphernalia and use software to mix that into a jumble that barely registers as melodic. Tell me I’m wrong.

          • Fuck you too. You can take your garbage music and shove it so far up your rectum it’ll come out your fucking mouth.

            We’re tired of garbage. Sincerely, a fed up “Young Oldhead”

          • get your head examined, music went to shit after the late 70’s

      • Fuck you John D. If anybody dares to call this motherfucking dog shit trash so-called “music” for what it is – DOG shit – they get labeled a racist. I’M not a racist. I’m just a guy who recognizes pathetic fucking dog-shit so-called “music” when I HEAR it.

        This rap stuff is just an excuse for dudes who can’t create ACTUAL music (real, genuine, melodic MUSIC) to call themselves “artists” then write this NO-TALENT shit. What a FUCKING joke this shit is to anybody who’s not a twenty-something wet-ass KID.

        The ONLY reason this shit sells and makes millions for the no-talent jack-offs who create it is because its appeal and its market is primarily to a bunch of wet-ass, know-nothing kids who fancy themselves real tough when they’re ACTUALLY fucking babies and imbeciles, wearing their pants down past their assholes, looking and acting RIDICULOUS – and who don’t know jack-SHIT while thinking they’re so fucking street-wise. They are BEYOND fucking PATHETIC.

        Its an insult to any actual form of real and genuine music to even CALL this rap shit music. Its not music. Its a bunch of no-talent talk, just like the vast majority of misguided, still-shittin’-yella fucking punks that listen to it.

        Jam your “racist” accusations up your fucking ass. Lots of people, myself included, are TIRED of your dog shit. This shit is gonna push too far, piss off one too many decent people and then get fucking STEPPED ON like the worthless, vile and infantile DRIVEL and DOG SHIT that it actually is.

        • Very well said

        • WOW! While I do agree that just about ALL of today’s “music” of EVERY genre sucks ass, you just sound like one ANGRY ASS BITCH! You are so fucking pathetic! Get a life, you brain dead piece of SHIT!

          • Ok thats also not true IMO. try listening to alabama shakes, band of horses, monophonics, etc. while yes i do agree he’s acting very petty, there is still “good music” according to you. You just have to look for it. 🙂

        • Here’s rapper Hopsin pouring his soul out to in one of the most emotional songs I’ve heard in years. Its a song spoken to God about his struggle to believe. Yeah, I like opera, but even many opera songs have garbage lyrics.

          To be sure, the following song is raw, curses a lot, is blasphemous, and prideful, but its also melancholy and haunting.

          • No talent illiterate crap..musical fqct.

          • I just listened…wow. uhm…rhyming and cursing to computer generated music. Incredible talent! I can only imagine with the wealth of talent being displayed here…how one could not recognize the sheer brilliance of managing to talk, rhyme and curse at the same time….simply boggles the mind

        • Brilliant! Comments like this make life worth living! Well done Nolan for initiating genuine discourse about music and non-music masquerading as music .. Yes!

        • I am not defending either side.
          I am not PRO Rap.
          I am not PRO Classic Rock.
          I am simply just stating the fact that you have wasted around ten minutes of your life, typing in anger, and without thinking, and for not a very good reason at all.
          The fact that rap is good or not, IS IN FACT, not a fact… It is an opinion…….. (this is why i hate the internet)
          SO, when you state it as a fact, you, my good sir, are being an imbecile, especially since you are screaming and cursing and belittling people who disagree with you.
          I do apologize for the wrath this statement might incur, because I am differing from this person’s opinion

          • Very mature comment well done I don’t like internet either!

        • Lol. I love Pink Floyd’s artful construal of animal farm as much as I enjoy Jay Z and Eminem’s intricate wordplay; I enjoy Bill Evans’s tender jazz as much as Drake’s pop-ish R&B, and Sviatoslav Richter’s version of Beethoven’s appassionata, and BIlly Paul’s souful voice, and Daft Punk’s vintage electronica, and Leon Russell’s blue eyed soul etc you get the idea. As long as people feel the emotion of the artist it does not matter what type of instrument is being used. Open your small mind and stop typing in all caps as if that is going to make your argument more valid. In fact it merely reflects that your opinion is seldom taken in real life, and it makes sense because it is simply backwards. No wonder Donald Trump got elected by a country label itself as the most “free”. Some old guards can’t even stand artistic freedom lol, and you will trust them to have the decency to understand human beings should have the freedom to be whatever they want? Lmao. Pathetic.

          • Mufukkah muh dik muh dik is intricate word play?

          • I don’t mean this in an insulting or petty way to anyone on this thread, and I mean this sincerely:

            How many times can you listen to Led Zeppelin and Pink Floyd? Now, let me be clear: I am 49, and absolutely devoured their catalogs. Its genius, and I love it… but c’mon…. its liking watching the Godfather every day for 40 years. I kind of know the plot…

            Like every generation and genre, there is quality art and exploitive garbage. That has always been the case.

            There is great music being made every day. The difference now is that the market is so fragmented that it doesn’t hold the attention of a mass audience due to its limited distribution. But the idea that there hasn’t been any good music since the late 70s is hyperbolic, baiting nonsense.

            Remember that your parents thought yoir music was garbage, too. My Mom thinks the Beatles suck. Its all in the eye if the beholder.

        • I think you pretty much summed it up in the most eloquent way. Good job!

        • Love the passion, but it’s falling on deaf ears. Why bother, shit music is what they want, shit music is what they get.

        • Damn Dave, sounding like a crusty ass old man who misses the days of being a homeless bum, and shooting up meth and heroine to Hendrix while standing around a trash can fire. You’ve definitely fried your brains dawg, keep moving and leave music to those that can actually reach triple digit scores on an IQ test. I know your type. Talk a lot of shit, but at the end of the day you’re just a racist pussy, jacking off in the corner of your trashy trailer park home, drinking Milwaukee’s Best because you’re too remedial to get a proper job and afford a decent bottle of Scotch, and will more than likely run and hide behind your Confederate flag and pretend you’re not there if you see a person of color. Have fun sucking Trump’s dick, bigot.


        • are you a professional douche bag or is it just a hobby? Listen to Mos Def and tell me he is not a poet musical genius and then come back and discuss.

        • Amen!

        • You are so wrong this comment should be illegal. Let’s see you rap if it’s so easy that it’s just an excuse lol! It would sound like shit, because you suck! Not cause rap sucks you MORON! Piss off.

        • I like dog shit

        • Wow, you must be an old-ass father who just got angry because his children weren’t listening to fucking classical boring-ass shit. It’s just the music we like to listen to, so fucking deal with it you fucking raddy-ass slug.

          Let’s not even forget that you couldn’t make SINGLE fucking song that’s original on your own. I wouldn’t go after music if you can’t make music to save your life, cunt. 🙂

          So I would piss off before someone like me makes an even bigger fool out of your ass lmao

      • Honestly thats a pretty racist comment from John not Linda.

      • haha this cunt thinks she knows what music is! lol


      • lmao

      • Dig what you want.

      • Wrong libtarded fucksta8n..get a GED

      • Me too! Literally. Don’t be weak.

      • Racism? No. Rap sucks balls musically, just a fact. Nothing more than a guy rhyming about crime and treating women like garbage. It’s a degenerate’s “music”. People that default to excuses of racism are mental midgets.

        • This sounds a lot like a person that doesn’t listen to rap. A lot of rap ranges from many different topics, from suicide prevention to living a high life in LA. If the number of suicides in the U.S. have gone down, and the number of calls to the national suicide hotline have quadrupled since Joyner Lucas made his “I’m Sorry” track and Logic made his 1-800 song, I’d say rap doesn’t suck. However, a lot of mainstream rappers only talk about “fucking bitches and getting money”. Music is so wide and diverse you don’t get to say what people can and can’t like and what is good or not. You just have to find what fits you. I can’t stand any songs before 1990, but that’s just my opinion. I don’t say people are small-minded and retarded for liking something.

        • That’s no all rap, yes it is some of it. If you want to hear some meaningful rap…Guns for Hands,Migraine, Glowing Eyes, Stressed Out Twenty One Pilots some of the songs may be confusing for someone without mental illness and some are slower and could be considered more on the singing side.

          • Is rap music or is it just chanting a form of poetry with the syllables recited to a rhythmic tremolo thing over a varying ostinato? I am very confused as to why this is considered music, but I applaud the genre for having a lot meaningful stuff in it. I haven’t listened to a lot of these bizarre forms of poetry (that frankly sounds unappealing at times, especially if it’s not meaningful.), but I would like to know why this is considered music. (Disclaimer: By no means am I ranting, me just asking. )

        • Your shit opinion isn’t fact dan but you being an old worthless cynical bum is

      • Sick fuck ! Music today isn’t music at all it’s computerized screaming non poetic urban anger passing itself off as something profound and moving —it isn’t close ! All it expresses is how talentless these millennial entitled shits are …. I recently visited Amsterdam Netherlands and they think to be fashionable is to play nothing but this urban ameenvironment I am prison cultured dogshit thinking it’s “cool” or black-friendly ?? Yeah typical for libtards with white guilt …pure garbage ! I’d rather listen to Barry Manilow at least there is some humanity there !

        • lmao please go back to blasting ACDC and beating off to the thought of getting to lynch black people, you illiterate, inbred, white trash failure.

      • ?? Racism? What did I miss?

      • You fucking played on my boi Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and I ain’t liking it, even I know better than to listen to operas where the singers have vibrato wider than your moms overabused ass. I ain’t liking hip hop or rap but Wolfgang has better shit than the classical shit you listen to

      • Only racists like yourself bring up false racism claims.

    • Yea! Fuck individualism, Music is totally not based on someones opinion, we like classic, so everything else but classic is shit!
      To say that Electronic music is no music is as retarded as the rest of this article, the definition of music is “Organized sound” and every bit of today’s music offers that, Dubstep follows the order of: Intro, Drop, outro. Correct me if im wrong, but that looks organized to me.
      Just because you don’t like something what other people like, it’s no reason to be such an intolerant prick and insult their opinion and themselves, especially because you got no true facts or reasoning behind “This music sucks”. I feel sorry for you to be so closed minded to say that everything sucks you don’t like, it’s just another proving point for the Flynn effect.

      • The only thing I’ve learned here is the author is a close-minded, ignorant twat.

        • except that dubstep is fucking terrible. you’re trying to hard to be hip if you can’t see that now.

          • Except, Dubstep isn’t new. It came to exist round the late 90’s. So us filthy filthy millenials can blame you. 😀

          • No, because the only thing wrong with you *cough cough* no I’m sorry, what’s wrong with this whole forum is that you people bitch non-stop. Eww this music sucks let me go online to bitch about it to others and try to get attention. So what if you like hip hop, trance, pop, techno, rock, or r&b.. just don’t be a little 11 year old dick thinking you’re from the wrong generation because you don’t like listening to, “fucking garbage.”

          • CLearly you haven’t listened to any of my songs ahaha

          • Clearly you are stuck in 1703 music is music no matter how its created some of the most famous musicians were seen as unoriginal,horrendous,Garbage Bach especially but now his seen as one of the best composers in the world. Music is technologically and scientifically based so with technological advancement came new ways to make music and this section REAL MUSIC DEFINED BY NOLAN DALLA:
            (1) Real music is created by humans, not by a machine or a computer.
            (2) Real music has structure and consistency.
            (3) Real music elicits real emotions — of love, loss, anger, fear, happiness, hope, inspiration, or anything related to the gambit of being human.
            (4) Real music requires talent.
            (5) Real music requires instruments and/or voices.
            (6) Real music should be cross generational.
            (7) Real music shouldn’t need gadgets or special effects to be enjoyed.
            its describes music over the years we went from bones to guitars to daws and a daw is a Digital Audio Workstation primary use would by music production. Electronic music has structure and consistency, Elicit real emotions dont believe me listen to this…/protohype-far-east-movement-stfu and tell me you dont feel a little hype. Talent is always present in EDM listen to Seven Lions listen to Skrux listen to Venemy Virtual Riot MitiS JAUZ they have talent. They are virtual instruments and don’t always require voices. If real music doesn’t need gadgets and special effects to be enjoyed then what the fuck are the PEDAL UNDER THE PIANO ARE FOR they are special effects to alter the duration and pitch of the note.In conclusion if you never made a song in fl studio,Ableton,Reason,Reaper,or Logic keep your ignorance to yourself about music because people at EDC are trying to enjoy it ok (EDC’15 IS THE LARGEST MUSIC FEST CURRENTLY)
            From KVzMOS,Music producer and DJ P.S. you ARE acting like a little bitch in this post.

          • I still like dubstep…I get more flack now more than ever. If I was trying to be hip wouldn’t I just go with the flow of popular culture and start not liking dubstep?

        • Yes!

        • Except that he’s right on all points. Real music does require talent, discipline, and creativity, and should express real human emotions — something completely absent in the pop music of today. I listen to a wide variety of music — classical, rock, jazz, bluegrass, ethnic, just to name a few. I don’t see the same curiosity and open mindedness in today’s youth that I experienced with my friends growing up, even though YouTube and streaming services make it incredibly easy to sample music of all kinds. More often than not, they listen to the mind-numbing rot that Nolan describes. And yes, there is scientific proof of the decline op pop music. Simply do a search on Columbia’s million song dataset, which shows pop music peaking in the mid sixties to early seventies, just as most curmudgeons claim.

          • Agreed!

          • You obviously don’t know anything about pop music. And “thrill” is an emotion too, so it’s not like a song is bad just if it ‘s not super emotional. The reason why pop music “peaked” in the 60s is because like so many people listened to it then and now there are so many genres and so much diversity. Music is music. Don’t generalize and don’t sound stupid, oops you already do. You don’t know what you’re talking about, and that’s a fact

          • Ah yes, because musical acts like Adele, Ozzy Osborne (who released a new album recently, thus making it “modern”), Lana del Rey, Janelle Monae, Sam Smith, and Ed Sheeran rely entirely on computers and gadgets instead of voices & instruments…

            …oh wait.

            Maybe, if you bothered listening to more than one modern radio station (or at least something that wasn’t dance/pop or modern rap), then you’d notice that there’s plenty of good music out there. In fact, instrumentals & rich vocals – and even bluegrass, for some reason – are coming back into vogue.

            As for computer-generated music: Prince, Daft Punk, and various synth-laden rock bands from the 70s have been doing that for decades.

            (Oh, and one’s age does not mean they are deserving of respect. Respect is earned through merit; otherwise, we’d have to show the same respect to the raving homeless druggie as we do to war vets. That’s something my grandfather taught me, and I wager he has a few years on you.)

            -MM, a 35-year-old who grew up on classic rock & classical composers

          • Excellent response and argument here Peter !

        • True, you should read my comment trashing him. I’m pretty brilliant. It’s the newest one on the very bottom. Just use “Control, F” or “Command, F” depending on your keyboard and search my name if you don’t want to scroll

        • You wouldn’t know a twat if you were choking on it you sloth

        • And what I’ve learned about you is that you’re a fucking brainless idiot!!!!!

        • this dude reminds me of a titanium rod inside a blender. won’t shut up until you pull the plug.

        • Shouldn’t talk about your mother that way.

      • It’s organized to me.. ;_;

      • Today’s music is not what’s really hip and what the people like. It is pushed and shoved down our throats by the banks and the big media conglomerates who create and own it. Today’s hit music is all one the same trendy and fake formulaic garbage. Thank you iheart (Clear Channel).

        • Exactly.

          • You guys are both fucking idiots, if you know anything about music you should know that music has trends, and rap has become a lot more popular so you can fuck off you scumbag motherfucker.

        • “It is pushed and shoved down our throats by the banks and the big media conglomerates who create and own it”
          “Thank you [big media conglomerate]”

        • What kind of fucking retarded-ass explanation even is that, you troglodyte? “Banks and Big Media Conglomerates” don’t own rap music you autism patient. They’re owned by the fucking artist who made them. Go back to being some crazy-ass, mullet-headed conspiracy theorist who stuffs his face with fucking nachos while watching Nascar. Fucking dumbass faggot

      • What you do not understand is the variations, terraced dynamics, musicality, and spontaneity of actual musicians creating and playing an actual instruments. Yes, you are right that there is order and what is music. However, it is sterile, formaliac, and lacks deep passion and human emotions. It is something incredible hearing a musician that displays virtuosity. Listen to great bands out of your musical experience and you will understand. Your opinion really lacks validy.

        • Actually, I think your opinion lacks validity. You are correct that live music has a certain feel to it that makes it very unique and human. But to call an entire genre of music sterile, formulaic, and lacking deep passion shows that you really haven’t listened to much electronic music yourself. What you may have listened to may have been the sterile, formulaic, and passion-lacking songs of the genre (admittedly, they are more mainstream), but these traits can be found in every genre. Good electronic music (not the EDM that I admit is popular with younger people) is very beautiful, atmospheric, and adventurous. It really can take you places. I listen to plenty of instrumental music as well, whether old or new, but I also enjoy electronic music equally. They can be sonically great in completely different ways. I suggest taking a deeper listen to different kinds of electronic music before completely bashing the genre. I think you’ll be surprised.

          • As someone who has listened to a lot of electronic music (dubstep, trap, etc) and has attended many raves/festivals ranging from mainstream to underground (warehouses in Brooklyn), I can tell you safely that no, electronic music does not elicit emotional responses of any kind. It will never replace actual human beings in the music industry and if it had to exist on it’s own exclusively, it would fail miserably. The fact that real music exists is the only reason why this genre is still around. When it becomes too much, you can stop listening to it and switch to something more ‘human’. Rarely is this music ever played in a car, while working or studying, or while doing anything other than partying. The only time I hear it played outside of a social event is in anticipation of one thats upcoming.

          • I can tell you safely that no, electronic music does not elicit emotional responses of any kind.

            The fact that you dare make such universal claims and that you’re incapable of feeling any emotion from listening to e.g. this classic album tells more about you than about electronic music.

          • I’d say that modern music can be good, but not all, so I am in agreement, but I fail to understand all you said, as I admit am quite young and stupid as of now, but I partially agree with him as well, now, I’m not solid on what he calls bad, because the link is inactive, but I will say that newer songs can be as good as new ones, imagine dragons is my favorite band, if you dig you’ll find good music with them, or if you’ve heard of the music company two steps from hell, the don’t do live music as far as I can tell, but they don’t completley use computers, I hear violin and piano, flute and harp, brazen trumpets and drums, you just have to listen closely, try it.

          • Good day to you. I like music. As a citizen of the world, I salute all of you and praise everyone for being alive in this wonderful culture. What a great time for music. I also have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you.

        • Mmmm but then again you have musicians like yngwe malmsteen (having a hard time spelling his name) who dont have any “soul” but are still amazing musicians. Like, very mechanical and technical and intricate, but no emotion.

      • Techno music sounds like a computer being rapped and that’s coming from a 14 year old that understands musical theory and can tell a album with songs that have the same 4 chords from a Bruce Springsteen album that tells a story and actually takes talent. Wake the fuck up (btw fetty Wapp sounds like a retarded auto tuned goat)

        • I can see your point, but at the same time I listen to trace and euphoric hardstyle and the music has emotions. I listen to Metallica and ACDC as well, Coldplay, even the fleet foxes. So I respect you’re opinion but disagree

        • Ok well what about born in the usa? That whole song is litterally 2 chords. I mean i totally agree springsteen is good music. But not exactly “talent” as in standing out from the rest of people from the that erra.

          • There are actually three chords and Bruce Springsteen’s Born in the USA. But then again, you’re Millennials, so we don’t expect you to know that. You weren’t taught and you don’t know music theory.
            FYI, the chord you failed to identify is a suspended second. Go listen to the song again. Have a nice day 🙂

      • I agree… This article made me mad. Music is music, and different types of people like different types of music, and just because you don’t like some type of music doesn’t make it okay to hate on other people for liking that music.

        • “Music is music” is like saying “cars are cars,” “people are people,” or “food is food.” In other words, it says nothing. There is great music and bad music, which is the point of this post, however blunt it may be. Great music tends to last. Mediocre music fades to oblivion.

          More than 300 years after his death, Bach’s music is still played and recorded all over the word. It’s far more listened to and appreciated than it was in his own day, to the point that it has been incorporated in popular culture, although many people don’t realize this.

          Who will still be listening to dub step in 30 years, let alone in 300 years, if we survive that long as a species?

          • Time is an effective filter. The works of J.S. Bach are still performed and listened to, but there were plenty of mediocre to awful composers from the same era that are completely forgotten.

            Same goes for 60’s/70’s classic rock and oldies from the 50’s, what endured was what was best, and there was a ton of stuff that was justifiably discarded over the years.

            Ever seen the film Amadeus? For every Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, there were an abundance of Antonio Salieri types.

          • No argument there. There’s mediocre music in all genres. My point is that there’s little or no great music in the current pop music scene. It doesn’t take the filter of time to understand that.

            The great classical musicians were recognized, by at least a portion of the listening audience, as great in their day. They simply have more staying power than the flash in the pans, the musicians who pandered to a superficial public… Sort of like today.

          • Music is music and it’s opinions.
            Only the listener can determine what is good and bad for there ears not others.
            The point of this post was obviously sitar or just retarded rant. If some one hears Bach and says “this sucks” then they are right because it’s there opinion,you can’t be like “no it’s good and you’re wrong because it’s been around for more than 300 years, go get your ears checked”
            It’s all on opinion and any one that wants to seriously try to short talk any form of music like it’s a fact and not opinion is an idiot.
            Blunt as it may be trying to say anything about music as more than a personal opinion is stupid. In other words, it says nothing.

      • Shut the f*** up. It’s all garbage and has an oversexualized, terrible message over all of its repetitive crap. It sucks and you suck for liking it. No ridiculous amount of rationalization and calling people who ‘insulted you’ names is going to change that. Every single generation thinks itself wiser than their forebearers, and your ilk do this because they mistake the power of technology as their own ability.

        A bit about me: I am 25, am a biochemist and am almost certainly smarter than you are based on your sophomoric arguments. I am also a racist, because putting your own first, something that every organism on the planet does to survive, is not morally wrong. Looking forward to your butthurt over the words of a stranger when you could just ignore me.

        • Oversexualized & repetitive? That’s what previous generations said about jazz, early rock, disco, and pretty much every genre with lyrics…

          Other organisms look after their own species, for the survival of said species. Racism runs counter to species survival, as 1)the different ethnicities are not separate species; 2)racists are scientifically shown to be more prone to lower IQ & mental disorders in the socio/psychopathy spectrum, and 3)racism includes anti-miscegenation, which leads to genetic stagnation. This is why inbreeding is most common amongst white supremacists in the American South and xenophobic Muslim countries.

          Your ranting & childish comments about how smart you supposedly are & others’ “butthurt” shows that you are either an entitled attention-seeker, overcompensating for your shortcomings (such as your toxic personality), or simply a troll – which is often a mix of the previous types.

          Looking forward to you eventually growing out of your self-entitled, know-it-all attitude coated in ignorance.

          • Actually, if you look at it all of those people were usually right initially. It takes the older generation pointing out the weaknesses, then the kids get pissed, but actually start trying to make liars out of them out of spite. jazz at first was really simplistic, eventually you got Louis Armstrong then Charlie Parker. As a matter of fact there was a kind of feud like this between Louis Armstrong and Dizzy Gillespie. Same with rock, again simplistic and people were saying it lacked sophistication. Eventually you started getting bands like Deep purple, Led Zeppelin, and King Crimson proving them wrong. Disco always had some great bass playing but it never got more technical in the mainstream at least and eventually turned into house. metal started pretty simple and always carried the stigma of being noise, but soon you got queensryche, iron maiden, and others. We need the older generations to berate us because it keeps us moving, its the nature of things. Hate it if you like but this man is doing his part and what is natural.

          • Great observation. I’m waiting on bated breath for the generation’s Led Zeppelin. We’ve become so corporatized I’m not sure it will happen.

            Also, I’m not so sure that a generation gets pissed at comments by their elders. It’s more likely that music evolves, but for this you must have musical curiosity and drive.

          • Agreed

          • Some disco tracks also had complicated rhythmic Latin percussion (timbales, congas, etc..). Tracks like “When You Wake Up Tomorrow” by Candi Staton, “Jingo” by Candido,”Is It All Over My Face” Male Version by Loose Joints, “Trinidad” by John Gibbs & U.S. Steel Orchestra, and “You Don’t Care About Our Love” by China Burton. In addition, disco had a more diverse timbral elements due to full string and brass sections. Tracks “Love Sensation” by Loleatta Holloway, “Bourgie Bourgie” by Ashford and Simpson, and “Mainline” by Black Ivory.

        • You know, someday there’s going to be a new form of music, something you nor I could comprehend as of now, and you if I get my solid baring of your self preserving personality, will reject it as much as he rejects our music, someday you’ll look back at techno or dubstep, and see it as simple, you’ll attach to it, and reject the new form, you’ll be like a “more intelligent racist” version of the person you just swore at, and I hope sincerely when that day comes that you remember what you said here, and regret every last word you wrote.

        • Yup, most people of my day and age are (sorry) dumb people who can not think on there own.

        • Biochemist has nothing to do with music, unlike some people here (me) who are in more than one instrumental band, and play multiple instruments, and has played for over half of their life. If you really want to get into it about music make sure you know who you’re fucking with. Cause I will demolish you and when your down and crying I will have more to say and cause I’m a petty bitter bitch I will keep going. So if you want to have an opinion in music play an instrument and get a degree in music first because you just sound plain dumb to people who know what their saying. So stay out of it.

        • If you’re telling us to ignore you, then you shouldn’t make the damn comment you libtard. You’re clearly not a biochemist, because biochemists are way smarter than your ridiculously stupid ass.

          Even if you were a biochemist, that would explain your toxicity towards anything in style, because you’re just some nerdy faggot that can’t socialize for his life and can’t follow trends. Good day, you dumbass troglodyte.

      • I don’t think Nolan was referring to a particular crappy noise as such.
        I personally am bombarded by crappy, untalented garbage at the airport, bus, radio etc. continually without being asked.
        It’s the breaching of any sort of privacy that is the problem. Which is WHY we have Youtube, for at least we poor victims have a choice albeit confined to our homes to escape in the process.It’s of no surprise that artists such as Pavarotti, Miles Davis etc. are the preference to which such shitty, garbage adhere to. Disappointing perhaps to the robotic masses, methinks.

        • I’m not a fan of being forced to listen to music I don’t care for in public places, but it’s not new. When I was a kid, they played “Muzak” style music everywhere, what my brother called “Dentist Office Music” and it was dreadful. Badly arranged orchestrations of popular tunes and movie themes.

          Now we get pop music, piped in all over the place, even parking structures. Even the military uses rock music in recruitment commercials.

          All that matters is what passes the test of time.

      • Couldn’t possibly have worded that any better, Sebastian, good on you. Thank god there are people with open minds like you or else there’d be a lack of individualism in the world.

      • Im sorry I have to agree dub step sounds like a gang of lawnmowers and a bag of hammers, total crap. Rap takes no talent, any 15 year old can write stupid crap like that and then take sampled music from a real artist to make that crap palatable to some <25 yr old ear. anyways you win! it killed roc…. artists (oxymoron there) are lazy nowadays. kanye west is a genius (sarcasm there) piggy azela ariana grande. list goes on for bubble gum pop crap artists flooding the main stream. your argument is invalid!

        • previous comment @ sebatian and anyone else who thinks modern music is good.

      • “Intro,drop,outro”? I think that’s the same process as feeding my dog. With the same outcome.

        I can well believe that this electro garbage is a torture rechnique, heard some of it at the gym today and wanted dig out my ear drums and burn them

      • There’s this one song that’s so bad I wish I knew the name so I could post it here. It’s someone mumbling a nonsense phrase–not singing it, or even rapping, mind you–that would be fine. No. It’s just mumble and repeat. No attempt at ryhme.That same phrase is the hook and the bridge and the chorus, and the sound bite that’s used to advertise the song. It’s so dumb it fills me with a sense of wonder. The ‘Lonely Island Gang’can’t even spoof this kind of music. Their spoofs are better than what passes for real music at this point. Think about that. This is amazing. It’s like watching a fox decompose under time-lapse. It’s so fucking dark, but I can’t look away.


      • Could not have said it better, excellent reply. The sad thing is, is that these close minded pieces of shit will gain nothing from reading this….the world is truly a sad place.

      • I am sorry, but music is not sound, what YOU listen to is ‘organized sound’. Music, like already mentioned in this article is a form of human emotions and ideology. Music is played by humans, written by humans, and loved by humans. Calling it ‘organized sound’ is already quite ignorant because that is not what it is. Are you telling me a painting is ‘organized paint’? We don’t dislike today’s “music” because it is not classical, we dislike it because it is not music, it is not art, it does not express emotions nor does it make you feel emotions. The article already explained that, did you even understand any of it, or were you just simply blinded by the fact that you think somebody hates today’s “music”? This article is not an opinion, it is a fact! What you think is “music” is not art at all. Anyone can do it, all you have to do is just get a computer program that does it for you and then claim you did it, simple enough. Where is the artistic value in that? If everyone could paint the Monalisa would even be worth as much money as it is today? Think about that, because it works with music as well.

        • Do you even remotely understand how music production works? There’s no “computer program” that does it for you, lol, you have to sequence everything by hand. The sound is created by synths which are played just like a piano is except with the additional step of designing sound itself, sometimes samples are used in creative ways, etc. Listen to electronic artists like Boards of Canada, Oneohtrix Point Never, Lorn, Burial, Emancipator, Clark, etc. and tell me there’s not more creativity involved there than in 90% of the repetative butt rock people like you listen to.

          • Jeeze where have you been? Sequencers have been used since the beginning. Quantization, auto sync,looping…Yes there are programs that create patterns of arpeggiated sequences from a few simple notes.Yes, electronic music CAN be made to simulate human made music, but it takes an un-godly amount of time and number crunching, besides the fact that making it ‘human sounding’ seems to be anthetical to most electronic pop’composers’.
            Hey,at least butt-rockers took the time to learn a real instrument and play in real time…human time, not robot time.
            And if you think I’m ignorant of good electronic music, check out Isao Tomitas rendering of Modest Mussorgsky’s ‘Pictures at an exhibition’ for a very early example of totally synthesized (Moog) electronic music,humanized but without attempting to reproduce classical instrument sounds.

    • There is so much garbage in the world world today~!

    • Clearly you need to see Straight Outta Compton ma’am

    • I agree with you, Linda.
      In my opinion, black people should just go back to where they came, and leave music making to the superior race!

      • What the actual crap. I hope you’re kidding your racist little %&#@. Superior race?!!?! WTF MAKES YOU PART OF THE SUPERIOR RACE. You’re skin is just a different color. Black people are amazing. White people are amazing. Brown people are amazing. You’re a racist son of a ______. Get some perspective.

      • Jimi Hendrinx?

      • What tree did you climb out of?

      • It is hilarious you say that and I hate to do this but fuck it. How about you go do your research. BLACK FOLK INVENTED damn near every genre and it was copied and pasted by whites. If you’re soooo superior go tell Rittz to stop sounding like Tech N9ne and Krizz Kaliko. Imbecile

        • Thank yooou!!! I mean blues, rock and roll, rap (ie james brown founder of rap, you can hear him thinking of words trying to freestyle) and honestly how can anyone say rap doesnt need talent? I mean look at wax, that dude freestyles like a maniac. I doubt anyone in this forum can freestyle half as good as wax. And to say rap has no emotion? Honestly i get hecka sad listening to eminem (obviously not songs like real slim shady, or square dance. But space man, lose yourself, etc. and you can hear the pain in his voice once you get past his antics. And for all the people saying hiphop is all about sex, drugs, parties, etc. you’re trippin and you need to take it back to 78′ in the south bronx. Grandmaster flash is the man. Almost all rap before the gangsta rap erra (ie late 80’s) was great and was pretty clean and not about drugs sex and money. People who hate any genre, you need to REALLY study it all the way back to when it first started and then come talk to me. Most of you are, simply put, uneducated when it comes to music.
          Much love. Peace.

      • Jazz, blues, R&B, soul, and rock all originated with black musicians.
        The last original music created by whites was Baroque, sometime in the 1600s.

    • your a fucking prick, you ignorant music tasteless fool.

    • I rap. Everyone who raps or listens to it is not into garbage. I’m 24 and hate the shit. Generalization along with labeling rappers “Hood rats” is class A fuckery. You both go to hell

      • what.

        • Ikr this guy sounds like a fucking idiot like you don’t have to be 12 to like pop or 42 to like Pink Floyd. Music and taste is relative which is one of best parts about it. This guy is such an asshole honestly.

    • you don’t like that music bc its not for you
      you aged out
      look at this page hahaha look at that sidebar of supporter emeritus omfg hahah what a bunch of fucking boring normie dead in the eye soulless lumps – is anyone surprised at these angry old people complaining about youth culture they couldnt understand if they tried? hip hop rap electronic music em etc are peaking right now and pushing boundaries in all directions – is there garbage? of course – like everything – true fans learn how to wade thru and appreciate the soulful stuff. you angry dinosaurs aren’t doing anything but making each other feel better for being left out – for not understanding something that your not a part of and wasn’t made for you. dumb people are always scared of what they don’t understand this exactly whats going on here. a bunch of sad normies old and scared of young kids esp blk youth being expressive loud aggressive and getting it – pushing the culture forward not trying to confine into your boring little box with fixed rules. fuck out of here. no one relevant subscribes to this bullshit ideology – this is for scared people afraid of change – afraid of life.
      it don’t matter keep gathering in your boring hateful little circles where you can all yes each other to death in an angry old ‘all music is garbage’ circle jerk – no ones listening – no ones paying attention. you all contribute absolutely nothing to the culture. you will all be dead soon.
      one more time before i go tho – look at that fucking side bar hahaha omg. haha looks like a bunch of fucking english teachers haha,
      ok bye

    • you got that right! I tunes keeps me going, and the few remaining classic rock stations….REAL music!

    • Fuck country music

    • I am 13 years old and I absolutely can not stand today’s pop music, It is wicked bad. I can not stand how it all uses pentatonic scales and how it is all the same. It also has a lot of inappropriate content and It is all computer generated, using no real instruments and even no real voice. That’s right, they are just lip syncing. Music from 1990+ is all terrible (I haven’t heard a single good modern song) and when bands like Nirvana were introduced, they seemed to have one goal. That goal was to make pop music unbearable. So, just so you know, not everyone under the age of 25 listens to and likes the new music. If you mean my music is stupid, then you are talking about bands like The Beatles, Queen, The Four Seasons, Boston, Styx, Elvis Presley and more classic bands, singers, and songwriters’ music. I also can not stand the way that MOST (not all) teens and young adults are constantly on their stupid mobile devices and can not grow a brain that can think up why it is literally dumb to buy an apple product.

      • Ok all the bands you just named use pentatonic scales frequently. And there are SOME talented musicians/singers like bruno mars for example. Have you seen him live? Real singing, real instruments, and honestly some of his songs are real music imo. Justin timberlake (is an idiot) but he’s basically michael jackson. Good voice, and i’ve never seen him live but i think he has a real band as well.

      • Okay so you’re clearly retarded.
        Computers don’t make a full song by themselves you fucking idiot. You clearly have literally no idea how music production is carried out, and are also clearly too lazy to just fucking look it up on Google.

        The artist USES computer software to compile their music, that is not doing the work for the artist. Modern day remakes of classical music literally do the same thing. Not to mention the fact that people use computers to make oldies sound much better than the original records and such. Next comment you make, try not sounding like a completely close-minded little faggot who can’t just do his research.

    • That awkward moment when people generalize all rap artists to be hood rats and thugs. This only shows how clueless you all are about the genre. Yes, rap is music; you just don’t like it. Yes, some rap is in fact poetry. Listen to Floetry, The Roots, Cise Star, and so many others and you will see that it is not all “crap” written by “hood rats.” Educate yourselves on genres before posting such ignorant things. Peace.

    • There is so much different types music out there to go and judge one genre there is more than just traphouse and dubstep go and check out alternative rapp it has a postive message 75 Ark record label.. just like metal ,punk ,jazz, blues ,and country sometimes you have to take the bad with good I wouldn’t want everything to look or sound the same

    • I listen to 70s prog rock for my music fix.
      There are SOME electronic bands who are musical like Orbital but that dead pan shit made for druggos at rave parties,only for the dumb.
      I was born in the sixties but am greatly envious of those born in the fifties who embraced the best decade of music,the seventies.
      I remember the great music on the radio as a kid then around the mid eighties the rot started.
      Prog rock and jazz fan.

    • really hood rats oh shoude we just call u pristine rate

    • Above article is the absolute best (on the subject) that I’ve ever heard. Bravo Nolan! Mort Weiss -SMS JAZZ The Mort Report @ All About Jazz

    • What ticks me off is that some of the men are so proud about writing nothing more than inane rhymes that anyone could have written. The egos are far bigger than the talent.

      I do like a few rappers such as Eminem, Missy Elliot, and Nelly. But that is about it.

      I have very eclectic tastes, but that does not mean that I like anything and everything. There is a lot of crap in every genre, but there is some good stuff too.

    • Ok so your proving a nonexistant point nolan . I know that todays music is crap but dont tell me that my music is garbagem in 16 and i listen to rock bands so stfu.

    • Fuck you. Or else go fuck yourself asshole cocksucker shit eater you eat shit like whipped cream go slice your penis or insert a big fucking knife into your fucking rotten pussy.

    • I am under 26 and I listen to good music.

    • Devon says rap is poetry XD. How is fuck bitches get money poetry? You wish your culture knew about poetry making excuses. Rap is trash

      • You clearly have no concept of what poetry is.
        Poetry is literally defined as the following:

        “literary work in which special intensity is given to the expression of feelings and ideas by the use of distinctive style and rhythm; poems collectively or as a genre of literature.”

        Yeah that literally describes any song, there. Nice try, bud.

    • must be high.your opinion matters.not is the variation to the station your cadet.directions.cypher my enigmatic addict at it again I must be high run and tell ya friends to tottem to poll you thru how is the difference lie or truth punctuations?!?! Dot dot noun action facts are fiction when cyphers inflict them I’m infecting your brain scape.ewww yup I heard some one say..rapping your eyes liturary rymes like hot dimes to your top spot.your top spot.brains.matter mathimatic I’m iller and more skilled than even slim Mr yes eminiem no more periods because his is done this is that superman I be killing rappers comics comets and your blog now fer fun got everybody wanting to run do you see my picture because I’m painting this true who knew I wasn’t as smart as you do you do you have a clue I said you must be high..did you think I meant drugs?

    • Aight, so I know your comment is old but just… Damn Linda, I pray to god you’re joking. You sound like you’re over 80 at the very least. But damn, even my late 50 y/o Dad can appreciate new rap, especially non-mumble rappers like Ski Mask the Slump God. Please just be joking.

  2. tell us how you really feel…….
    I love it !!!!!!!!!

  3. Reminds me of the late 70’s when everyone got those little Casio Keyboards for Christmas, the “music” generated out of those little pieces of crap was almost as bad as this Dubstep “music”.

  4. Blah, blah, blah, the younger generation are no good, blah, blah, blah, get off my lawn, blah, blah, blah, my music is awesome, yours sucks, blah, blah, blah, I’m old and constipated and cranky.

    • I take it you like rap and dubstep lol

      • nice ad hominem, dumbass

        • I bet you listen to Khia talking about her buttcrack. Degenerate.

    • Offensive much? 🙂

        • Bitches who tell people to drink bleach or suicide are fucking cowards. Suck it up and act more immature, asshole

    • “Modern music has to be art, because if it isn’t, what the fuck am I doing with my life?”

      Is all I read.

    • npc>>>maybe you need a plunger

    • if still loving ONLY real music, classic rock makes me old constipated and cranky then I am proud to be just that! Listen to the crud today, just shoot me!

    • REALLY? YOUR generation is constipated and cranky cause you can’t even get off your damn phones or computers long though to do some work that would keep you from NOT getting constipated! Y’all don’t dance, you sit on your phones at bars and most of your houses look like pig styes if you don’t live with your parents still! Your generation is scarey as it accepts anything as being normal… I won’t go into that one! So before you crap on a person who lived through some of the best decades of musical history take a look at your own health problems… especially mental health issues and sweep your own damn house! Your rude and disrespectful… a prime reflection of your horrid second grade mentality of music!

      • Brilliant, brilliant.
        So you make a shitty-ass comment spewing a bunch of bullshit, and you can’t even spell or use correct tenses.

        Absolutely brilliant. She’s trying to tell us off for being ignorant and trash human beings when she can’t even write the English language properly. Let me tell you something, sweetheart. Try not being a close-minded, dried-up dickmonkey about everything. Not to mention, if you’re so resourceful with your life as opposed to ours, then why don’t you use some of your money and buy a dictionary, cunt.

  5. New technology is ruining music. Just like when digital amps replaced tube amps. Or when people started playing electric guitars instead of acoustic. Or when they abandoned the harpsichord for that new-fangled pianoforte.

    Fancy gadgets are not ruining modern music. What you see is a combination of Sturgeon’s Law and survival bias. 90% of everything is crap. Old stuff is better because only the good stuff survives.

  6. Nolan ! Picking the worst of today’s electronic music (US-based dubstep, which I indeed would rather stab my eardrums with a fork than listen to) to make your case against electronic music, a genre that has litterally dozens and dozens of facets, is such a cheap shot. It’s like if I wanted to prove how opera is bad by making you listen to someone who can’t sing at all. Blanket statements like this are truly horrendous.

    Come on. There is plenty of electronic-based music that fits all the criteria you mentionned. Thousands of records. And it goes back to a time where today’s 25 years old werent’t even born. How old were you when Kraftwerk started ? What about Donna Summer and all the disco produced by Giorgio Moroder ? And you’re not that older than Laurent Garnier who’s still putting on a clinic every time he goes near a turntable.

  7. YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. First off let me say I’m a fan of this blog.

    Secondly, I’m completely on board with #fuckdubstep. I’ll even agree that most popular music in mainstream American culture can be described as “trashy”. Most of it lacks talent, skill, or heart. Worse, most is produced for the sole purpose of monetary gain, which according to Real Art Defined by H0b, disqualifies it as being labeled as real art.

    However, I have to take issue with #1 on your list of real music qualifiers. David Cope, a part time composer/computer programmer, created a program called Electronic Music Intelligence (EMI). The purpose of this program was to help Cope’s “writers block” while composing. Input the music you are working on and the computer program will compose something similar, based on the fundamentals of aesthetics. Over time, as Cope continued to develop the program, he exposed it to a ever expanding database of music for the program to draw “inspiration” from. Eventually EMI could write entire symphonies (many available for download) without any creative input needed from Cope, other than the basic instructions he programmed into the software.

    EMI can illicit from it’s listeners real emotion. In response to a particular movement composed by EMI, philosopher Daniel Dennett wrote that it “brought a tear to my eye”. Most human listeners who are exposed to something composed by EMI alongside something written by a human cannot tell which is which.

    Regardless of how trashy popular music has become, every now and then a truly great piece of art surfaces for everyone to enjoy. If art were easy, everyone would do it all the time. It isn’t easy to be a good DJ or beat mixer, just like it isn’t easy to be a good MC, guitarist, or computer programmer.

    The human brain is a computer many times more powerful than the best computer we have to date. If real music can’t come from computers, good luck finding real music ever again.


      Very thoughtful reply with some meaningful content. I’m sure others too will be interested in learning more about the music program EMI. I’ll look into this and perhaps write a follow up.


      — ND

      • You’re my elder, you do not have my respect. You unprogressive shitheadje, you’re from the generation making you’re county (im not from yur county) getting into crisis. You don’t have knowledge about music, art (en liefde de enigste liefde die ge kent is die voor uw godverlaten ego) You only have made yourself a laughing stock. Mais ainsi soit-il. niet zo uit de hoogte doen domme r-tardige kut.

        • And you can’t spell haha. You know nothing of art.

          • you even looked at a D.A.W

          • Um SS is speaking another language, not just English. He/she can spell, you just can’t read it. Being bilingual is an art. Get to it.

            Have fun translating that.

    • First of all let me tell you that the last paragraph is completely invalid because electronic music isn’t automated by computers lol.
      Yeah so popular music is not trashy. Some of it is just a different style and meant for different purposes. An electronic partying song is valid music and an emotional acoustic song is valid music too. And dubstep is…I mean like it’s meant for that kind of “thrill” I guess, it’s still enjoyable to some people. And also you don’t know like anything about pop music. You’re ignorant (which is a fact; sorry to be all like that but I’m just clearing up some things lol). Goodbye

    • Nolan.. I agree 100% with what you are saying. Went to an local talent “awards show” last night and the entertainment would have been better performed by first graders. I’m serious… it was embarrassing and I cannot believe people actually think most of this stuff is good! Can they hear properly? Maybe it’s because I grew up in the 60’s and 70’s starting my life listening to true talent… like the Beatles, Hendrix, Floyd, Zeppelin, Deep Purple, ELP, along with many other genre’s although progressive rock has always been my favorite! After the 70’s I continued with some of the 80’s and then the awesome creativity in the 90’s! What the hell happened? I am totally in awe and disbelief and it saddens me! It seemed to just bottom out especially in the last decade.

  9. I’m pretty sure dubstep is made to be listened to by young people waving glowsticks while heavily under the influence of recreational drugs like “molly” and being bombarded with fancy lighting effects at a nightclub or a music festival in the middle of the night.


  10. Congratulations! You’re old!

    I’ll get off your lawn right away, sir.

    • BOOM. agreed.

  11. I love your columns Nolan. You are never short on opinions which is way more fun than the alternative. But I think you’re a little off on this one. Like you, I hate the kind of music you’re describing. However, to say there is nothing out there that’s new and worthwhile is just not true.

    Every generation seems to hate somebody else’s music. When I was in high school I had posters of Ozzie Osbourne, Pink Floyd, Black Sabbath, Judas Priest and Led Zeppelin all over my room. My parents didn’t know if I was a pot head or a devil worshiper (sadly I wasn’t interesting enough to be either).

    It’s funny now to think that at one point Elvis Presley and the Beatles were outrageous to the Glenn Miller generation. It looks as if “Dubstep” is having the same affect today.

    Okay Dubstep is cringe-worthy, but there are some amazing new bands out there that you might want to try. Here’s a few:

    Black Keys
    Arcade Fire
    Silversun Pickups
    Imagine Dragons
    Death Cab for Cutie
    Vampire Weekend
    The Shins

    • ayy lmao those bands suck ass

    • those bands suck 2

    • The Black Keys and Imagine Dragons are awful.

    • >Implying these bands are good

      • It’s called an opinion. People have different minds you know

  12. Old ass nigga. 2chainz is better than Mozart

    • Haaaaahaaaaaaa! 2chains! Baaaahaaaaaaaaaaa! He couldnt do anything artistic, if he put down the joint and popped afew brain cells to the “on” position!!!!

      • 2chainz digs up mozart’s skeleton and uses the femur to hit the pelvic bone and makes better music than beethoven all u old racists can suck my shit

    • God damn he’s even worse than Drake.

  13. No, you suck.

  14. You know, Nolan, not all new music is bad or terrible.
    There is some really great electronic music out there, you really should check out some of the Japanese artists. Merzbow is a really talented artists, his album “Pulse Demon” is really great, maybe it’ll give you another perspective on electronic music.
    Another great artist is Kashiwa Daisuke, you should also listen to “Program Music I”


    • Program music 1, best album ever!

  15. The fact that so many books still name the Beatles “the greatest or most significant or most influential” rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art. Jazz critics have long recognized that the greatest jazz musicians of all times are Duke Ellington and John Coltrane, who were not the most famous or richest or best sellers of their times, let alone of all times. Classical critics rank the highly controversial Beethoven over classical musicians who were highly popular in courts around Europe. Rock critics are still blinded by commercial success: the Beatles sold more than anyone else (not true, by the way), therefore they must have been the greatest. Jazz critics grow up listening to a lot of jazz music of the past, classical critics grow up listening to a lot of classical music of the past. Rock critics are often totally ignorant of the rock music of the past, they barely know the best sellers. No wonder they will think that the Beatles did anything worth of being saved.
    In a sense the Beatles are emblematic of the status of rock criticism as a whole: too much attention to commercial phenomena (be it grunge or U2) and too little attention to the merits of real musicians. If somebody composes the most divine music but no major label picks him up and sells him around the world, a lot of rock critics will ignore him. If a major label picks up a musician who is as stereotyped as one can be but launches her or him worldwide, your average critic will waste rivers of ink on her or him. This is the sad status of rock criticism: rock critics are basically publicists working for free for major labels, distributors and record stores. They simply publicize what the music business wants to make money with.

    Hopefully, one not-too-distant day, there will be a clear demarcation between a great musician like Tim Buckley, who never sold much, and commercial products like the Beatles. And rock critics will study more of rock history and realize who invented what and who simply exploited it commercially.

    Beatles’ “aryan” music removed any trace of black music from rock and roll: it replaced syncopated african rhythm with linear western melody, and lusty negro attitudes with cute white-kid smiles.

    Contemporary musicians never spoke highly of the Beatles, and for a good reason. They could not figure out why the Beatles’ songs should be regarded more highly than their own. They knew that the Beatles were simply lucky to become a folk phenomenon (thanks to “Beatlemania”, which had nothing to do with their musical merits). THat phenomenon kept alive interest in their (mediocre) musical endeavours to this day. Nothing else grants the Beatles more attention than, say, the Kinks or the Rolling Stones. There was nothing intrinsically better in the Beatles’ music. Ray Davies of the Kinks was certainly a far better songwriter than Lennon & McCartney. The Stones were certainly much more skilled musicians than the ‘Fab Fours’. And Pete Townshend was a far more accomplished composer, capable of “Tommy” and “Quadrophenia”. Not to mention later and far greater British musicians. Not to mention the American musicians who created what the Beatles later sold to the masses.

    The Beatles sold a lot of records not because they were the greatest musicians but simply because their music was easy to sell to the masses: it had no difficult content, it had no technical innovations, it had no creative depth. They wrote a bunch of catchy 3-minute ditties and they were photogenic. If somebody had not invented “beatlemania” in 1963, you would not have wasted five minutes of your time to read a page about such a trivial band.

    • you are my hero

    • You are either being incredibly dishonest, or you’ve never listened to the Beatles.

    • you are a fucking idiot. I hate how all these pretentious people on this thread dont seem to understand that music is subjective. You can never criticise someone elses music. you can say how you dont like it. But any musician or critic would understand that everyone has a different view. For example, ive never liked House music, but i completely understand how people love it and become obsessed. This article is outrageously obnoxious and whoever this Nolan person is obviously thinks he knows a lot more than he actually does

      • Thank you so much for your comment, Maccy. This whole time reading this post, I was thinking the same thing. Who cares if you dislike a music, doesn’t mean you should go on the internet and bitch about it. It’s even better if you listen and understand why people like and listen to the music. Yeah, I listen to Dubstep, EDM, electro etc, but I don’t hate any other genres, of any kind. Sure, some I like more than others, but I rarely hate any genres or any authors of said genres. The only respect I have for right now is you, not some ranting, over thirty year old guy, who doesn’t even understand how the music is mad, or why people like it.

      • preach maccy. Let him have his opinion, but I’ll shove some facts and science in his face

        (feel free to read my long-winded comment at the bottom)

    • Thank you someone else for saying what I’ve been saying. although I’m only in high school, I’m disgusted by my friends music. It BREEDS STUPIDITY.

    • haha rock music has been dead since like the 50s

    • Perry, there’s something you don’t get about The Beatles. It wasn’t the promotion, or their affability with the media. because over 50 years later, children respond to Beatles songs in a way they do not with The Kinks, Stones or The Who.

      Sorry you’re missing out on the joy that’s part of their winning combination.

  16. Nolan,

    Your article comes off as ignorant and narrow minded. Your seven points that define “real music” are arbitrary and you try to present yourself as a music elitist or authority but fail miserably.

    If you truly did try to explore all genres of music, as you claimed, you probably would have stumbled across at least one of hundreds of talented artists making “lifeless, talentless” electronic music since the 60s. It is not at all a new phenomenon. For instance, Edgar Froese, mind behind Tangerine Dream (and older than you) pioneered many techniques that are used today in genres such as techno, ambient, and house.

    Music is a passion of mine and I have been collecting records and going to shows since I was in the 9th grade. I’ve had the pleasure of knowing many people in your age group who deeply care about music, during my time working at a community radio station and all were far more mature and open minded than you are. I resent your broad dismissal of any contemporary musician or music enthusiast. As far as eliciting “real emotions”, just because you personally don’t care for something doesn’t mean the same goes for everyone else.

    Also, excessive profanity does not reinforce your argument (argument here being used liberally) nor does it add humor. If I had to guess the age of the author based on the voice of the article alone, I would say early teens. I know your heart is in the right place, and I personally don’t care for newer “EDM” music either, but making broad generalizations will cause people to perceive you as dim-witted.

    An avid listener of “fucking garbage”

    • great reply, you got there before me!

    • Right? EDM follows literally all of those “guidelines for real music” except for 7. Which in that case he’s a fucking hypocrite because you can’t enjoy music with technology. You can’t write a song without using a guitar, which is technology in itself. Also you can’t even listen to it without speakers or headphones which are technology. Such a flawed, pretentious article.

      Excuse my mini-rant, people like this just piss me off.

    • Oh my goodness, bless your soul. I totally agree with you. You should see my very long-winded comment at the bottom of this thread. I’m not sure if I swore or not, but I guess it would be appropriate as I’m a teen- late teens, not early teens. Oh well.
      But I’m sure I give a good argument totally backed by fact rather than the bais and opinions Nolan has here.

  17. wow! another hot new opinionated article on a very sensitive topic to gain lots of clicks and money! bravo! viewers are gonna be really pleased with this new product designed solely to spread like wildfire across the net because of how edgy and outrageously confrontational it is!, your one stop for the hot new thing you wish you hadn’t read!

  18. Nolan,

    I don’t even LIKE dubstep. But I feel like coming to its defense, nobody deserves to be accosted by a cranky grandpa. 🙁

  19. im going to run this article through text-to-speech software and sample it in a new dubstep track. thanks grandpa. also ur opinions are garbage

    • i would love to hear that song playing at his furneral

    • please please do this and post a link. i would pay you for that song

    • Dude, if you really do that, if you can send me the song, that would be totally awesome. Make a nice drop with his ranting ?

  20. Did somebody hide the prune juice behind the Raisin Bran or something?

    Some people have different tastes, and I don’t see why your word should be taken as gospel when it touches on the topic of something as deeply personal and objective as music, even more so when you aim to shame and condemn others for something so insignificant as what they think is good music. The human race is adapting to new technology, which means new ways of producing and enjoying culture– including music. This is how it is and will always be, with constant change and flux to our surroundings and environment; as long as the human race moves forward, so too will the public interest in all aspects of culture. You may not like it, but every generation after yours will be adapting without you. You can either join them or be left behind as bitter, crotchety, and dare I say immature as you seem to be in this article.

    I’m a something-teen well on my way to full-fledged adulthood, and if this is the way that some members of the elder community are going to act, I hardly think I’ll be too inclined to bother with their complaints. You can like whatever type of music you please, it means nothing to anyone but yourself, but please at least try to give others the same courtesy. It’s their business whether they want to ruin their ears with mainstream dubstep (which I enjoy) or more traditional (which I also enjoy) or even choose to consume even more dated forms of music, like classical pieces. (Again, which I happen to enjoy.) Someone’s taste can be as narrow or varied as their taste in any other aspect of modern culture. It’s not up to you or me or anyone else to judge how they enjoy things. The second you display just how hateful you are to younger generations, your credibility as a music enthusiast and as a decent human being positively flies out the window.

    Please try to behave with a little more discretion when it comes to bashing people who just so happen to enjoy a thing you don’t. You might disappoint your mother.

  21. Nolan,
    I am sorry but I will have to disagree with you. I will admit straight up I am under 25, but I do not agree with the statement that the music is shit. It may not be to your standards of good or pleasing to the ears, but I happen to enjoy listening to dubstep, electronica, and pop. It’s all about your tastes.
    I didn’t like how you called it fucking garbage, it makes it out to say that all the music nowadays is shit and that is not the case. I happen to know a lot of people who enjoy the dubstep scene. And you bash dubstep as if no one over the age of 25 likes it. Which is complete bull shit.
    And you say we are little shits and fucking pricks, well how about you check yourself sir, you are acting like a fucking bitch ass hoe and I will have none of your fucking old ass horse shit about how shitty my favorite genre of music is so how about you get off of your old ass soap box and sit the fuck down before I push you off.
    And for all of the #FuckDubstep people, kindly fuck off and leave us all alone. Just because you don’t like our music doesn’t mean you have the right to bash us and try to take our genre down completely.
    I am disappointed in you Mr. Noland, I would have thought your generation would have understood what it means to let other people have their say in what they like.
    Do kindly fuck off.

    • In reply to your comment, your music sucks. The criteria for real music should include what Nolan said is real music. The Rolling stones meet this. If your favorite modern band has sold over 200 million record and lasted as long as the rolling stones music has, then we can talk. Profanity is not strengthening your case either. The Stones a Bigger Bang tour has produced approximately 558.3 million dollars overall by the year 2013. Your favorite bands could not make that much money in their careers with piracy on the rise. Until a modern band you like can meet the requirements of Nolan’s definition of music and/or be as successful as the stones. Your modern music is inferior and will not measure up.

      • This reply is so stupid it sounds like a parody. The Rolling Stones, The Who and Pink Floyd all used synthesizers, so they are no longer real music by his standards. Does “(I can’t get no) Satisfaction” actually bring out real emotion in you? Does playing 8 single notes on one string of a heavily-distorted electric guitar constitute talent? If it does, then sitting at a computer, planning out a song with a nearly infinite amount of sounds at your disposal and creating it is definitely talent. Why is a synthesizer not a real instrument anyway? It makes noise. You need training to figure out how to do it. You can’t just hit a button and make music like I’m sure you think electronic music makers do. If the Rolling Stones are real music then they must be cross generational. My grandparents hate the Rolling Stones. Instantly disqualifies them as music by these, again, narrow-minded definitions.

        I think I have proven my point. Don’t get me wrong, I love the Stones, but your point is more or less completely invalid.

      • Uh huh sure, let’s completely take out the fact of BIGASS CONCERTS AND THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE ATTENDING HUGE DUBSTEP AND EDM CONCERTS. Welcome to the future pal, where your opinion about your hate, is not given one single fuck about.

      • There is no such thing as real or inferior music you asshole. It’s purely subjective. According to your logic the Rolling Stones’s music would be inferior if they marketed themselves terribly.

  22. let me just say I am 21 and I don’t listen to any of today’s dubstep music and what have you, but I find this article to be quite laughable. Stating that this kind of music is shit is an opinion, not a fact. It should not be stated as though it is a fact.
    And secondly why is it such a big issue? Every one has the right to listen to what they wish. Until this music causes one of your arms to fall off spontaneously, I do not think it should be such a big concern that you need to insult any one who happens to like that music.
    Furthermore, arguing “today’s music sucks. ughhh this generation is horrible” is over done. Every single generation has had some sort of quarrel with the music that the next generation has been listening to. do you think every one agreed with Elvis’ music? Michael Jackson’s? The Beatles? To some, their style of music may not have been any good because they rather the music of their generation.
    You may have your own opinion, but thrusting it upon others as facts is as childish as the people you accuse of being so for listening to today’s music.

    • Finally someone who understand the difference between fact and opinion. I would love your feedback on me trashing Nolan at the very end of this thread. I did provide my opinion, but I also provided beautiful, fabulous scientific facts.

      Nolan doesn’t have his stuff straight.

  23. HI,
    Time to set you straight, sir!

    Well, i Seem to really enjoy little luciano’s music(Well, atleast the ones i have heard of).Oh lawd, What miracle is this?! Im not even old enough to be worthy of being able to like it! :O

    And i didn’t even know that music could fuck garbage …

    ANDDDDD i am not even 25, which means the music you like is SHIT TOO! HAH! I guess the title makes for a good igniter, but just fizzes out in a few seconds.


    Once again, coming back to comparing age with taste in music … this a VERY retarded way of labeling music as shit or gold. Did i mention it being very retarded? Oh yeah, i did.

    Even someone in their 70’s can be “DIGGING” Lil’Wayne or uh that minaj girl.
    Take this from me :
    ~Taste in Music is like Wisdom, you don’t need to be old to have it.~


    You seem to have great hatred towards any music that incorporates the use of an “electronic instrument”, i assume.

    Next time you think someone’s choice in music is utter SHIT, you just say ” is no for me”.

    Good Night and

    • I will reply to you in a similar manner. The definition of real music in the article is what it is. Electronic, Dubstep, an Techno Suck. If your favorite modern bands can stand up to The Rolling Stones, Billy Joel, The Bee gees, Iron Maiden, Metallica, U2, Kiss and so on let me know. The bands I listed have music that is still listened to by a lot of people. Metallica has sold over 100 million records along with Kiss, Billy Joel, The Rolling Stones, Iron Maiden, U2 and so on. if your modern music can say that and be cross generational, let me know. Otherwise, modern music sucks.

      • Interesting.

    • Preach Badri. I may be two years late on replying to this comment but *applause* YES. you should read my comment at the very bottom of this thread.

  24. And to all the other people here getting so offended by one person’s opinion about their music:

    Caman guys, no need to get offended. lol. Its not even you who made the music. So what’s with all this over defensiveness?( really, just think about it)

    It’s like me insulting your favourite Fruit lol. Will you get mad at me if you loved pineapples, and i said “man, pineapples taste like shit”.

    Different tastes.

    …. sometimes a person’s taste in music can just be total shit. but It’s got NOTHING to do with age!

    YOLO ! 2CHAINZ !

    • There’s a difference between speaking your opinion and screaming it as if it were a fact. Let’s say I walked up to you on the street and yelled, “APPLES ARE F***ING DISGUSTING AND YOU’RE A DUMBA** FOR EATING THEM!” That’d be this article, translated into your hypothetical scenario of fruit.

  25. How about you get off your high horse? Seriously, don’t you think people were saying the same exact thing when instruments were invented? Oh no, they fucking weren’t because they didn’t have a stick shoved up their ass. Granted some “artists” are truly out there for money, but it’s not fair to discredit the numerous amounts of people who use today’s technology to their advantage. (i.e.: Zedd, Imagine Dragons, Band of Horses, Matt Kearney, Passenger, Adele, Kina Grannis, Bruno Mars, Lady Gaga etc. etc. et fucking c.)

    Seriously, it’s people like you who corrupt others (especially easily influenced young people) and cause stress, sadness, and absolute hate in society. I would be fine with this if it was written with any semblance of intelligence, but clearly it’s not.

    God damn, you bring shame to the human race and the entire concept of art and music. Please stop.

    • Yes, we like totally, should be liek thankful for Lady Gaga’s music tech! AND LIKE ETC ET FUCKING C I AM SO ANGRY IN MY WOMANLY OPINION I CAN YELL FUCK OVER TOP OF YOU IN BETWEEN WORDS EVEN

      • No. Bad, bad Mark. You do bot win arguments by hitting caps lock and by making a parody of an opinion that you barely understand. The touch of machism that I detect does nothing to help, either.

    • Actually you do, sorry ! All those examples are pieces of trash, consumer driven bullshit. When you’re trying to give intelligent examples you might want to leave Lady Caca and Bruno Mars out. And there is a correlation between intelligence and musical taste no matter how much you try to deny it. But I do agree with the fact that it’s not the instrument that makes shitty music, it’s the human behind it. Even rock bands of the 70’s had synthesizers, but they knew theory and had skill and talent to use them. The music just reflects it’s society.

      • Just because you think it’s trash doesn’t really mean it’s trash. That’s also a hypocritical statement about Bruno mars and lady gaga

    • Wow, every modern band/artist you listed is terrible.

  26. Hey old fart you listed shit bands with no vocal or instumeantal talent I think new age 90′ death metal would blow your fagg oriented rock n’ roll bullshit away. Anyway you couldnt even comprehend 00′-newer metalcore hardcore music with 250 Bmp or higher tempo with a lead guitarist and rhythm guitare not including a bassist. Or may the keyboardist or the harsh vocals screamer and the backup clean vocals “singer”. I have a way more expanded undestanding of modern music. The only bands your bullshit applies to old man is pop-new rock or boyband auto tune like the cock eyed’ pees =P get burned define your terrible opinions more clearly next time you bore your audience with the typical cranky oldman act. Good day hospice care recepient. (Good for nothing POS)

    • Is this copypasta? You sound like angry 90s kid complaining about angry old man just because you don’t like pop/newer rock and autotune doesn’t mean it’s terrible, by going after one group of music instead of tolerating it or maybe not caring, you put yourself in the same group as him

  27. I think just like Religion, Politics and other personal stuff, Music is one of them. I’m not being biased and i listen to almost any genre as well, from classics, disco, country, house, etc. and i love them equally. I’m saying this with no disrespect to anyone, but i think liking whatever genre of music is subjective and everyone is entitled to their own view of how each genre of music sounds for them. Enough said, i’m outta here. #goodvibes

  28. Ok I am 14 now and I listen to Nirvana,Pearl Jam, Alice in Chains, Matchbox 20, shinedown, The Offspring, Red Hot Chili Peppers,Mudhoney, and if I am in the mood some Daft Punk so if that is all bad music then screw my tastes.

  29. Hey, have you wrote music before? I am just curious is all..

  30. You are a bigot and an insult to music and artists everywhere. Fuck you opinion dubstep is entertaining, and so is lady gaga. Guess what. I love Mozart and rachmaninoff. I stop playing them on piano, and then listen to Nero and skrillez. Just stop

  31. just because you’re old doesn’t entitle you to be respected, you old cracker

  32. Soooo we souhld be angry about what you said? I’m 19 and I really don’t care what you think, your arguments has lack of logic and you wont change my music tastes, imagine you would have born in this era, what would you listen?

  33. Tipper. Clark. Bonobo. TYCHO. LORN!
    Not all electronic music is for douchebag rich kids on drugs.
    The 5 afore mentioned prove art is still alive in emerging, untapped, and previously unavailable mediums of art.

    • Or they’re all good and this guy is delusional

  34. Couldn’t agree more with what this man has said. Music today is absolute fucking garbage. We live in a fantasy world of screens and computers. What’s the first thing people do when they wake up? Check their screen on their nightstand, then they go take a shit while checking their facebook on their screen, they make their morning coffee and turn on the news, get into their car and program their GPS screen for directions to their jobs, get to work sit on their ass and clickidy click click clack on their screen alllll fucking day. When their bored they pull out their pocket screen and text and send emojis to their butt buddies on social media. Get off work, go home and turn on the screen, eat dinner, and fall asllep in bed watching their screen.

    • Are you like 60 years old? You also had one sentence involving music, then you trailed off about how today is some “dystopia” because of all the technological progress we’ve made, you completely trailed off the topic much like an old person who’s ears are too old for today’s music

    • And there goes another person who doesn’t understand how the world changes. Technology is great. We would know limits if it wasn’t for technology. I guess you’re stupid, a troll or mad because you can’t afford technology or use it. People like watching TV. So what about it? They don’t go to facebook on their toilets – not everybody. And the way you said people click in their jobs all day, corporation/business jobs, even police and many other. But there’s still tonnes of jobs that don’t require any damn clicking. Plumber, builder, cleaner, waiter, cook and tonnes of others. As Bob said, you completely trailed off. I do agree that some people that make music nowadays, especially pop should be shot. What is stupid, is famous. There still are people that understand the stupidity of them, and I’m one of them. But you sir, you are over exaggerating the whole fucking technology evolution. You better thank technology – Gets you planes and ships to get your ass on holidays, helps find the robber of your damn car, gets you to places faster, and helps you get there even if you don’t know the location of it. And you know what? You go hating technology and what? You have your damn PC and wrote this comment.

    • AMEN

    • @chris
      Sorry, but as @Stranger said, you typed this ON YOUR ELECTRONIC DEVICE. Otherwise, you’re God. I’m an apatheist, but I believe there was something in there about all-loving? I dunno. One point I’d like to address is this: what about ancient humans and tools? When somebody was found picking fruit from trees with a damn spear, do you think the people who found them were immediately in love with the thing? Oh, well, maybe they were, and you’re just being uptight. Technology is ADVANCEMENT. It’s evolution. It’s modern life for most people, and you’re living a modern life. I hope that doesn’t encourage you to commit suicide, you overreacting fossil.

    • spot on, i’m glad some said this ! top marks haha

  35. These are the type of people that are ruining the arts. Grumpy old men who are jealous of the progression that innovative people are making.

  36. I just want to point out that this man is a jack ass who can only aware his opinion through a shit blog. I would like to see him actually debate this with a real composer.

  37. I find this post very accurate, relevant and really funny. Myself is a jazz rock musician. I am also classically trained. Have used software and machines in recording. Really shitty and no feels to it. There’s no money to be made in quality music. Just reading about big corp. like coca cola and all the famous cereal boxes. They all sponsor this stupid garbage because of they can amass big crowds of ignoramouses who knows nothing about music but brings in millions.

    • Yeah your ears are too old then too

  38. Jesus H. Christ this drivel is just wrong and irresponsible on so many levels…and by the way, do you have ANY idea how many fuckers from YOUR generation come to OUR generation’s music festivals?

  39. Probably written by some old fat cumbubble whos brain is too primitive to acknowledge new sounds as music. Good job *clap-clap*

  40. Actually, I’d like to set something straight. I am a 16 year old girl who is completely addicted to classical music. I simply cannot put down my headphones when I am listening to works such as Bach’s “Art of Fugue”, “The Well-Tempered Clavier”, and his “Mass in B Minor”. So just know – us cultured teenagers are out there. While it is true that there are not many of us, we are out there.

    • You’re not special

      • Thanks for clarifying that for me; though based on your lack of any punctuation at the end of your “sentence”, I am led to believe that you are merely attempting to make yourself feel better about your own sickeningly mundane life.

        I’d also like to say that this post, along with the comments, are laughably immature and hateful. Grow the f*ck up and listen to the music you want to listen to and stop patronizing everyone else for what they listen to.

        • You’re not special [2]

          • I think I’m extra special. I think I’m EXTRAORDINARILY special because I listen to Bach like a sir. I love you, opus gold. But I guess, thank you. You have caused me to ponder my very existence and open my eyes to the fact that I am not special. The constellations, the galaxies- the universe as a whole- how could I possible be special when these infinite, complex structures exist among us? You have enlightened me- and for that, I am forever grateful.

    • Hey Izzy! I was so glad to read your comment as I am 17 and simpply adore classical music. Do you think you could help me compose my very own comment to show just how smart and “cultured” I really am? I’m scared that all these “older folks” might not understand how cool I am. Also I would like to congratulate you. Not only did you show everyone just how special you are, you corrected someone’s grammar. Bravo!

  41. Sorry you like crappy, shallow music, you close minded son of a bitch.

    Don’t take your frustrations out on me. At the end of the day, I’ll be expanding my horizons, challenging my tastes in music an growing as a result, while you listen to the same simplistic drivel that is generic as generic can be, on a fucking loop, for the rest of your life.

    Remember that. Remember that you’re a close-minded prick, and you always will be. Yeah, you listen to your generic music and forcing yourself to ironicly listen to bad music, forever. You fucking do that.

  42. This is probably the most ‘edgy’ thing I’ve ever read in my life. A swear every other fucking word, like you’re trying to fucking stay relevant. Holy fuck, this shit is so terrible fuck fuck fuck. There, does this make my fucking point more valid?

  43. Lmao this is just u being old and not music being bad

  44. Haha, you fucking twat. “Today’s music is made by machines, hurr durr that means it’s bad because it’s new!”

    You have no idea what your saying, you literally just wrote this article for the approval of others.

    First of all – they’re not called machines, they’re called sunthesizers. It takes a lot of time, skill and patience to learn how to use them properly, amd even more so to learn how to use it in music. Much harder than strumming the guitar or hitting some drums IMO (I still listen to rock, not bashing it, just makong a point.)

    Do you even know what FM synthesis is? Shit’s complicated, dude. Too complicated for your tiny mind to handle, that is for sure.

    No, fuck it, I bet you don’t even know how SAMPLING works! You just think that producers press a button and bammo, music is made.

    Why don’t you sit yourself down, go on youtube, and look up some edm tutorials. Then, download the FL_Studio or Ableton Live demos, torrent the vsts for all I care, and try to make your OWN music. Only after you make an amazing banger up to the quality of Skrillex himself, will I even begin to take anything you said here to heart. (SPOILER: You can’t, and I won’t.)


    • HA HA your the twat you a**hole, I’m fourteen and I agree with this dude, so shut up and go sulk in your corner with your stupid Whiny ass “gang pals” listening the the ear shit known as rap

  45. Hahaha this is the most pretentious thing I have ever read in my life. There is so much music available right now; listening to a few pop songs and making a blanket statement about an entire generation is completely ludicrous. (Not to mention, dubstep is some low hanging fruit, no one I know actually listens to that shit.) Also, just because you’re older than me, doesn’t mean your opinion is greater than mine: learn the definition of an opinion, you neckbeard. Fuck you.

  46. Gone are the days of medeival lute music; woe is me

    • Thine English is of mine dearest friend, but many a song of times past are gone now, and I doth feel with mine heart what thou sayest’ be utterly true…

  47. Hahaha this is the most pretentious thing I have ever read in my life. There is so much music available right now; listening to a few pop songs and making a blanket statement about an entire generation is completely ludicrous. (Not to mention, dubstep is some low hanging fruit, no one I know actually listens to that shit.) Also, just because you’re older than me, doesn’t mean your opinion is greater than mine: learn the definition of an opinion, you neck-beard. Fuck you

  48. Lot’s of horrible horrible stuff out there, so he’s not necessarily wrong in that regard (subjective of course), but his point system is pretty easy destroyed.

    Basing my comments on his trashing of current electronic music, most of which I personally dislike.


    (1) Real music is created by humans, not by a machine or a computer.

    ~ Not the definition of music. Also the music he is against probably has little that is truly computer generated. It might suck, but it’s definitely made by humans.

    (2) Real music has structure and consistency.

    ~ It can be incredibly structured, and take a lot more time working out the parts than more mundane forms of music.

    (3) Real music elicits real emotions — of love, loss, anger, fear, happiness, hope, inspiration, or anything related to the gambit of being human.

    ~ Check. He’s pretty angry!

    (4) Real music requires talent.

    ~ Is some guy strumming some cowboy chords more talented than Aphex Twin? Yeah you can make incredibly stupid simple electronic music with a minimal of understanding, or you could be a professional film composer/arranger. Really learning to use some of the software/hardware involved is incredibly daunting.

    (5) Real music requires instruments and/or voices.

    ~ Synthesizers are instruments, and plenty of “real” instruments/voices get used, even if they are sampled.

    (6) Real music should be cross generational.

    ~ This is dumb. Anyway people from all demographics listen to all varieties of music.

    (7) Real music shouldn’t need gadgets or special effects to be enjoyed.

    ~ Not sure what exactly he’s referring to here. If he’s talking about electronic FX then he might as well only be listening to acoustic music performed live without any amplification. Good luck.

    • > ~ Not sure what exactly he’s referring to here.

      I could be wrong, but I think he’s talking about laser effects and the likes during live shows.

    • 120% P. Glass You did it. I admire you. I wrote my comment trashing Nolan only just recently and here you are stating stuff I just ended up reiterating. I made some pretty good points of my own if I do say so myself. You should check my comment out. It’s way at the bottom of this thread.

      I hope Nolan has had a change of heart after 2 years since writing this article

  49. You are an irrelevant old fart who type like a 15-year old throwing a hissy fit. Listen, you idiot, music has ALWAYS been made with machinery and tools. Musical organs do not grow on music trees whether you believe it or not. It is so obvious that you know fuck-all about music.

  50. Is it so wrong for people to enjoy many different genres of music? Sure, I love opera and an awesome concerto just as much as the next guy. However, I also love rap, country, techno, alternative, whatever have you. Music shouldn’t always have a scale as to measure what is or isn’t music. Sure, you do have your traditional garbage like Kesha or Justin Beiber or dubstep, but that’s MY OPINION. I would never say, “If you listen to Justin Beiber and Kesha, you have no idea what real music is”. That’s just rude. If they like the way it sounds, then it’s music to them. My advanced music theory professor is exactly like you; he despises everything that wasn’t composed in the 18th century… I will say, that the musical examples that you’ve given, in my opinion, are examples of music in it’s purest, richest form. However, I’m a musician myself, and if I didn’t play classical music, I, most likely, would not enjoy it that much. To be frank, not everyone has an hear for music, per say, but rather an hear for what they like. Sure, that may bother me a little bit as well. However, addressing the younger generation in the manner that you’re doing it isn’t really helping.

    To say that you’re an elder, and because of that mere fact, your opinion “demands” respect – no, it doesn’t. Sure you’re older than me, so I might be a little more inclined to listen to what you’ve got to say, but at the same time, who would wan’t to continue a conversation with you when you open with, “Listen, you stupid sons of bitches”? I don’t care how old you are, or how much younger I am than you; being extremely abrasive and overbearing with your opinions is not the way to get people (people, as in the younger generation) to think more deeply about music and musical concepts. But what do I know? I’m 20 years old, so I suppose that makes me, hmm… how did you put it? Oh, right: a “little prick”.

  51. Nolan Dalla, I agree with every word that you say here, but I want you to know that not all people under 25 are doomed to this fate. I am under 25 and I have an appreciation for music. I don’t listen to this Nicki Minaj crap, I listen to real music like Green Day and Billy Joel, U2, Midnight Oil, Powder Finger, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, etc. Pretty much rock and roll bands that haven’t been synthesized to death. I know how irritating it can be to have some teenager badmouth your music and say that there techno rubbish is better. Personally, I think that “musicians” (if you can call them that) nowadays should not be called by their name, but rather by the model number of the synthesizer and the mixing desk because realistically, they do more work than the singers. To sum this up, not all hope is lost for our generation. There are still people out there who listen to real music, and one day, this poor excuse of sound will be eradicated.

  52. this is the funniest article i’ve ever read because it sucks so much

  53. No one invites you to parties huh?

  54. Nolan,
    Your opinions are shit and lack passion. Your opinions are supposed to have emotion to them. You can’t convey emotion over a keyboard. As far as I know your opinion is processed through a computer and therefore shit.

    On a non sarcastic note orchestral composers technically don’t have to play an instrument either. All they have to is write it down. Also the vast majority of electronic producers know how to play instruments are are sometimes even virtuosos (Such as Zedd). If you think you’re able to make electronic music without at least some knowledge of music theory then you’re full of shit. I’ll be glad to have a serious discussion on the topic if you want to email me or i’ll even talk on the phone if you want my number. Send me an email if you’re up to it and so sure of your opinion.

    • My email is: -deleted-by-webmaster- by the way.

  55. tl;dr but wow this guy is a real down to Earth idiot.

    People don’t get much dumber than this old piece of trash who amazes me with the ability to work “the internet” in his advances old-as-dirt age. You can really see the dementia kicking in. Hopefully this worthless, old, shitty piece of trash kicks the bucket soon. He not good for anything and he’s just soaking up natural resources.

    Please die soon.

  56. Please for the love of god get an editor/proof read your writing before you publish an article. The amount of fragments in this article is appalling and really detracts from your already ridiculous and unfounded argument.


  58. Your opinion is shit Nolan. Could give a fuck if you are my elder. You are also a dumb-ass. My elders also created atonal modern classical music, and that was much more rubbish than the music you have so much contempt for. People like you should go to hell immediately.

  59. The amount of people that respond to their ego personally being attacked for listening to the music he is venting about is hilarious! The sad thing is, the majority of music is a highly commercialized, sex sold commodity that is ran off the presses like barbie dolls. The industry has been taken over by individuals who are more interested in making money than putting out a quality product. When a certain style becomes popular, all the writers in the business that write the music for their puppets to sing get together and copy off one another till they have another single to push out. It’s the same with everything. Really, why do you need an iPhone 6? Then a 7? Then an 8? What is there about this product that makes you thing you need it? .. other than the hype created around it and the feelings of “how cool am I” to have the latest gimmick. Back to music, while the industry pimps out the latest style, underground artists continue to struggle, people who actually do write their own music and create something in an original sense without trying to be the next Katy Perry or Lady Gaga. Executives now think they are the stars, and the labels will continue to perpetuate the most mediocre, soulless music possible as long as it sells. And sex will continue to sell. What’s the meaning in a line? It’s a trend. All the kids will eat it up if it’s packaged properly. Steal a sound and imitate uniform and equally. Just the facts of where our world is nowadays. An idea is what we lack. Better to ignore it than be so angry about it. The more attention you give, the more exposure you give, and he who angers you conquers you. Peace (used as an interjection).

  60. G D Em C that is every song today maybe in different key. When I come around .
    I’m on top of the world.
    Todays music isnt shit its just the same exact thing to dumbdown youth of today. 5 minute songwriters who dont suffer for there art. at a piano for days. It has no meaning no substance no soul. Very little thought input. We live in such an artificial age. Where thinking is discouraged and sheep mentality is widespread. Dont just hate this post like a 2 year old actually think about what im saying. You dont have to agree but just think about it.

    • 5 minute songwriters? If it takes five fucking minutes then go ahead and make a song like that. I don’t care if you don’t like it, you can endure it for 5 minutes right? Oh wait, you can’t. Very little thought? Again do it, if it requires so little thought and is done in FIVE minutes, then you should be able to do your taxes while you’re at it! Oh, there’s that word. “hate” The way people (including yourself) use this word is fucking stupid. Fuck that word. All it is is an excuse for people who can’t handle their inflated ego being popped and sent back to reality.

      And before you call me any names because you cannot refute the fact that people have opinions, remember this.

      You are NOT a special snowflake because you like a certain type of music. Disliking a certain type of music is fine, but when you say it involves no thinking or effort, that’s just fucking lunacy.

      • Four f-bombs in three paragraphs: a new personal best. Or maybe not.

  61. What a bitch, but sorry luciano sucks.

  62. rap is for fucking morons, rap is for those without ANY talent whatsoever, rap is fucking crap, rap is shit on toast, rap is NOT NOT NOT NOT MUSIC…learn an instrument RAP FUCKFACE MORONS – THEN GET SOME MUSICALK TALENT…RAP IS THE SEWER shit of all music…the “musical” excrement out of the asshole of those who think RAP is the balls….IT FUCKING SUCKS IT FUCKING SUCKS

    • Golem, the way you sound in this comment, you might as well be supporting Nolan Dalla. We’re defending all forms of music.

    • If you don’t think it’s music, it’s definitely poetry. Try reading the lyrics to a rap song yourself. I’ve seen raps that are trash. And I’ve seen raps that are so clever I have to take a moment to enjoy it.

  63. If you don’t like it, don’t fucking listen to it. I’m an electronic music producer/Dj who gets his inspiration from all kinds of genres. Don’t be closed minded sir. There’s more to it than dubstep, which is in fact awesome as fuck.

  64. This is probably one of the worst “articles” I’ve read. There is no such thing as “real” music. Just because it is produced electronically doesn’t mean that it’s not real music.

    It never fails to amuse me how close minded people are when it comes to music. Why not try to explore this huge world of music listen of thinking that the music that you like is “superior”.

    Today’s music doesn’t suck, there’s lots of good music out there. Just because it doesn’t fit into YOUR standards of “good” music doesn’t mean that this music is not there. It is. Get off your ass and look for it instead of relying on the mainstream media to feed this music to you.

  65. This is one of the dumbest and most juvenile things I’ve read in recent memory, ironically.
    It’s not that anybody who claims that the music scene used to be better is automatically nullified, it’s just that virtually everybody who believes this is either dumb as bricks and has no critical thinking skills or is a pseudo-intellectual and wants to look profound.

    >You show me a machine or a computer program that can match the stellar majesty of Luciano Pavarotti’s singing “Nessun Dorma,” and I’ll acknowledge it as music.
    Computers do not create the music, sir. People create the music and computers are a catalyst. Writing a book in Microsoft Word versus with a pencil and paper doesn’t make the creative process any different.

    I really don’t feel like pointing out how dumb everything else in this article was. I know that’s not an argument, but it’s taxing just to think about.

    I find that people who jump on the opportunity to go on diatribe about young people are usually very immature themselves, and it really stands to reason here. I’d expect this kind of substance from a 12 year old who listened to Queen for the first time and jumps on the opportunity to show everyone how profound and cultured they are.

  66. I’m 24 and listen to Progressive Metal. If I ever saw you I’d kick your fucking ass you stupid faggot.

  67. This just in: Old Man Yells At Cloud

  68. I’m 15, I listen to 50’s through 70’s Rock, and I enjoy a little bit of 80’s and 90’s (Van Halen, Guns n’ Roses, Green day, Etc) and I agree, that most modern-day music is trash, not just rap, and dubstep, but modern rock has gone to shit, but recently there have been bands I don’t despise appearing, I have a feeling Rock is rising again, the new Rolling Stone’s tour, and the releases of albums from pink floyd, and AC/DC only make me believe that it is more likely for a rock revival, some examples of one of these new bands that doesn’t suck ass would be, The Vaccines, Superfood, And Blur (I know they are from the 90’s but they recently got back together)

    • Has anyone ever told you how special and precious you are? You, and you alone, are the only ( that’s right, ONLY) child to EVER enjoy music before his or her time. The ONLY one. How does it feel to be such a special little snowflake? Me and the rest of the folks back home all agree that you are truly an inspiration to us all. Hopefully, one day, I will also train myself to not listen to classless rap, dubstep, and modern rock. It’s been a rigorous process thus far, because I guess some people see different things in different art, but soon, I will be just like you, because you are very cool and not at all annoying.

  69. I’m 50 and you’re dead wrong. There’s a lot of good music out there. In fact there’s an explosion of music and you can here more variety than at any time in my life that I can remember. The problem is weeding through all the crap to find the quality. As always stay away from the ‘pop’ music of any genre-it has always and will always suck.

    -oh and the worst fucking music known to mankind is goddamned modern country. “you can take a ride on my green green tractor” shit. You ever here that? Fuck that and all of the cowboy hat wearing motherfuckers that listen to it. LIFELESS FUCKING STOOOPID GARBAGE!

  70. Yeah, the writer clearly has no knowledge of the complexity and designs that go into electronic or – furthermore – music in general. If you consider yourself a fan of music, or an interested party in the music industry, you will know several fundamental things:

    Just like your voice is some sort of a vessel for transmission of noise, computers are an instrument. If you deny that, you have a fucking problem. OP here, should consult with something fundamental: the argument pyramid.

    No matter what age you are, it appears that people believe just because they have a couple extra cycles of surviving 365 days attached to their shitty cell membranes, they are entitled to have their opinion be right. Opinion is great, so is perspective. If you don’t like the muse that electronic music or other genres bring, so be it, but going out of your way to insult the culture and intrigue that follows such a decent genre — you’re out of your mind.

    The fact is, OP here couldn’t even compete with a modern, millennial 15 year old save his fucking life (I would be more than glad to provide proof of this.) He clearly is incapable of writing any logical content with proof, results to name-calling and ad hominem and purely proves that just about any moron can become a “writer” if they have ten dollars, a shitty wordpress template and some money left over to take shitty photographs of themselves in their “office” — framed, of course, with only the most cheapass of wines and pre-2010s Mac products.

    Excuse my tone, but you should not be writing about music, art, or creative work. This writer is a mockery of ‘creativity.’

    So, OP, the lesson here is: just because you have free speech doesn’t mean you should use it to completely put people down for their favouritism. Personally, your template looks like it was engineered shittily, but was it necessary for me to address that your taste in web design is literally something out of a SADBOYS cover art, mixed (of course) with a MSDOS template? Absolutely not, see where i’m going here?

    Have a warm day!

  71. Music is the opiate of the masses. Turn on, tune out, and meditate in silence.

  72. This one time me and the homie bach was kicking in it duh hood and the homie Mozart rolled with some of that bubonic chronic and bach was all like hells yeah mah dood but the homie mozart said nah this is mine and we beat his ass but the POlice rolled up real quick and we had to dip ass foo and i think i dropped some of that good ass kush so if you see my precious mary jane anywhere hit me up bruthas

  73. I can sympathize with the author. Modern pop is pure shit. Whose bright idea was it to merge Country and R&B ?? it sounds like SHIT , Merle Haggard is Country , not the shit being passed off today. R&B and hip hop or whatever , same old shit different day , same shallow subject matter ( no wonder so many Blacks are single parent “families” these days , y’all better get your shit together or your future is bleak , indeed… Lady Gaga , you suck. Rihanna or however she spells her name , you suck , Bruno Mars , you are another talentless hack, you cant sing , you cant play instruments , you are not a musician and your fans are brainless shitheels that probably have zero sense of situational awareness.
    Oh yea , and the Beatles suck too , fuck the Beatles.
    I’m so proud not to be a member of your stupid society of sheep. Remember this you fucktards.. what we do is secret.

  74. Nolan i would like to buy you a drink because i am about to set you straight you see music as an art….and it is an art,not just some syllogism for you generational pompousness. Music is evolving and is reflective of the world around you. Music is shaped by the youth, the governments, the media , including this delivery mechanism for your rant, and the technology available for its development. While it is true electronic music is not “pen to stave” musically sound the fundamentals are there and in alot of ways of a higher evolution. Melody, Harmony, Rhythm, all there, but the most important part of all meaning, is prominent, even if your old ass cannot appreciate it. So in parting I will extend with all due respect and kindness the same generational expression you extended to your parents when they bitched to you about johnny cash. FUCK YOU. thank you and have a good day.


  75. Like many things in the modern age popular music is soulless, uninspired, dull and boring.

  76. Good lord, you are literally a child. Demanding respect whilst having done nothing to command it. Have you ever even created a single piece of music in your life? In all of your stagnate classicism have you ever actually given another genre a chance without immediately dismissing it because of apples-and-oranges fallacy?
    How about a new title for this article, Closed Mindedness Breeds Musical Illiteracy.
    Because that’s what you are, musically illiterate.

  77. I for one welcome our Robot Overlords!

  78. This might be surprising to some of you. I used to work with teenagers about two or three years ago, and found that a lot of them even agreed that most of today’s pop music sucks. They were into older music, like from the 80s and 90s, and even went as far back as the 60s and 70s. You’d be surprised to find that many teens today love the Beatles, who were big 50 years ago! I’ve also met people in their 20s who also love the classic stuff. When today’s teens and college kids even agree that today’s popular music sucks, I think that’s a good sign that popular music really has gone downhill in quality. Nolan isn’t just being an “old man” who is complaining about “kids these days.” And while it’s true that there is great music being made out there today, I think most of us can agree that today’s POP music is pretty awful. And remember what I wrote earlier, today’s younger generations even agree. The people calling Nolan an “old man” seem to think that today’s younger generations only listen to or know about today’s pop music, and think all older music must automatically suck because it’s “old.” Heck, even when I was a teenager in the late 90s I also thought my generation’s music was horrible, and I got into music from the 60s, 70s and 80s. There were many others like me as well. The part that I disagree with Nolan on is that he also seems to assume all young people only listen to today’s popular music. If you go out and meet many of today’s young people, I’m sure you’ll find that many of them despise much of today’s popular music, and are into the older stuff. I think the internet and YouTube have helped play major roles in that.

    • There is current music other than pop, you know. It’s called indie and alternative.

  79. Funniest rant I’ve read in a long time! And relevant too.

    I just turned 26 and have realized my contempt for EDM and dubstep after listening to these genres for 2 years straight.

    The first realization was last year when I was listening to SKRILLEX on Pandora: An Ellie Goulding song came on and I didn’t change it immediately.

    What the fuck???

    That’s when I knew I had slipped into the EDM rabbit hole.

    Safe to say I have come back to reality. I know many of you are especially offended by the article, but it’s fucking true. You just don’t want to hear it.

    I am sick of most electronic music. I miss the humanity and subtleties in music. Dynamics are nice too. I miss those.

    Here’s the thing:

    This EDM bubble is going to burst. It’s just going to. It’s expanded too quickly and the quality has gone downhill.

    What will people want to listen to after the bubble has burst? Real music. And I’m currently producing real music. I’ve abandoned the digital synths and VSTs and went to a real recording studio with real instruments. I’m talking about a Rhodes piano, 70s Ludwig kit, Wurlitzer, tube amps, etc.

    If you want to listen to some before and after transformations to my sound, message me and I’ll gladly share it with you.

    I thought this article was hilarious and understand the butthurt that people are feeling. But the musical path will correct itself as it always has and produce inspiring music again.

    • With all due respect, I don’t understand what you are getting at. Who are we to say what real music is?

      What are real instruments, anyway? where do you draw the line? Are those real instruments? (This picture is from the ’70s.) But, they were used to make electronic music, weren’t they?

  80. Got a light? damn , I think i’m in love – Google Mort Weiss

    • Nolan Replies:

      Honored to meet your acquaintance, Mort.

      — Nolan

  81. Reading this shitty article was a complete waste of my time. Pull the stick out of your ass & kill yourself. You just sound like a stereotypical bitchy old guy. Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one. And your opinion has no impact or importance so have fun with your boring opera shit that fucking sucks.

    • Nolan Replies:

      “Reading this shitty article was a complete waste of my time.”

      Thanks for being the 327th person to comment about it.

      — Nolan

      • Old people yelling at gay clouds. Never gets old. Pun intended.

        Off my lawn you dumb kids with your tweed pipes and your hippity hop and your saggy pants!!! I’m 37. I hope when I am your age I am not such a close minded twat. Many if I was like you and everyone else and thought all good music stopped when I personally graduated high school I would miss out on so much joy in life. Maybe that’s your problem.

  82. I agree with you, you cynical, ornery, old fart.

  83. Look out everyone! We’ve got a speshul snowflake here!

  84. >Links us to a shitty 3 minute pop song

    yeah a lot of pop music today sucks, but so did most pop from every other generation.
    It is boring repetitive crap that was designed to make money. Music today is at an all time high because people who are trying to do things that are creative can get their music out there with out a record label.
    Your music is no better that top 40 today.

    But anyway, I have just one question for you to try and make you think; how is it any different if a composer writes a piece of music to be played by an orchestra or to be played by a computer. Either way the person who made the music is not actually playing the music, and the effort involved would not change at all.

    • Exactly. I get so sick of hearing how great music was in the 60s. Yeah the stuff everyone pretends they listened to back then was good, but look at the pop charts for the entire decade. 1% good songs, 99% crap that Katy Perry would reject for being to sappy. But now everyone from that generation pretends like all they listened to was Hendrix and the Who and the Stones in the 60s when they didn’t. You know how I know? Cause the stuff that was selling millions of records was not those bands. You were all listening to fucking Mark Dinning and the god damned Shirelles and the Marvelettes, whoever the fuck that is. Pop music sucks every generation. Quit rewriting history and acting like the 60s was all Hendrix and the 13th Floor Elevators because it abso-fucking-lutely was not

      • Nolan Replies:

        At least they weren’t using the fucking fraud abomination called AUTOTUNE in the ’60’s. They had to actually fucking SING and PLAY INSTRUMENTS. Might take a few lessons and try that, instead of letting some bullshit punk with a software program make music for you. Try getting some TALENT before popping off with canned ignorance.

        — ND

  85. You’re literally cancer.

  86. What a shitty, nonsensical article.


  87. You’re fucking retarded, OP. If you’re incapable of finding good new music, that’s your problem. I’m gonna go listen to some Nujabes while you and the retards who actually think you’re right bitch and whine about shit you don’t even understand.

  88. This is the most bullshit I’ve ever read. You’ve actually gone out of your way to make an article on your supposedly superior tastes in music.

  89. Oldmanyellsatcloud.jpg

  90. We live in literally the greatest era for music as a consumer and all you can talk about is music you don’t like? What a sad way to view music. No one is forcing you to listen to the music you don’t like. And there is plenty of good music out there that fits your asinine criteria for “real music”. Stop being lazy and find it.

    • You are wrong. I am forced to endure intrusive dumb vulgar rap, hip hop, urban diva RnB drivel crap every bloody time I visit a restaurant, eatery, pub, coffee bar, clothes shop, bus and train journey’s spoiled by selfish arseholes listening to this racket on loud headphones oblivious to the rest of the world. Inconsiderate neighbours who play this shit all-day. Now even financial institutions like bank’s are at it queuing to pay in a check while some putrid diva bitch wails away in the background. Every passing vehicle has this vile odious noise emanating from it being played at ear-splitting levels. Let’s not forget the television and radio where this soul destroying garbage is now virtually inescapable. A man can’t even take a leak these days without hearing Rihanna or Beyonce in the cubicle with him. This mental pollution is everywhere and has no sign of abating.

  91. This article was true then and it’s even more true now. I’m 35 ( or at least I was 3 years ago) and I can’t ducking stand hat EDM horse shit. That noise makes me want to murder people. It’s fucking tortoure

  92. I hope your family dies in front of you and your children endlessly tortured slowly until they die of pain

  93. I concur very much, Nolan! I can’t believe how popular this rap “music” (if it can even be called that) that these chimps produce is in our country! I weep for what these criminals are doing to our youth.

  94. Too offensive, making yourself as a dumbass even you are not.
    Try Japanese music, I do agree with you that modern American music like rap or hip hop are garbage.

  95. I found this article after googling the question “why do people who listen to rap think everyone else in the world needs to hear it too?”

    Surprisingly little on point came back. Not that I was expecting to find an answer to the question; I just hoped to find a discussion that I assumed would have huge numbers of replies.

    Anyway, after reading the OP’s rant (I don’t use the term perjoratively) and most of the replies I began to wonder if the whole point of his extremely obvious trolling was to demonstrate that the people who listen to the… stuff he derides are pretty much a bunch of morons.

    Oh, a few made the predictable “I agree but not all of it is crap, what about artists X, Y and Z…” posts. But most just did exactly what he knew they would:

    Insult him

    Point out that people’s taste in “music” is subjective

    Provide lists of artists they thought produced stuff that deserved to be called music

    Ridicule the previous poster’s list of quality bands

    And point out that older generations always thought younger generations’ art was crap. Since YOUR father thought YOUR music was crap, anything your SON listens to must be as worthy to be called music as what YOU listened to.

    On one hand, I agree with some of his opinion. For instance, a few years ago during the furor over ‘piss christ’ and government subsidies for artists (and ‘artists’), I developed the identical minimal qualification for something to be called art in my opinion: It must require talent to produce. In this case, musical talent. Not talent for using a sampling program, or talent for programming a drum machine or or a computer.

    Having said that, I really couldn’t care less what a bunch of kids who were allowed to graduate middle school without being able to spell at a fourth grade level deem worthy to listen to, except that society will be required to pay for hearing aids for them all when they reach forty or so. You go right ahead believing that you’re being intellectually stimulated listening to ‘your music.’ No problem.

    What I object to is HAVING TO LISTEN TO IT AS WELL.

    Nobody has a clue what I listen to in my home or my car that doesn’t know me because I turn it up loud enough that I CAN HEAR IT! I don’t even use headphones. As much as I think everyone would benefit by listening to the last movement of Tschaikovsky’s fourth, I realize that very few people around me share my musical tastes. If I turned it up as loud as my neighbors turn up their… stuff I would literally be sickened by the acoustical pressure as well as embarrassment for subjecting the entire neighborhood to my will.

    As far as I’m concerned, cops should be enforcing the noise ordinances we already have on the books, and the punishment for convictions should be similar to the OP’s description of the treatment given enemy combatants, only the violator should be forced to listen to a variety of music like classical, country, mantovani and whatever else the judge deems would be likely to make the offender miserable. Forcing the kind of arrogant jerk that listens to their car stereo (what the hell am I saying? they aren’t listening to it, they’re just using it as a way to flip off everyone around them) at ludicrously high volume to listen to rap or that screaming grunge stuff wouldn’t be punishment at all. They already do it by choice.

    To end in the OP’s style, listen to whatever the hell you want, just turn it WAY the fuck down. Maybe when you’re 60 you might want to have the ability to hear it.

    • I wave a problem with this part.” It must require talent to produce. In this case, musical talent. Not talent for using a sampling program, or talent for programming a drum machine or or a computer.” Did you know that some of the most prominent composers music were once seen as absurd and obnoxious? You probably didn’t my point is that artist like Xilent,Virtual Riot,Deadmau5,Seeamlessr show people like you that its not just pressing a button and pop goes a song. Watch all of Seamlessr’s track from scratch and I bet it will open up your eyes to what it really takes to produce electronic music.

      • As you can see, my comment is a little off point for this anti-new music rant. I said I agree with SOME of his points. As a kid I was very into Walter/Wendy Carlos, Tomita and the like. Classical music performed on electronic instruments. I even dabbled a bit with transcribing music into early personal computer synthesizer programs. I can play some brass instruments a bit, but I never could play keyboards, so I was cheating by putting 2- and 3- part inventions into my computer. Was it art? Like a 1st grader’s crayon art you put on the fridge, yeah. But it wasn’t even really my own work, it was Bach’s art, I was just aping a keyboardist performing it.

        As I said, I hear bits of rap, grunge or Mexican folk music all the time because other people are forcing it on me by playing it waaaaaaaaay too loud, most likely for the intentional or perhaps unconscious reason that they love to flip everyone around them off. If someone wants to define vulgar rhymes pretty much all saying the same thing set to automatic ‘beats’ as music, fine. To me it’s the same as saying dipping an animal’s feet in paint and letting them walk on a canvas is art. Or putting a crucifix in a jar of urine is art. None of these things requires artistic talent in my opinion. Tangerine Dream absolutely does.

        I didn’t post to agree that all current music is crap, only that an awful lot of it sounds like purposely offensive crap to a large segment of the population, including me. As I and others have pointed out, the different generations always think the other generation’s music is crap; that’s a given. The newer generation has to like stuff that the older generation doesn’t just to establish their independence from the older generation. Having said that, just because the older generation doesn’t like your music, does that prove that your music ISN’T crap?

        Do a thought experiment. Can you imagine ANY collection of sounds arranged in such a way that the general consensus would be that the collection of sounds does not qualify for the term ‘music?’

        If not, you are entitled to say rap or Nickelback screaming unintelligbly in your ear is music. (Just cheap shot examples; don’t bother to say so-and-so rap artist is really great, I get it.)

        If you believe that there could exist some arrangement of sounds that is so heinously dissonant and offensive to a reasonable person’s ear that it can’t realistically be classified as music, then you admit the possibility that some of what comes blasting out at you from the car approaching you 2 blocks away shouldn’t be called music, just as if I scribbled randomly with a black crayon on a piece of paper does not deserve the term ‘art.’

        And really, you all have to understand that the OP has actually heard what opinions are like; everybody has them. I really doubt that he believes every piece of music produced electronically is garbage. Personally I could do without the vast majority of opera myself. Just the overture for me, please. But I don’t see any rational person claiming that opera isn’t music; only that it’s a form of music they don’t care for. I don’t think the same can be said for a lot of the ‘music’ the OP is decrying.

  96. The writer of this article is an ignorant moron who thinks he knows much more about contemporary music than he does. I’m 43 now and been listening to electronic music since I was 19, so let me set you straight.

    You site Luciano Pavoratti as an example of why today’s music sucks? Kiss my ass! Anyone in touch with the 21st century is not going to find a whole hell of a lot to connect with opera. It’s a dead art form usually listened to by yuppies and other obnoxious smug types. You say machine made music sucks. Have you ever listened to one of its pioneers: Kraftwerk? How about some of the avante-garde electronic music? Do you even know what real techno is? I’m not talking about today’s shitty EDM or pop, I’m talking about real electronic music that’s still going strong 30 years on.

    Most importantly, real music doesn’t require any of the shit you mentioned above. There doesn’t need to be any rules to music you stiff conservative cvnt! Get off your imaginary high horse.

    • Frankie Knuckles of Chicago house or just House I love your reply to this post

  97. Real Music is no different than Real Art, its on the same level as spoken word. What are you saying? is what matters.

    The author of this page is just straight up disgruntled and sad.

    Beauty > Art

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